McDonald’s golden arches. Nike’s checkmark. Apple’s… apple. Today, brands are increasingly recognizable by their standout, eye-catching logos. Companies that neglect essential logo design basics, however, will fail to create a logo that breaks out from the crowd. When you do stand out, you can attract new business and build your business. A consistent brand that starts with a memorable logo can increase revenue by up to 23%. Want to develop a great image for your business! Start with your logo.

Here are the ten tips you need to create a logo that stands out from the rest successfully.

1. Add More Meaning

Too many logos fall into the quicksand trap of choosing dull, overused images. If you want to stand out, consider using the visual double entendre technique. This design technique takes two or more recognizable images and combines them for an eye-catching effect. What images connect back to your business? Consider what images people already associate with your brand. Then, determine how you can connect the two. This technique can add a fun, clever element to your brand. Instead of using imagery thousands of other companies have in the past, you can make sure your brand remains distinct. Careful not to get too clever, though. If your customers can’t recognize the images you’re using, they won’t remember you.

2. Consider Your Colors

A signature color can improve your company’s brand recognition by up to 80%. As you add these logo design basics to your brand, consider your color choices. Check out this color psychology map as you select your shades. What emotions do you want people to experience when they look at your brand? The right combination of colors can add another layer of meaning to your logo.

There are also different color palette combinations to choose from. A few include:

  • Analogous – three colors side by side on the color wheel (green, yellow-green, yellow)
  • Complementary – two colors opposite from one another on the color wheel (red and green)
  • Triad – colors evenly spaced out on the color wheel (green, orange, purple)

Finding the right color combination creates an effect that’s pleasing to the eye. As you develop your logo, try different color palettes to see what best suits your brand.

3. Avoid Design Clichés

Using design cliches won’t help you stand out from the competition. When potential customers see the same images over and over, their eyes glaze over. Remember, you’re trying to attract people to your business. What makes you different from the competition?

A few cliches include:

  • The overhead arch
  • Overlapping letters
  • Using Helvetica, Papyrus, or Comic Sans
  • Random colored dots
  • The chat bubble

Instead of falling into the crowd with clichés, consider these 10 top brand marketing trends to amplify your reach and attract new business!

4. Consider Going Custom

There are more font typefaces out there than Helvetica and Papyrus. If none of the already-made options speak to you, consider creating a custom font. A custom-made font can give your logo a unique feel. You can also work with a designer to make sure your typeface captures your brand’s personality. With a custom font, you’re standing out while staying true to your company’s brand.

5. Don’t Neglect Simplicity

While you want to stand out from the crowd with unique imagery, it’s important you don’t overdo it. Sometimes, a little simplicity can go a long way. Don’t overcomplicate your logo with crazy script fonts of dizzying double entendre designs no one understands. Instead, focus on your brand. How can you illustrate your company’s personality? Work to capture the heart of your company in a classic logo. Then you can expand on it for a design that makes an impact.

6. Recognition Is Key

Instead of following the pack by using design clichés, consider imagery that will make you immediately recognizable. Think about the Evernote logo. They use an elephant head within their imagery. However, it’s the folded ear (like the page of a notebook) and curled trunk that helps them stand out. As you develop a classic logo, start with a basic idea. Then expand on it. What can you do to turn your logo design into something unique?

7. The Beauty of Symmetry

Symmetry is pleasing to the eye. If your logo starts to look complicated, take a step back. Prioritize proportion and symmetry within the design. Symmetry will ensure your logo is balanced and consistent. Otherwise, it could end up looking complicated and chaotic.

8. Know Your Negatives

Using negative space is another way to add extra meaning to your logo. Consider the FedEx logo. Hidden between the second “e” and “x” is a small arrow. This imagery adds movement and extra meaning to the shipping company’s logo. If it works within your company or blog logo design, try utilizing negative space. In addition to adding meaning to your design, it will also help demonstrate your company’s wit and creativity.

9. Add Action

Movement (such as the Twitter bird in flight or Puma’s pouncing wildcat) can give your logo energy. Instead of taking a passive approach, add movement, and activity in your design. For example, you can point your imagery upward, so it looks like it’s moving. This will communicate a sense of motion, activity, and liveliness (instead of leaving your logo looking sleepy).

10. Know Your Brand

Above all else, know your brand. Your company has it’s own story and history. Try to distill that story within your logo design.For example, the Apple logo has a “byte” missing from the apple. The World Wide Fund for Nature panda was inspired by a panda at the London Zoo, Choosing imagery that tells a story will spark intrigue and help people recognize your brand from the rest.

Design It Right: 10 Logo Design Basics You Need to Stand Out

Design it right and stand out from the crowd! With these 10 logo design basics, you can connect with customers through an eye-catching brand. Otherwise, you’re fading into the crowd and potentially losing customers.

Ready to stand out from the crowd? Let’s work together! Contact us today to get started with your next logo project.