
Do Traditional Ads Still Work? Advantages and Disadvantages of Traditional Advertising

In an era where digital marketing seems to dominate, do traditional ads still work?

The landscape of advertising has transformed dramatically with the rise of social media and search engines. Yet, amidst this digital revolution, traditional advertising methods like TV commercials, print ads, and billboards continue to persist.

But are they still effective? According to an article from Harvard Business Review in 2022, traditional marketing is on the rise.

What Is Considered Traditional Marketing?

Traditional marketing has been around for decades, and despite the rise of digital, it's still going strong. Any advertising you saw that didn't require internet connectivity, a phone, or a laptop constitutes traditional marketing. Traditional marketing includes things like:

  • Paper or digital billboards
  • TV and radio ads
  • Print ads in newspapers and magazines
  • Direct mail
  • Promotional events
  • Good old-fashioned cold calling or door-to-door sales

Basically, if it doesn't involve the Internet, it falls under the traditional marketing umbrella.

What is Considered Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing, on the other hand, includes things like social media ads, email campaigns, and search engine optimization.

Another key difference is the level of interaction and engagement. With digital marketing campaigns, businesses can have two-way conversations with their customers through things like social media comments and live chat. Traditional marketing is more of a one-way street - businesses put out their message, but there's not as much opportunity for direct interaction with consumers.

Importance of Traditional Marketing

So why does traditional marketing still matter in the digital age? Well, for starters, it's a tried-and-true method with substantial audience reach that has been proven to work.

Traditional advertising is still the preferred method for many businesses because it has a high success rate. Plus, traditional marketing can reach people who might not spend much time online.

This may sound surprising, but not everyone is glued to their phone 24/7. Some folks still prefer to get their information from more traditional sources like TV, radio, and print media. Harvard Business Review reported an increase in traditional advertising spending, predicting an overall 11.7% increase in traditional advertising from 2022 to 2023. 

By using a mix of traditional and digital marketing strategies, businesses can cover all their bases and reach the widest possible audience.

Digital Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing Methods: Which Approach is Better?

The truth is, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. In today's world, businesses need some level of digital presence, even if it's just a basic website.

However, traditional marketing methods are still valuable. The key is to find the marketing mix of digital and traditional strategies that work for your unique business needs.

Advantages of Traditional Marketing

While digital marketing might be all the rage these days, there are still plenty of advantages to good old-fashioned traditional marketing.

Strong Reach

One of the most significant benefits of traditional marketing is its ability to reach local audiences. Traditional marketing is beneficial if you want to establish or develop a business with the assistance of a larger local audience.

Flyers, billboards, and ads in local newspapers or TV stations can be incredibly effective for targeting people in a specific geographic area or target market. This is especially true for small businesses that rely on foot traffic and word-of-mouth referrals from the local community.

Higher Credibility

Another advantage of traditional marketing is the credibility factor. Because traditional advertising methods have been around for so long, they tend to be viewed as more trustworthy and reliable than some newer digital tactics.

Traditional advertising is a familiar method, especially for older generations, for whom it may be the primary form of exposure. When people see an ad in a magazine or on TV, they know exactly what it is and may be more likely to take it seriously. There's no confusion or skepticism about whether it's a legitimate ad or some kind of scam.

Brand Recognition, Tangibility, and Accessibility

Traditional marketing has the advantage of being easy to understand and digest for a wide range of audiences. Many reports and surveys prove that people over 50 watch TV and read newspapers twice as much as younger generations.

For these audiences, traditional marketing methods are comfortably familiar and don't require any special knowledge or tech savvy to engage with. The straightforward, no-nonsense approach of most traditional advertising can be refreshingly simple compared to the flashy, fast-paced world of digital and social media channels.

Impactful Storytelling

Traditional radio and TV advertisements have a strong emotional impact.

Simple Ad Structure

Depending on the form, certain traditional media formats have streamlined advertising that gives greater visibility.

Integrated Traditional and Digital Marketing Strategy

Traditional marketing strategies can be complementary when integrated with digital marketing approaches.

Disadvantages of Traditional Marketing

While traditional marketing has existed forever, using traditional marketing materials and methods can present some challenges.

Higher Costs

The most obvious downside of traditional advertising is the budget required–it's typically expensive.

Think about it: a single 30-second TV ad during prime time can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. And that's just for one ad.

Print ads in major publications aren't much cheaper. A full-page ad in a national magazine can easily set you back tens of thousands of dollars. These costs are simply out of reach for many businesses, especially startups and small companies. Digital marketing methods like social media and email are far more cost effective in comparison.

Less Measurable ROI Tracking

Another big issue with traditional marketing is that measuring your ROI is more complicated. With digital marketing, you can track every click, view, and conversion. You know precisely how many people saw your ad, engaged with it, and took the desired action. However, with a TV commercial or print ad, it's harder to know whether it had any impact on their purchasing behavior.

Sure, you might see a bump in sales after running an ad. But can you directly attribute that to your marketing efforts? Or was it due to other factors like seasonality or a competitor going out of business? Without clear data, it's tough to justify the high costs of traditional advertising or prove that it's delivering results.

Less Targeted Approach

Traditional marketing also tends to take a broad, shotgun approach rather than targeting a specific audience. When you run a TV ad, for example, you're reaching everyone who happens to be watching that channel at that time, regardless of whether or not they're your ideal customer.

