
Do Traditional Ads Still Work? Advantages and Disadvantages of Traditional Advertising

In an era where digital marketing seems to dominate, do traditional ads still work?

The landscape of advertising has transformed dramatically with the rise of social media and search engines. Yet, amidst this digital revolution, traditional advertising methods like TV commercials, print ads, and billboards continue to persist.

But are they still effective? According to an article from Harvard Business Review in 2022, traditional marketing is on the rise.

What Is Considered Traditional Marketing?

Traditional marketing has been around for decades, and despite the rise of digital, it's still going strong. Any advertising you saw that didn't require internet connectivity, a phone, or a laptop constitutes traditional marketing. Traditional marketing includes things like:

  • Paper or digital billboards
  • TV and radio ads
  • Print ads in newspapers and magazines
  • Direct mail
  • Promotional events
  • Good old-fashioned cold calling or door-to-door sales

Basically, if it doesn't involve the Internet, it falls under the traditional marketing umbrella.

What is Considered Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing, on the other hand, includes things like social media ads, email campaigns, and search engine optimization.

Another key difference is the level of interaction and engagement. With digital marketing campaigns, businesses can have two-way conversations with their customers through things like social media comments and live chat. Traditional marketing is more of a one-way street - businesses put out their message, but there's not as much opportunity for direct interaction with consumers.

Importance of Traditional Marketing

So why does traditional marketing still matter in the digital age? Well, for starters, it's a tried-and-true method with substantial audience reach that has been proven to work.

Traditional advertising is still the preferred method for many businesses because it has a high success rate. Plus, traditional marketing can reach people who might not spend much time online.

This may sound surprising, but not everyone is glued to their phone 24/7. Some folks still prefer to get their information from more traditional sources like TV, radio, and print media. Harvard Business Review reported an increase in traditional advertising spending, predicting an overall 11.7% increase in traditional advertising from 2022 to 2023. 

By using a mix of traditional and digital marketing strategies, businesses can cover all their bases and reach the widest possible audience.

Digital Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing Methods: Which Approach is Better?

The truth is, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. In today's world, businesses need some level of digital presence, even if it's just a basic website.

However, traditional marketing methods are still valuable. The key is to find the marketing mix of digital and traditional strategies that work for your unique business needs.

Advantages of Traditional Marketing

While digital marketing might be all the rage these days, there are still plenty of advantages to good old-fashioned traditional marketing.

Strong Reach

One of the most significant benefits of traditional marketing is its ability to reach local audiences. Traditional marketing is beneficial if you want to establish or develop a business with the assistance of a larger local audience.

Flyers, billboards, and ads in local newspapers or TV stations can be incredibly effective for targeting people in a specific geographic area or target market. This is especially true for small businesses that rely on foot traffic and word-of-mouth referrals from the local community.

Higher Credibility

Another advantage of traditional marketing is the credibility factor. Because traditional advertising methods have been around for so long, they tend to be viewed as more trustworthy and reliable than some newer digital tactics.

Traditional advertising is a familiar method, especially for older generations, for whom it may be the primary form of exposure. When people see an ad in a magazine or on TV, they know exactly what it is and may be more likely to take it seriously. There's no confusion or skepticism about whether it's a legitimate ad or some kind of scam.

Brand Recognition, Tangibility, and Accessibility

Traditional marketing has the advantage of being easy to understand and digest for a wide range of audiences. Many reports and surveys prove that people over 50 watch TV and read newspapers twice as much as younger generations.

For these audiences, traditional marketing methods are comfortably familiar and don't require any special knowledge or tech savvy to engage with. The straightforward, no-nonsense approach of most traditional advertising can be refreshingly simple compared to the flashy, fast-paced world of digital and social media channels.

Impactful Storytelling

Traditional radio and TV advertisements have a strong emotional impact.

Simple Ad Structure

Depending on the form, certain traditional media formats have streamlined advertising that gives greater visibility.

Integrated Traditional and Digital Marketing Strategy

Traditional marketing strategies can be complementary when integrated with digital marketing approaches.

Disadvantages of Traditional Marketing

While traditional marketing has existed forever, using traditional marketing materials and methods can present some challenges.

Higher Costs

The most obvious downside of traditional advertising is the budget required–it's typically expensive.

Think about it: a single 30-second TV ad during prime time can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. And that's just for one ad.

Print ads in major publications aren't much cheaper. A full-page ad in a national magazine can easily set you back tens of thousands of dollars. These costs are simply out of reach for many businesses, especially startups and small companies. Digital marketing methods like social media and email are far more cost effective in comparison.

