How to Create a Brand Story Video

On YouTube alone, users upload a staggering 5 billion videos a day. 

With that many videos on various online platforms, creating high-quality content for your video marketing strategy is essential, so your ideal customers can find you. 

Additionally, you should build a brand for your company or small business to really connect with customers. Instead of just a business, a brand allows you to build relationships with potential customers and retain them as loyal buyers. 

And one of the best ways to build brand awareness is by creating a brand story video. Without further ado, let’s dive into how to create a brand story video that will connect with your target audience! 

create a brand story video

Determine Your Video’s Purpose

Before making video content, you must identify the purpose or the ‘why.’ 

Your ‘why’ is the common ground you share with your clients; your desire to fix a problem drives your ‘why.’ 

Clearly define your goals for the video before you strategize the content. This ensures your video meets the mark. Plus, your production company will need to make fewer edits after filming. 

Identify What Hooks Your Audience

When creating a video strategy for your brand video, you should always begin with a fantastic hook to grab the audience’s attention. Without it, no one will watch past the first few seconds of the video, even if you’re telling a good story. 

Building an initial emotional connection is the perfect way to start a compelling brand story. 

Yet, to craft a hook that works, you need to know your target customer inside and out, including their pain points and desires. Then, you can be intentional about the message you’re sending to them. 

Don’t forget to include subtle brand elements in the hook, as well, for maximum effect. 

Make a Plan for Your Video

At this point, you must also decide what type of video you want to make and the information you’ll share. Some examples of video content include: 

  • Behind-the-scenes (BTS) videos 
  • Case studies 
  • Company culture videos 
  • Explainer videos 
  • Interviews 
  • Meet the team or employee spotlight videos 
  • Mini documentaries 
  • Origin story videos 
  • Product demos 
  • Q&As 
  • Testimonials 
  • Tutorials 

If you’re unsure what type of video to make, look at your general marketing plan for guidance. It can help to see your overarching marketing goals to identify which video will fit best into your strategy. 

Also, it would be best if you started coming up with the concept of the video and the elements you want to include. For example, which employees will be in the video? Will you need voiceover or animation elements? What’s your budget? 

Now is the time to nail down all the details. 

write a brand story video

Show Your Brand’s Story in a Relatable Way

You’ve probably heard it a million times, but video storytelling focuses on the ‘show-don’t-tell’ concept. Show customers your brand values so they can see what sets you apart from the competition. 

Simultaneously, you should do this in a relatable way. Your customers want to feel seen and heard. Don’t let the video be solely about the company. 

Spotlight the viewers. Tell them what you’re doing as a business owner to solve their problems. The more your video resonates with customers, the more successful it will be. 

Incorporate Your Brand’s Visuals and Sound

To drive home your brand message, use all aspects of video content, such as editing, music, and visuals. You likely already have brand colors, so definitely integrate them into the video, too. 

Whatever visuals customers connect with your brand, you want them in the video to lay the foundation of your story. 

Be Creative and Unique

Often the most overlooked tip regarding how to make a brand storytelling video is to think outside the box. There are no rules for content creation, so you can be as imaginative as you want. 

When you tell your brand’s story, break free of all previous preconceptions. Go big and push the envelope! Forget video templates and come up with something uniquely different. 

As long as you stay true to your brand, be bold with the videos you create. It will help you stand out. 

Include an Effective Call to Action

Every great brand story ends with a call to action (CTA). Your viewers must know what the next step is after the video ends. 

Typically, you use a soft CTA rather than a hard sell for a brand video. The takeaway won’t be to “Buy Now!” as you don’t want to come off too strong. 

Instead, you want the viewer to search for more information about your company and how to do business with you. Remember, the brand video is often part of the beginning of the journey. The viewer is at the early stages of the sales funnel. 

So gently guide them in the right direction, using action language that empowers your audience to make the next move. 

Share Your Brand Story Video Online

Social media is an incredibly powerful tool, especially if you know how to use it to your advantage. Even if you don’t create a video specifically for social media, you can still post it on your channels. 

This allows you to access more people with one video, thus maximizing its return on investment (ROI). When posting on social media, use the metrics and analytics features to see the best time to post. Also, include a creative caption and some hashtags. Following this video production guide can also give you more ideas for sharing your video. 

If you’re making a video specifically for social media, decide ahead of time which platforms you want to use. This will help you determine which video format is best. 

Get Help Creating an Engaging Brand Story Video

Creating a brand video that has a broad reach and brings customers to your doorstep is possible when you follow our advice. 

But if you still have questions about how to create a brand story video, let’s have a chat! Our team of creatives has the skills and expertise to make amazing videos for your business. 

In addition to marketing videos, we also make other types of content. So let’s discuss your marketing goals and create an action plan together that will drive memorable messaging and brand enthusiasts.