The same goes for print ads, radio spots, and most other forms of traditional advertising. You're casting a wide net and hoping that some of the right people will see it.

Digital marketing, on the other hand, lets you get laser-focused with your targeting. You can reach people based on their demographics, interests, online behavior, and more. So, instead of wasting money showing your ad to people who will never buy from you, you can focus on reaching those most likely to convert.

Creating a Comprehensive Marketing Plan

The most effective marketing strategies combine the best of both worlds - the broad reach of traditional advertising with the targeting and tracking abilities of digital marketing technologies.

By integrating both methods, you can reach a wider audience and create multiple touchpoints with potential customers.

For example, you might run a TV ad that directs people to your website or social media pages. Or you might include a QR code in a print ad that people can scan to get a discount code. This allows you to track the effectiveness of your traditional advertising and drive people to your digital channels, where you can engage with them further.

You can also use your digital marketing efforts to test and refine your traditional campaigns. Run a small digital ad campaign first to see what messaging and visuals resonate best, then use those insights to inform your larger traditional marketing efforts.

To create a comprehensive plan:

  1. Start by defining your goals and target audience.
  2. Determine which marketing channels, both traditional and digital, are most likely to reach them.
  3. Create a budget and allocate funds to each channel based on its expected ROI.
  4. Make sure to include a mix of both traditional and digital tactics.
  5. Monitor campaign performance. Use data from your digital efforts to continually optimize and improve your strategy.
  6. Adjust your plan as needed. The beauty of digital marketing is that it allows for real-time tweaks and changes based on what's working and what's not.

Combining traditional and digital marketing strategies allows you to create a powerful, integrated approach that reaches your audience at every stage of the buyer's journey.

Launch Your Integrated Marketing Strategy Today

So–do traditional ads still work? Absolutely! They bring balance by offering what sometimes feels missing in today’s fast-paced digital advertising frenzy: a touch of tangibility amidst the virtual world.

The team at EraserFarm is well-versed in creating ideas and activations that work across platforms and inspire emotional resonance at every touchpoint. Advertising and communications are what we do, and we do them in a very un-advertising way to connect with consumers on an emotional level. 

Contact us today. We'd love to help you leverage both domains wisely for a winning integrated marketing campaign strategy.

content marketing and storytelling

The Power of Content Marketing and Storytelling to Pull in Your Audience

Think about your favorite advertising campaign. Did it bombard you with facts and figures, or did it tell a story that made you feel something? Stories have the power to stick with us long after we've forgotten dry data. That's why storytelling is the secret weapon of successful content marketing.

The Science Behind Storytelling in Content Marketing

What is it about narratives that ensnare our attention far more effectively than mere collections of data? The answer lies deep within our brains. People remember stories up to 22 times more than facts alone, a statistic that turns heads in the marketing world.

How Stories Stick in Our Minds

Narratives captivate our feelings and perceptions, deeply embedding themselves in our memory. This is because storytelling activates more regions of the brain than language alone. When we hear or read a story, not only are the language processing parts of our brain activated, but so are those areas responsible for experiencing sensations and emotions. This multi-sensory engagement helps cement stories in our memory far better than facts could ever hope to.

A compelling narrative can transport us into another person's shoes or even into new worlds, triggering real emotional responses as if we were living through the events ourselves. It's this immersive experience that makes storytelling key for the most successful marketing campaigns.

Brain Activation Through Narrative

The neurological impact of storytelling on audiences is profound because it taps into human nature's intrinsic love for good tales. By weaving key information into narratives, marketers can foster stronger connections with their target audience—driving engagement and ultimately influencing decision-making processes without overt persuasion tactics.

Incorporating techniques from Coca-Cola's brand journalism strategy, brands can craft messages that resonate deeply with consumers' values and aspirations, cultivating brand loyalty while still delivering essential product or service details—a balancing act between art and science enabled by understanding how narratives light up various parts of the brain differently compared to straightforward data delivery.

Infusing Brand Values into Stories

Every brand has a story, but the most powerful ones don't just entertain – they reflect the brand's core values. Your audience craves authenticity, and your storytelling is where it shines. This authenticity is so vital that 41% of marketers prioritize storytelling precisely because of its power to connect on a deeper level.

Think of brands like Coca-Cola, masters of storytelling who turn everyday moments into something magical, always with their core values at the forefront.

How do you achieve this for your brand?

  • What are the values that drive your company? What change do you want to see in the world?
  • Infuse these values into every piece of content – from blog posts to social media captions. Make every word build a stronger connection with your audience.

When customers feel they share your values, they become more than just customers – they become passionate advocates for your brand. Masterful storytelling elevates your content marketing from just grabbing attention to building lasting, emotionally-fueled loyalty.

Visual Storytelling's Magnetic Pull

Visual storytelling stands as a powerful force in content marketing. With 65% of people being visual learners, narratives enriched with visuals can evoke stronger emotions and forge lasting memories more effectively than text alone. Whether through social media or traditional marketing channels, visuals enhance storytelling, capturing and retaining audience attention.

Actionable tips for storytelling:

  • Focus on 'why': Why does your brand exist? What problems do you solve for your audience?
  • Highlight customer stories: Share relatable success stories demonstrating your impact.
  • Use sensory language: Use vivid descriptions to transport and engage readers.