Less Measurable ROI Tracking

Another big issue with traditional marketing is that measuring your ROI is more complicated. With digital marketing, you can track every click, view, and conversion. You know precisely how many people saw your ad, engaged with it, and took the desired action. However, with a TV commercial or print ad, it's harder to know whether it had any impact on their purchasing behavior.

Sure, you might see a bump in sales after running an ad. But can you directly attribute that to your marketing efforts? Or was it due to other factors like seasonality or a competitor going out of business? Without clear data, it's tough to justify the high costs of traditional advertising or prove that it's delivering results.

Less Targeted Approach

Traditional marketing also tends to take a broad, shotgun approach rather than targeting a specific audience. When you run a TV ad, for example, you're reaching everyone who happens to be watching that channel at that time, regardless of whether or not they're your ideal customer.

The same goes for print ads, radio spots, and most other forms of traditional advertising. You're casting a wide net and hoping that some of the right people will see it.

Digital marketing, on the other hand, lets you get laser-focused with your targeting. You can reach people based on their demographics, interests, online behavior, and more. So, instead of wasting money showing your ad to people who will never buy from you, you can focus on reaching those most likely to convert.

Creating a Comprehensive Marketing Plan

The most effective marketing strategies combine the best of both worlds - the broad reach of traditional advertising with the targeting and tracking abilities of digital marketing technologies.

By integrating both methods, you can reach a wider audience and create multiple touchpoints with potential customers.

For example, you might run a TV ad that directs people to your website or social media pages. Or you might include a QR code in a print ad that people can scan to get a discount code. This allows you to track the effectiveness of your traditional advertising and drive people to your digital channels, where you can engage with them further.

You can also use your digital marketing efforts to test and refine your traditional campaigns. Run a small digital ad campaign first to see what messaging and visuals resonate best, then use those insights to inform your larger traditional marketing efforts.

To create a comprehensive plan:

  1. Start by defining your goals and target audience.
  2. Determine which marketing channels, both traditional and digital, are most likely to reach them.
  3. Create a budget and allocate funds to each channel based on its expected ROI.
  4. Make sure to include a mix of both traditional and digital tactics.
  5. Monitor campaign performance. Use data from your digital efforts to continually optimize and improve your strategy.
  6. Adjust your plan as needed. The beauty of digital marketing is that it allows for real-time tweaks and changes based on what's working and what's not.

Combining traditional and digital marketing strategies allows you to create a powerful, integrated approach that reaches your audience at every stage of the buyer's journey.

Launch Your Integrated Marketing Strategy Today

So–do traditional ads still work? Absolutely! They bring balance by offering what sometimes feels missing in today’s fast-paced digital advertising frenzy: a touch of tangibility amidst the virtual world.

The team at EraserFarm is well-versed in creating ideas and activations that work across platforms and inspire emotional resonance at every touchpoint. Advertising and communications are what we do, and we do them in a very un-advertising way to connect with consumers on an emotional level. 

Contact us today. We'd love to help you leverage both domains wisely for a winning integrated marketing campaign strategy.

The Power of Humor In Advertisements

Humor can turn a mundane ad into a memorable one. It's like adding hot sauce to your favorite dish–it spices things up. Brands worldwide use humor, not just because it’s fun, but because it works.  

Funny ads grab attention and make people more likely to remember the brand. They help create an emotional response that connects consumers with brands. 

And let's face it: laughter feels good. Ads that entertain are more likely to be shared or talked about.  

Everybody loves a bit of merriment at times, don't they? So does an advertising campaign. The key is making sure the joke lands while keeping your message intact—just like walking on comedic eggshells.  

Humor: A Great Tool in Ad Campaigns 

When we think about what makes an advertisement stick, humor often comes to mind. A funny ad not only catches our attention but also leaves a lasting impression.  

Research shows that laughing can help decrease pain, tension, and blood pressure levels, prompting individuals to consider a business more favorably and purchase its items. Moreover, 90% of people are more likely to remember a brand's ad if it is funny. That’s the power of humor at work.   

 It's a great tool for making your brand memorable and engaging and offers a great opportunity to humanize your brand. 

Humor Connects with Consumers  

A funny advertising campaign can forge an emotional connection between brands and their audience. By tickling our funny bones, they tap into positive emotions that foster trustworthiness. In today's saturated media landscape, countless brands vie for consumer attention daily. Standing out from the crowd requires creativity – this is where humor can play a part in strengthening brand communication.  

Iconic and Memorable Commercials   

Famous insurance company Geico has long recognized the power of humor in its marketing campaigns. They understand that a good laugh not only captures attention but also leaves a lasting impression.   

Their ad features often revolve around funny scenarios or characters, such as Geico's beloved Gecko or Progressive's quirky Flo. This clever play on humor helps increase brand awareness by making people remember them more easily.   

