Are you trying to up your brand engagement? Customer retention relies heavily on brand engagement, and if you’re not working on maintaining that, you might be seriously missing out. Check out Our Work to see some great examples.

There are plenty of strategies that you can use to successfully increase your brand engagement, but taking a few tips from previous successes is a great way to formulate your own.

Combining different brand strategy examples, using one at a time, or even just picking and choosing different parts of each one to make something that works for your specific brand can all be great methods of creating a custom brand strategy.

If you want to learn about a few successful brand strategies that you can pull ideas from, keep reading!

1. Dennys’ Social Media Absurdity

This might be a strange one, but while social media has been a hot topic for all brand engagement experts, America’s diner did it in a way that left some people bewildered and confused.

Dennys’ Twitter and Tumblr (the latter is less popular now) accounts are downright whacky.

While all brands have their own methods of navigating social media, very few of them touch on the core of a late millennial and Gen Z audience. These things that are tweeted are sharable because they’re so strange and appeal to the absurdist humor present in this age group.

These posts get shared because they’re amusing, not because they’re selling something. The audience wants to engage with the brand in hopes that their jokes get reposted.

It takes a special creative marketer to do this work. It can’t try too hard, or it won’t be successful. Touching on this specific type of internet humor can be a great leg up if other people in your niche aren’t doing it.

2. Coca Cola’s “Share A Coke” Campaign

Have you ever found a bottle of Coke with your name printed on the side and gotten a little bit excited? You wanted to buy it, right? Maybe you saw one with “mom” or “dad” or the name of your best friend and picked it up to give to them.

That’s by design.

This is a great way to make your customer base feel seen and give them something that they can engage and have fun with.

Coca Cola gave their customers a tangible object that they could purchase and then share with social media. The technique is sales-y, clearly, but in a way that still gave customers something that they wanted.

How can you provide a personalized good or service to your customers that would be sharable and fun?

3. Taco Bell’s Millennial Engagement Through Transparency

Taco Bell knows what it is. Similar to Dennys, it isn’t fancy. It knows that it’s cheap, typically “drunk food”, and about as far away from the “real thing” as you can get while still being in the same general flavor profile.

They’ve done everything right as a brand, though, from their funny and sharable sauce packets to their fun social media presence and even some “real life” events.

Taco Bell doesn’t pretend to be anything it’s not, and in a social media age, that’s important. Young audiences value transparency and are quick to turn on a company that is clearly doing phony work.

Advocating for a social cause that clearly goes against the actions of your brand? Don’t try it. Pretending to be all about health and wellness while not selling a single healthy menu item? It won’t get past the millennial or Gen Z eye.

They’ve allowed the “cheap” to become cool with everything from Taco Bell parties to Taco Bell weddings. They reach out to influencers who follow their general brand ethos (authentic, affordable, low-maintenance) to widen their scope.

Taco Bell’s consumers know they’re being sold to. The Bell doesn’t try to hide it through phony marketing or niceties. They put themselves out there on all of their social platforms and have reaped the benefits.

4. Bringing Art to the People with KFB Law

Law firms can be a hard sell to the average person. You don’t really notice them until you really need one, so making them stand out from the crowd is crucial.

How can you make that happen and engage an otherwise uninterested crowd?

Well, law isn’t especially exciting (unless you’re a lawyer), but art and design are incredibly engaging, especially for a younger crowd.

Making large and unavoidable art displays that show what the brand’s intentions are is a great way of grabbing consumer attention, but hosting a gallery of local art is a great way to actually engage the local audience. Even better, the gallery benefits the Make a Wish Foundation rather than the company itself.

This shows a brand’s concern with the local community (something that’s important for a law firm) and also gives consumers something to do (via creating) and something to share (when they visit the gallery and take photos).

This gets the community involved in the service and alerts them to the existence of your brand!

5. More Broad: Sharing User-Generated Content

This is a strategy used by plenty of younger brands, and it’s one that you should also employ. There’s no one right way to do it, and it’s impossible to pick one specific brand that’s doing it the best.

Your audience is already using your product. If they’re posting about you and tagging or hashtagging you, don’t you want the world to know how much they appreciate your work?

Sharing their content does two things.

  1. It’s free advertising
  2. It shows other people that “real people” love what you do. It’s authentic (remember what we said about authenticity?)

Many brands choose to share this content to their stories; some choose to share it to their feeds. It all depends on the personal aesthetics of the social media pages. Doing this helps your brand and gives exposure to the pages of the peoples sharing.

This has been successful for brands that span across all industries. From tattooers to clothing companies to restaurants, this works.

Do These Brand Strategy Examples Appeal to You?

Finding a strategy that works for your specific brand can be difficult. You don’t necessarily want to mimic what someone else is doing, but looking to brand strategy examples from other successful companies can be useful.

Brand engagement is critical to the success of a business, but it can be tough getting customers to interact with your work.

If you’re looking for brand strategy tips, or for a whole brand strategy overhaul, contact us. We want to work with you on a campaign that’s right for your customer base.