Success Stories That Inspire Action

Stories do more than engage—they inspire action. Highlighting your brand's tangible impact on real lives builds trust and loyalty, a testament to storytelling's power. With 41% of marketers sharpening their storytelling skills, the emphasis on crafting narratives that lead to action is undeniable.

Consider these strategies to enhance your storytelling:

  • Humanize Your Narratives: Focus on the human aspect of your success stories. Highlight the individuals or communities your brand has touched, making the narrative relatable and emotionally resonant.
  • Detail the Journey: Don't just showcase the end result. Illustrate the journey, including the challenges and setbacks, to underscore the transformative impact of your brand. This journey adds depth and authenticity to your stories.
  • Incorporate Multimedia Elements: Leverage videos, images, and audio clips to bring your stories to life. Multimedia elements can enhance emotional engagement and help your audience visualize success.
  • Interactive Storytelling: Create interactive content, such as quizzes or branching scenarios, where users can choose their own paths. This approach can make your success stories even more engaging and personalized.
  • Encourage User-Generated Content: Invite your customers to share their own stories of how your brand has impacted their lives. This not only adds credibility but also diversifies the narratives associated with your brand.
  • Highlight Actionable Takeaways: Ensure that each story provides clear, actionable insights for your audience. Whether it's encouraging them to make a change, try a new product, or join a community effort, make the call to action clear and compelling.

EraserFarm: The Experts on Content Marketing

A good story makes messages stick because they speak to us on a human level. Crafting your brand's narrative isn't just smart; it's crucial for connecting with your audience deeply and fostering loyalty.

Above all, leading brands show us that embracing storytelling in content marketing can set you apart in a crowded market. Allow the triumphs of these brands to motivate you in crafting engaging narratives that infuse life into every content fragment.

In the end, integrating narratives across your strategy doesn't just share what you do—it shows who you are. Not sure how to get started with incorporating storytelling into your marketing efforts? Work with the experts here at EraserFarm and we will ensure every story counts towards building something unforgettable.


How Ad Extensions Contribute to Increased User Engagement 

According to advertising statistics compiled by Semrush, more people discover new brands, products, and services via social media ads than any of the following: 

  • Brand and product websites 
  • Customer review sites 
  • Word-of-mouth recommendations 

Let’s face it – if your business isn’t creating ad campaigns on social media and capitalizing on the rise of mobile apps, it’s missing out on reaching its target audience and generating higher profits. So, if you want to find more customers and boost conversion rates, look no further than ad extensions. 

Ad extensions are a powerful tool. They improve ad performance and increase engagement. How can ad extensions contribute to increasing user engagement? 

Read on to find out the best tips and tricks from the experts here at EraserFarm. 

Understanding Ad Extensions 

Ad extensions are additional pieces of information you add to your ads to give users more context and options. They enhance the ad’s quality and functionality, giving potential customers more reasons to click on them. With this additional information, your ads become more appealing and informative. Thus, users can make more informed decisions, which increases user engagement. 

When you invest in search advertising, ad extensions are vital because they make your ad more compelling, engaging, and informative. Search engines consider ad extensions when determining ad rank and quality scores. 

Also, since ad extensions take up more space on the search engine results page (SERP), your competitors’ ads and organic listings appear further down than your ad. This increases your visibility. However, it's important to note that while ad extensions enhance your position on the search page, they do not directly improve your search engine optimization (SEO). 

In the realm of pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, Google's dominant market share makes Google ad extensions particularly prevalent. Nonetheless, ad extensions are versatile and can be effectively utilized across various social media platforms. For example, Facebook ad extensions also enjoy widespread use due to the platform's extensive user base. 

You can add extensions to different types of ads, such as: 

  • Display ad extensions 
  • Search ad extensions 
  • Video ad extensions 

In addition, if your business has a mobile device application, you can use app extensions to display a link to the app in your text ads. 

Now, let’s look at some types of ad extensions you can work into your overall digital advertising and marketing strategy

Sitelink Extensions 

Sitelink extensions allow you to include additional links to specific pages on your website. These are ideal for promoting specific products, product categories, or service offerings. 

Use customized Sitelink extensions that direct users to specific pages on your website so users can find exactly what they’re looking for. 

Call Extensions 

Call extensions let users call your business directly from the ad. Potential customers no longer need to note down your phone number. Instead, they can click the ad and, voilà, call your business! These ad extensions are best for businesses that rely on phone calls for conversions. 

Location Extensions 

Using a location extension, you can display your business address and location. This is ideal for businesses with a physical location or targeting local customers. 

Callout Extensions 

You use callout extensions to stand out from competitors or highlight time-sensitive information, as these extensions highlight special offers (promotion extensions) like: 

  • Discounts (price extensions) 
  • Free shipping 
  • Unique selling points 

Similarly, dynamic structured snippet extensions highlight a specific product or service by displaying a list of items under the ad text. 

How Can Ad Extensions Contribute to Increasing User Engagement? 

There are many ways ad extensions contribute to higher engagement. We detail five of them below. 

Visual Appeal 

Simply put, ad extensions make your ads more attractive. Including more information allows for a richer user experience. 

