Can creativity exist within the traditional ad agency framework of the writer/art director team? I think the answer is yes, absolutely. However, is it the best road to take when you’re driving to that proverbial big idea? Not necessarily. Now, more than ever, is the time to loosen the reigns on our definition of a “creative team”. Customizing it to the job or assignment is the foundation for the new “creative herd”.
In this day and age, technology, UX, design, development, social and media can play a bigger role in the creative process. That’s not to suggest we don’t need great writers and art directors because we most certainly do. But bringing together all these disciplines will undoubtedly cast a wider creative net. And we mustn’t lose sight of the fact that an ad is not always the answer to a client’s problem, challenge or opportunity. Embracing this larger partnership of talent ignites ideas you never thought possible and makes it easier to invent with new platforms. At the end of the day, agencies bring more value to their clients and the growth of their brand. And let’s not forget about our creative egos that get stroked when we do some really cool stuff.
Imagine a team that consists of a digital strategist, art director, designer, writer and media. I don’t think I am going out on a limb saying you will walk out of the assignment with more than a print ad. And without even trying, you’ll be building a strong, organic culture of collaboration. Give it a whirl, if you haven’t already, and see how much further a creative herd takes your next idea.