video cameras, movie set

How to Start a Video Production Company

How To Start a Video Production Company

If you have an artistic eye, many career paths may appeal to you. Video production offers the opportunity to create high-quality content while capturing life’s most important moments. Read on for a step-by-step guide that’ll show you how to start a video production company, attract steady clients, and earn a living. Starting a video production company is a great way to dive into a field that can be just as lucrative as it is creative. Before you can start raking in profits, though, you need to understand exactly what this kind of business entails. In addition to stellar videography and editing abilities, you need to possess the following qualities:

  • Strong communication skills
  • Great customer service
  • A knack for marketing
  • An entrepreneurial spirit
  • Leadership abilities

These skills are an essential component of any successful business, and they’re especially important when you’re establishing a career in a creative field. You must stand apart from other videographers, connect with potential clients, and create content that wins repeat customers.

Narrow Down Your Company’s Focus

Once you’re confident that you possess the skills you need and want to know how to start a video production company, narrow down your company’s specific focus.

For example, if you have a passion for capturing weddings, this is a great field where you can build a niche clientele. Or perhaps you want to work in commercial videography. This can be just as rewarding as personal video production and offer promising opportunities.

Other types of video production that you may consider include:

  • Documentary making
  • Curriculum materials
  • Informational videos
  • Advertisements
  • Education and training

To decide which field is the best match for your skills, think about what interests you the most — working with companies on major ad campaigns, or working with individual clients on smaller projects? The answer will reveal the best direction for your company.

Obtain the Right Equipment

If you’re wondering how to start a video production company, you probably already know that talent and skill aren’t the only prerequisites. You also need to ensure you have the right equipment for the job — in this case, a high-quality, professional video camera. When shopping for this equipment, look at features such as its viewfinder, size, and overall usability.

Remember, too, that you are aiming to launch a full-service video production company, so you will do more than just offer clients raw footage. You’ll also be reviewing, revising, and editing your footage. This means you’ll need video editing software in addition to any other camera accessories, such as lenses and tripods.

Also, keep in mind any lighting equipment required to improve the production value of your videos. Some pieces are cost-effective and straightforward to operate, like a ring light. Others, like an LED panel, are pricier but offer higher quality, portability, and battery-powered operation.

Start Spreading the Word About Your Services

According to statistics, word-of-mouth marketing is responsible for $6 trillion in revenue every year worldwide. Word-of-mouth is crucial when marketing a creative business enterprise such as a video production company.

You may understand how to start a video production company, but if you don’t know how to network and connect with clients, you will limit your success. Start your marketing campaign organically by talking to your family and friends about your new venture. Encourage them to tell their family and friends to spread the word about your services quickly.

Launch a Social Media Marketing Campaign

Although word-of-mouth is undoubtedly powerful, it likely won’t be enough to sustain your new videography business. An essential part of how to start a video production company is understanding how to implement a plan for sustainable growth.

Launching a social media marketing campaign is one of the easiest ways to do this. Leverage platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest to show off your work, connect with prospective clients, and reach a wider audience. Some things you can do to boost your social media marketing include:

  • Stick to a regular posting schedule
  • Encourage engagement with deals and discounts
  • Solicit interaction from followers

The more significant your following is on social media, the more clients you’ll be able to attract. Remember that social media should give prospective customers a glimpse of your work and offer insight into your strengths as a videographer.

Decide on Fair Prices for Your Services

It’s unfortunately true that many creative professionals are susceptible to underselling their services — and undercharging, too. This can be due to a lack of confidence or a saturated market, but regardless of the reason, you must take steps to avoid this pitfall at all costs. Setting fair prices is one of the most critical steps in learning how to start a video production company.

Remember to factor in expenses such as travel time, gas mileage, and equipment costs when deciding on your rates. Other factors that may impact your pricing include:

  • How much experience you have
  • The quality of the finished product
  • How much time a shoot takes
  • The level of editing you offer

Your prices signal to prospective customers the level of quality that they can expect. When you charge too little, clients are likely to doubt your skill. It’s a good idea to review the rates of other video producers in your area to establish a baseline. 

Similarly, you should ask prospective clients what their budget is to get an idea of how much clients may be willing to spend — the answers may surprise you!

How To Start a Video Production Company and Thrive

Many people assume that they know how to start a video production company, only to quickly find that it’s more complex than they anticipated. However, you can avoid this outcome by thoroughly preparing for your new business venture before diving in.

Do this by researching your competitors, obtaining the right camera equipment, and setting fair prices for services. If you’d rather enlist help from an established production company — or if you want to collaborate on a project — reach out to Eraser Farm. We are seasoned media industry professionals who can guide you along the way.