If psychology in advertising tells us anything, it’s that people often make buying decisions based on emotion. A visually appealing advertisement that captures users’ attention is more likely to get your business more sales than an ad without extensions. 


Ad extensions improve your ad’s relevance to users. If an ad doesn’t have relevant information for those viewing it, they will simply skip over it. Relevance is among the most critical factors determining whether users will engage with an ad. 

Improve User Experience 

If you’re running a Google ad campaign, you have a lot of competition with others in your industry. Therefore, it’s imperative to use ad extensions to provide easy access to essential information. 

Customers have a better user experience when they can quickly access the necessary information. You’re meeting their expectations and encouraging viewers to explore your website further. 

Create a Sense of Urgency 

Callout extensions specifically create urgency because you’re promoting limited-time offers. The urgency often leads to higher engagement and conversion rates. 

Higher Click-Through Rates 

With an ad that is more attractive, informative, and relevant (thanks to ad extensions), you will see higher click-through rates (CTR). Users are more likely to engage with ads that offer easy access to information and are visually appealing. 

Best Practices for Using Ad Extensions 

Although ad extensions are beneficial in many ways, there are some best practices you’ll want to follow. They include the following: 

  • Choose relevant ad extensions: Only add valuable information that will align with users’ search queries 
  • Test variations: Create and test variations of your ad extension and use the one that performs best 
  • Monitor and optimize: Monitor metrics like CTRs, conversion rates, and engagement rates, then adjust the extensions as necessary 
  • Align with your landing page: The information in your ad extension must align with the content on your landing page to create a seamless experience and increase conversion 

When you follow these best practices, your ad extensions will reach their maximum impact, and your business will reap the benefits. 

Build Your Marketing Strategy with EraserFarm 

So, how can ad extensions contribute to increasing user engagement? They do so in several ways! Ad extensions provide relevant information in a visually appealing way to improve the user experience and, thus, boost engagement. 

Does your business need help optimizing its digital marketing strategy? Let’s have a chat! Our team of skilled marketers is ready to help take your business to the next level with our expert marketing capabilities. 

How Quality Brand Videos Elevate the Customer Experience 

Anywhere you look, videos are waiting for you to notice them. From billboards off the side of the highway to advertisements while watching your favorite show and, of course, social media, there are billions of videos in every corner of our lives ready for viewing. 

And whether we like it or not, we know why they are there. Videos captivate people and build an emotional connection, making them one of today's most effective marketing tools. 

Yet, with so much content available, your videos must stand out for viewers to see them. Sure, ads can be effective, but brand videos are even better. So, how can you work this trend to your advantage? Learn how to create a brand story video below to charm viewers and increase sales! 

What Is a Brand Video? 

A brand video is a promotional video that communicates a business’s brand story. This short video shows the brand’s values, mission, and purpose in an exciting and meaningful way. 

Notably, a brand video is much more than a video ad. These videos establish a brand identity for the company so that the business can promote trust and build brand loyalty. Brand videos tell a story and create a connection with the audience by sharing the brand’s personality rather than only focusing solely on selling a new product. 

This isn’t to say you can’t include products or services in the video. However, the best brand videos focus on creating an engaging experience that resonates with users long after the video ends. 

Some common types of brand videos include: 

  • Behind the scenes 
  • Brand profile 
  • Case study 
  • Company culture or story 
  • Explainer video 
  • Event video 
  • How-to or tutorial video 
  • Product video 
  • Testimonial video 

Why Do Brand Videos Work? 

A brand video for business promotion works because it provides a first impression to visitors. First impressions are incredibly powerful, especially when it comes time to make a purchase. A solid first impression will often persuade a customer to follow through with buying your product or service. 

Additionally, brand videos allow your business to differentiate itself from competitors. You can show potential customers why they should choose your company over others. 

Yet, don’t forget that video content is fundamental for a successful content marketing campaign and search engine optimization (SEO). So, while these videos help sway customers to “buy now,” they also help your marketing efforts and bring even more new customers to your doorstep. 

What Makes a Successful Brand Video? 

There are several characteristics and features of an effective brand video to know that lead to more conversions. Follow the advice below from marketing video production experts to make the best brand video possible for your company. 

Clearly Defined Goals 

When creating branded video content, it’s imperative to have a goal in mind. Do you want to increase brand awareness, drive sales, or engage with your audience? 

A clear goal helps you create a tailored video to achieve the objectives. 

Eye-Catching Images 

Don’t rely on video templates. While stock images and videos can be helpful, you want to ensure your videos have original, high-quality, captivating visuals. Use elements like: 

  • Colorful backgrounds 
  • Graphics 
  • Music, sound effects, and voiceovers 
  • Text overlays 

Compelling Storytelling 

Just as important as the visuals is the story. Brand storytelling is all about engaging and connecting with your target audience. Focus on telling a compelling story that showcases the company’s core values rather than lengthy customer testimonials. 

Yet, to do this, you must understand who they are. What are their demographics, interests, values, and pain points? What social media platforms do they use? If you don’t understand what they care about, you won’t be able to connect with them. 

Once you understand your target audience, you’ll have what you need to create a video that will leave a lasting impression on them. 

Some of the best video examples that showcase compelling storytelling include: 

  • Apple - “Think Different” 
  • Coca-Cola - “A Coke Is a Coke” 
  • Dove - “Real Beauty Sketches” 
  • Lego - “Rebuild the World” 
  • Nike - “You Can’t Stop Us” or “Dream Crazy” 
  • Spotify - “Let the Song Play” 

Working with a branding agency to create a storyboard is the best way to craft a video that will engage your target audience. 

Brand Messaging 

You must determine the best way to speak to your viewers. Consider how you would address those from different generations, such as Gen X vs. Millennials vs. Gen Z. Similarly, speaking with B2C customers will take a different tone than speaking with company executives. 

Whatever tone you take, align all your marketing materials to that tone. The message should remain the same throughout. 

Further, consider who you partner with to share your message. For instance, to connect with younger generations, consider employing influencer marketing tools to achieve your goal. 

Your Style 

The story alone doesn't make a good branding video. You need to add your style or personality to make it lively. 

For example, you may consider combining real video with animation or using whiteboard animation. Think about the fonts and colors you want if you’re using text. The music can also help convey your company’s unique style. 

The more you can distinguish your style, the better you can create brand recognition. 

Your Positioning 

What is your business’s unique selling point (USP)? Do you have a clear position that makes your business stand out? 

Ensure the video showcases your own brand or what makes your company unique compared to competitors. Whether it’s a new app, sleek clothing design, or an essential service, shout it from the rooftops! 

Clear Calls to Action 

Although your brand video should engage and inspire brand awareness, the call to action must be crystal clear. Viewers must know what the next steps are. 

Maybe you want them to sign up for your email list or subscribe to your channel. On the other hand, you may want to direct them to make a purchase. 

With a clear call to action, viewers can act fast after the video ends. 

Create Quality Brand Videos with EraserFarm 

Brand videos are a fantastic way to connect with your target audience and convert potential customers to returning ones. 

If your business is ready to partner with a creative video agency to create branded content, let’s have a chat! At EraserFarm, we work with companies of all sizes to develop high-quality, standout videos. 

Yet, we do much more than create brand videos. In fact, we can help create any type of video you need. So, reach out today, and let’s discuss enhancing your video marketing strategy! 

The Power of Humor In Advertisements

Humor can turn a mundane ad into a memorable one. It's like adding hot sauce to your favorite dish–it spices things up. Brands worldwide use humor, not just because it’s fun, but because it works.  

Funny ads grab attention and make people more likely to remember the brand. They help create an emotional response that connects consumers with brands. 

And let's face it: laughter feels good. Ads that entertain are more likely to be shared or talked about.  

Everybody loves a bit of merriment at times, don't they? So does an advertising campaign. The key is making sure the joke lands while keeping your message intact—just like walking on comedic eggshells.  

Humor: A Great Tool in Ad Campaigns 

When we think about what makes an advertisement stick, humor often comes to mind. A funny ad not only catches our attention but also leaves a lasting impression.  

Research shows that laughing can help decrease pain, tension, and blood pressure levels, prompting individuals to consider a business more favorably and purchase its items. Moreover, 90% of people are more likely to remember a brand's ad if it is funny. That’s the power of humor at work.   

 It's a great tool for making your brand memorable and engaging and offers a great opportunity to humanize your brand. 

Humor Connects with Consumers  

A funny advertising campaign can forge an emotional connection between brands and their audience. By tickling our funny bones, they tap into positive emotions that foster trustworthiness. In today's saturated media landscape, countless brands vie for consumer attention daily. Standing out from the crowd requires creativity – this is where humor can play a part in strengthening brand communication.  

Iconic and Memorable Commercials   

Famous insurance company Geico has long recognized the power of humor in its marketing campaigns. They understand that a good laugh not only captures attention but also leaves a lasting impression.   

Their ad features often revolve around funny scenarios or characters, such as Geico's beloved Gecko or Progressive's quirky Flo. This clever play on humor helps increase brand awareness by making people remember them more easily.   

A case in point is the Super Bowl ads where brands showcase their most humorous and memorable content. A standout example is the Old Spice body wash campaign, “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” campaign, which was such a hit and a fan favorite due to its wit and charm.   

Dollar Shave Club's commercial titled "Our Blades Are F***ing Great" was another triumph of using relatable humor to connect with consumers. Their tongue-in-cheek approach garnered massive success for this once small start-up company. The hilariously honest representation of their product made viewers laugh while effectively communicating the value proposition - quality razors at an affordable price delivered right to your door.  

Adding Humor to User-Generated Content 

Let's delve into the secret weapon of the digital age – social media, a platform that connects consumers in unprecedented ways. According to Oracle's study, 48% of users feel they don't connect with brands unless their ads spark joy or laughter.   

When it comes to promoting your brand, there's no better platform than social media. Humorous ads possess a unique knack for going viral because people love to share things that make them laugh. It's like a digital ripple effect.   

When your advertisement entertains and amuses your audience, they're more likely to share it with their friends, family, and followers, creating a wealth of user-generated content that can amplify your reach and help you tap into new audiences you might not have otherwise reached. Just think about the countless funny Super Bowl commercials that everyone eagerly waits to share on their social media feeds.

Using Humor to Connect with Gen Z and Beyond   

Humor is a viral catalyst, especially when it comes to engaging Gen Z and other generations. Social media platforms thrive on content that engages, entertains, and sparks conversations. Humorous ads, with their ability to elicit smiles and laughter, are inherently shareable. They encourage viewers to hit the share button, becoming advocates for your brand as they share the humor with their network. This organic reach can extend far beyond your initial target audience, introducing your brand to new potential customers and amplifying your message.  

Driving Sales and Conversions   

Now, you might be thinking, “Okay, humor is great for capturing attention and building brand awareness, but does it really drive conversions and sales for an effective campaign?" Absolutely! When done right, humorous advertisements can create a positive association with your brand, improve customer perception, and ultimately increase purchase intent. According to Marketing Dive, “The Happiness Report” found that 90% of people are more likely to remember funny ads, and 72% of people would choose a humorous brand over the competition. This means your audience is more likely to remember your brand and what you're offering when humor is used. 

Challenges and Trends in Using Humor in Advertising   

Business execs confront difficulties in employing comedy for adverts, as a large majority (95%) are scared of amusing their target market, and 85% feel they don't possess the proper resources or approaches to do so properly. 

A misstep could result in an ad being seen as outright offensive or just falling flat, making people remember your brand for all the wrong reasons. In other cases, some humorous campaigns might resonate well with niche groups but alienate others because humor is so subjective.   

In terms of future trends, relatable humor seems to be gaining ground. Brands like Dollar Shave Club have used this technique successfully by adding a touch of everyday situations into their ads that everyone can identify with.   

Making people laugh isn't just about being funny–it’s also about creating an emotional connection that leaves a lasting impression and ultimately increases brand awareness. So while there may be challenges associated with using humor in advertising today, brands willing to take risks and innovate will likely reap significant rewards tomorrow.   

Tips for Creating Humorous Campaigns for Businesses    

Humor can be an effective tool to capture an audience's attention and foster an emotional connection for businesses. However, it is not just a matter of including some humorous quips. The humor needs to be relevant to your brand and resonate with your audience.   

To begin, it is necessary to comprehend who your target market consists of. Are they more into slapstick or do they prefer subtle wit? A deep understanding of what makes them laugh will help you craft ads.  

Next up is the element of surprise. Unexpected twists can make an ad memorable, much like how a good punchline does for a joke.  

Avoid offensive humor at all costs; it could lead to backlash instead of laughter. Use inclusive humor that everyone can enjoy without feeling targeted or excluded.  

Lastly, keep things light-hearted and fun. An upbeat tone tends to draw people in more than heavy-handed comedy does.  

Ready to add a dose of humor to your next advertising campaign? Get in touch with EraserFarm, where we specialize in creating ads that connect with your audience and drive results.  

How to Create a Brand Story Video

On YouTube alone, users upload a staggering 5 billion videos a day. 

With that many videos on various online platforms, creating high-quality content for your video marketing strategy is essential, so your ideal customers can find you. 

Additionally, you should build a brand for your company or small business to really connect with customers. Instead of just a business, a brand allows you to build relationships with potential customers and retain them as loyal buyers. 

And one of the best ways to build brand awareness is by creating a brand story video. Without further ado, let’s dive into how to create a brand story video that will connect with your target audience! 

create a brand story video

Determine Your Video’s Purpose

Before making video content, you must identify the purpose or the ‘why.’ 

Your ‘why’ is the common ground you share with your clients; your desire to fix a problem drives your ‘why.’ 

Clearly define your goals for the video before you strategize the content. This ensures your video meets the mark. Plus, your production company will need to make fewer edits after filming. 

Identify What Hooks Your Audience

When creating a video strategy for your brand video, you should always begin with a fantastic hook to grab the audience’s attention. Without it, no one will watch past the first few seconds of the video, even if you’re telling a good story. 

Building an initial emotional connection is the perfect way to start a compelling brand story. 

Yet, to craft a hook that works, you need to know your target customer inside and out, including their pain points and desires. Then, you can be intentional about the message you’re sending to them. 

Don’t forget to include subtle brand elements in the hook, as well, for maximum effect. 

Make a Plan for Your Video

At this point, you must also decide what type of video you want to make and the information you’ll share. Some examples of video content include: 

  • Behind-the-scenes (BTS) videos 
  • Case studies 
  • Company culture videos 
  • Explainer videos 
  • Interviews 
  • Meet the team or employee spotlight videos 
  • Mini documentaries 
  • Origin story videos 
  • Product demos 
  • Q&As 
  • Testimonials 
  • Tutorials 

If you’re unsure what type of video to make, look at your general marketing plan for guidance. It can help to see your overarching marketing goals to identify which video will fit best into your strategy. 

Also, it would be best if you started coming up with the concept of the video and the elements you want to include. For example, which employees will be in the video? Will you need voiceover or animation elements? What’s your budget? 

Now is the time to nail down all the details. 

write a brand story video

Show Your Brand’s Story in a Relatable Way

You’ve probably heard it a million times, but video storytelling focuses on the ‘show-don’t-tell’ concept. Show customers your brand values so they can see what sets you apart from the competition. 

Simultaneously, you should do this in a relatable way. Your customers want to feel seen and heard. Don’t let the video be solely about the company. 

Spotlight the viewers. Tell them what you’re doing as a business owner to solve their problems. The more your video resonates with customers, the more successful it will be. 

Incorporate Your Brand’s Visuals and Sound

To drive home your brand message, use all aspects of video content, such as editing, music, and visuals. You likely already have brand colors, so definitely integrate them into the video, too. 

Whatever visuals customers connect with your brand, you want them in the video to lay the foundation of your story. 

Be Creative and Unique

Often the most overlooked tip regarding how to make a brand storytelling video is to think outside the box. There are no rules for content creation, so you can be as imaginative as you want. 

When you tell your brand’s story, break free of all previous preconceptions. Go big and push the envelope! Forget video templates and come up with something uniquely different. 

As long as you stay true to your brand, be bold with the videos you create. It will help you stand out. 

Include an Effective Call to Action

Every great brand story ends with a call to action (CTA). Your viewers must know what the next step is after the video ends. 

Typically, you use a soft CTA rather than a hard sell for a brand video. The takeaway won’t be to “Buy Now!” as you don’t want to come off too strong. 

Instead, you want the viewer to search for more information about your company and how to do business with you. Remember, the brand video is often part of the beginning of the journey. The viewer is at the early stages of the sales funnel. 

So gently guide them in the right direction, using action language that empowers your audience to make the next move. 

Share Your Brand Story Video Online

Social media is an incredibly powerful tool, especially if you know how to use it to your advantage. Even if you don’t create a video specifically for social media, you can still post it on your channels. 

This allows you to access more people with one video, thus maximizing its return on investment (ROI). When posting on social media, use the metrics and analytics features to see the best time to post. Also, include a creative caption and some hashtags. Following this video production guide can also give you more ideas for sharing your video. 

If you’re making a video specifically for social media, decide ahead of time which platforms you want to use. This will help you determine which video format is best. 

Get Help Creating an Engaging Brand Story Video

Creating a brand video that has a broad reach and brings customers to your doorstep is possible when you follow our advice. 

But if you still have questions about how to create a brand story video, let’s have a chat! Our team of creatives has the skills and expertise to make amazing videos for your business. 

In addition to marketing videos, we also make other types of content. So let’s discuss your marketing goals and create an action plan together that will drive memorable messaging and brand enthusiasts. 


What Is an Advertising Agency? | The Ultimate Ad Agency Guide

Today, quality alone is insufficient to sustain a business; you also need to portray your products and services in a manner that attracts customers. If you do not have your own marketing staff specializing in this area, it can be difficult to achieve effective results with your advertising. The solution, oftentimes, is outsourcing your advertising tasks to an ad agency. 

Advertising agencies are a type of creative agency that ensure your products and services attract your target audiences while staying consistent with your brand’s image. Their aim is to create impactful, visually powerful content that captures your target market’s attention and brings customers to you. Let’s look at their work in detail:

The Objectives of an Advertising Agency

Your advertising agency’s job is not as simple as to entice people to buy your products; in addition, their focus is on generating brand awareness and putting your story out in a way that you gain loyal audiences. While their primary goal is to get viewers to respond to your call to action, their secondary role is far more intricate – and perhaps more critical – and involves influencing people’s attitudes and perceptions. 

An effective advertising agency will keep your brand in the minds of your consumers, ensuring that when the consumer thinks about buying a product or service in your business niche, your business will be the first one they consider. 

The Functions of an Advertising Agency

The services performed by an advertising agency can include: 

Market Research

No effective advertisement can be planned without knowing your industry’s current market landscape. You may not have the best technology to stay on top of all market trends on your own, but an advertising agency makes it their job to know. 

Advertising agency experts monitor trends in consumer preferences and know what elicits the right responses. More importantly, they track your competitor’s marketing strategies to design advertising campaigns that distinguish you from other companies in your niche. As a result, your campaigns are planned after carefully considering all external and internal market factors. 


Designing an effective advertisement is arguably the most important yet challenging aspect of marketing. It’s resource-intensive, time-consuming, and requires careful planning. It’s an advertising agency’s job to design ads that are impactful but stay true to your brand’s values and stories. They won’t make you choose between your brand’s culture and their version of a good ad; instead, they will integrate both of these into a combination that lands you customers who share your values.  

Media Planning

A well-designed advertisement will be of no use if you do not use the right platforms to leverage it. Advertising agencies know the trends in electronic media consumption, so they’ll design your campaigns accordingly. This goes beyond looking at popularity statistics, including your audience’s age, demographics, geographical region, and your product’s niche. Their strategic approach will ensure that your efforts and budget are spent in the right direction.


To a business owner, their brand means more than a source of income. The brand story and connection – and the effort that goes behind design and creation – can be hard to portray if you do not have the right talent working for you.

An advertising agency will take this burden off of you and use its expertise to create content that represents you and lets consumers build connections with you. We’ll recommend that you outsource your marketing campaigns to experts so that you can focus on what you’re best at. Contrary to popular belief, the smaller an agency, the more closely it will work with you

Start the discussion today and contact EraserFarm for a consultation with a multifaceted advertising agency dedicated to communicating your brand’s unique personality.

4 Content Marketing Tips that Will Elevate Your Content Game

There are almost endless ways to build a brand for a company, with content marketing being high on the list. A content marketing strategy creates and distributes consistent and relevant brand information to keep a hold of your audience’s attention and, ultimately, make greater returns on your investments. As the market is becoming increasingly saturated, competition between businesses is also on the rise, making marketing content the proper way more essential than ever. In this article, we’ll provide you with a few ways in which you can improve your content marketing style.

Use Varying Content for Different Social Platforms

Social media platforms are integrated into almost everyone’s daily, normal routine. Be it the comments section on blog websites or link sharing on landing pages, social media is everywhere. Social media marketing trends are constantly evolving, and many businesses struggle to adapt to these quick changes, costing them market value. A good digital marketing strategy should have the ability to bring in your complete digital footprint under one umbrella, but this does not mean using that same post everywhere. Whatever content you create, you should determine ways to tailor it to different social media platforms. For example, post witty quotes on Twitter, use images and videos or go live on Instagram with a new product, and provide excerpts on Facebook. Make the most out of your social media presence.

Quality Matters More Than Quantity

Engaging, quality content will resonate with your audience far more than monotonous, repetitive information. Many business owners and entrepreneurs believe that if they just put out enough content, their company will gain the exposure and awareness they desire.

Back in the day, this would’ve been an acceptable marketing policy, but Google searches now make it extremely clear that relevant, quality content is the best way to attract attention. You want to create content that your users and prospective clients actually enjoy reading to ensure they keep returning for more.

Cater to Various Audience Needs

The internet is always brimming with educational information, which is why businesses keep churning out blog posts and articles as a way of promoting their brand. However, most companies tend to overlook that everyone learns in a different manner, so creating general, rigid content may not always be the way to go about the process.

Articles aren’t the only option to familiarize your audience with your products or operations. Sounds and visuals are an important part of brand marketing too. Initiate a podcast for your auditory learners, design slides for your visual learners, and organize webinars for people that like reading, writing, and learning through auditory stimulation. This will let audiences connect with you better.

Incorporate a Style Guide

The increasing marketing efforts by businesses everywhere have created the need for brands to stand out. Presentation matters. Consumers should be able to associate a particular style with your brand’s products and services. Your marketing strategies should appear cohesive and complement your established values, goals, and beliefs. Style guides are indispensable in this regard. A style guide will take care of the tone of voice, font type, linking preferences, overall goals, image preferences, and several other factors. As your brand develops, your style guide should also evolve to cater to changes in your business.

Parting Thoughts

The content you build and choose to convey your business’s brand, vision, and the message is dependent on the marketing approach you adopt. By marketing content that is in tandem with your company’s values, you can maximize your reach and develop long-term relations with your targeted audience.If you’ve been struggling with content marketing, go on and take a step back to look at things with a fresh perspective with the tips provided above. To learn more about the approach to content marketing—or to start your journey in building an airtight brand personality—contact our team at EraserFarm today.

What'ya know, fortunes do come true.

Sometimes fortunes do come true! So while we’ve been busy making great stuff, we haven't been too busy to find some new dance partners. EraserFarm is so very pleased to announce new partnerships with 8 new clients! And in no particular order, they are Reimagine Office Furnishings, Dermeleve (Anti Itch Cream), Tailored Twig, Carrabba’s Italian Grill, Bonefish Grill, Grable Plumbing, Treated Lumber Outlet and Solved By Tanna (Financial Solutions).

Reimagine Office Furnishings offers a unique combination of services and grade-A furniture brands, both new and refurbished. Their products and services include new and used office furniture, office cubicles and workstations, refurbishing services and complete project management and installation.

Dermeleve is a miracle cream providing much needed relief to patients suffering from the intolerable and unrelenting itch. Created by dermatologists, Dermeleve stops itch at its source, breaks the itch-scratch-inflammation cycle, is steroid-free and formulated to heal.

Tailored Twig isn’t your ordinary florist. Far from it, in fact. Tailored Twig blends layers of floral textures with foraged architectural elements to create a style that speaks to all of the senses by combining age-old design principles and a modern, dynamic approach to floral artistry. In Tampa Bay and around the world, they customize designs for their client's personal style and the distinctive venues. Working with world-renowned event planners, international photographers, and other strong collaborative forces have opened doors for Tailored Twig's design team to expand their knowledge and explore new inspirations.

As part of the Bloomin’ Brands family, Carrabba’s all began with the idea from two Sicilian boys from Texas who love to cook and eat. Using many recipes from their mother, time-honored Italian dishes in a fun atmosphere bring people together like family. Bonefish Grill focuses on every little detail of your experience, anticipates your needs, and provides personalized service that allows you to enjoy freshly prepared seafood in a comfortable, vibrant atmosphere.

Got a plumbing problem? Then you need Grable Plumbing. They’ve served the Tampa Bay and surrounding area for over 40 years. Grable has been serving customers throughout the communities of Lutz, Brandon, Carrollwood, Tampa Bay, and beyond, fully committed to providing homes and businesses with everything they need to keep their plumbing running smoothly.

Treated Lumber Outlet supplies all things for outdoor builds. Decks, porches, whatever you can think of to build, this massive supplier has all of the exterior stuff you'll need.

And last, but not least, Solved By Tanna is a financial and accounting solutions start-up by Tanna Mock. They take the time to truly understand your business and focus recommendations allowing clients to overcome their business concerns. Using a hands-on approach ensures their partnerships are profitable and businesses are set up for success.

We’re extremely excited to create award-winning work for each one of these clients and, as always, we are very appreciative to have the confidence from them to partner with EraserFarm.