A case in point is the Super Bowl ads where brands showcase their most humorous and memorable content. A standout example is the Old Spice body wash campaign, “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” campaign, which was such a hit and a fan favorite due to its wit and charm.   

Dollar Shave Club's commercial titled "Our Blades Are F***ing Great" was another triumph of using relatable humor to connect with consumers. Their tongue-in-cheek approach garnered massive success for this once small start-up company. The hilariously honest representation of their product made viewers laugh while effectively communicating the value proposition - quality razors at an affordable price delivered right to your door.  

Adding Humor to User-Generated Content 

Let's delve into the secret weapon of the digital age – social media, a platform that connects consumers in unprecedented ways. According to Oracle's study, 48% of users feel they don't connect with brands unless their ads spark joy or laughter.   

When it comes to promoting your brand, there's no better platform than social media. Humorous ads possess a unique knack for going viral because people love to share things that make them laugh. It's like a digital ripple effect.   

When your advertisement entertains and amuses your audience, they're more likely to share it with their friends, family, and followers, creating a wealth of user-generated content that can amplify your reach and help you tap into new audiences you might not have otherwise reached. Just think about the countless funny Super Bowl commercials that everyone eagerly waits to share on their social media feeds.

Using Humor to Connect with Gen Z and Beyond   

Humor is a viral catalyst, especially when it comes to engaging Gen Z and other generations. Social media platforms thrive on content that engages, entertains, and sparks conversations. Humorous ads, with their ability to elicit smiles and laughter, are inherently shareable. They encourage viewers to hit the share button, becoming advocates for your brand as they share the humor with their network. This organic reach can extend far beyond your initial target audience, introducing your brand to new potential customers and amplifying your message.  

Driving Sales and Conversions   

Now, you might be thinking, “Okay, humor is great for capturing attention and building brand awareness, but does it really drive conversions and sales for an effective campaign?" Absolutely! When done right, humorous advertisements can create a positive association with your brand, improve customer perception, and ultimately increase purchase intent. According to Marketing Dive, “The Happiness Report” found that 90% of people are more likely to remember funny ads, and 72% of people would choose a humorous brand over the competition. This means your audience is more likely to remember your brand and what you're offering when humor is used. 

Challenges and Trends in Using Humor in Advertising   

Business execs confront difficulties in employing comedy for adverts, as a large majority (95%) are scared of amusing their target market, and 85% feel they don't possess the proper resources or approaches to do so properly. 

A misstep could result in an ad being seen as outright offensive or just falling flat, making people remember your brand for all the wrong reasons. In other cases, some humorous campaigns might resonate well with niche groups but alienate others because humor is so subjective.   

In terms of future trends, relatable humor seems to be gaining ground. Brands like Dollar Shave Club have used this technique successfully by adding a touch of everyday situations into their ads that everyone can identify with.   

Making people laugh isn't just about being funny–it’s also about creating an emotional connection that leaves a lasting impression and ultimately increases brand awareness. So while there may be challenges associated with using humor in advertising today, brands willing to take risks and innovate will likely reap significant rewards tomorrow.   

Tips for Creating Humorous Campaigns for Businesses    

Humor can be an effective tool to capture an audience's attention and foster an emotional connection for businesses. However, it is not just a matter of including some humorous quips. The humor needs to be relevant to your brand and resonate with your audience.   

To begin, it is necessary to comprehend who your target market consists of. Are they more into slapstick or do they prefer subtle wit? A deep understanding of what makes them laugh will help you craft ads.  

Next up is the element of surprise. Unexpected twists can make an ad memorable, much like how a good punchline does for a joke.  

Avoid offensive humor at all costs; it could lead to backlash instead of laughter. Use inclusive humor that everyone can enjoy without feeling targeted or excluded.  

Lastly, keep things light-hearted and fun. An upbeat tone tends to draw people in more than heavy-handed comedy does.  

Ready to add a dose of humor to your next advertising campaign? Get in touch with EraserFarm, where we specialize in creating ads that connect with your audience and drive results.  

Why Is Content Moderation Important for User-Generated Campaigns?

If you’ve ever participated in social media marketing or even just posted something online to a personal social media profile, you’ve likely already encountered content moderation. 

Some platforms require you to wait for approval after sending in a submission. For example, this often occurs in private Facebook groups where most admins have a pre-moderation process. 

On the other hand, maybe you’ve seen users get banned for violating online community guidelines or posting harmful content. This form of moderation is reactive moderation because it’s a response to an already live social media post. 

But even though you’ve likely experienced content moderation, the topic begs the question: why is content moderation important for user-generated campaigns? 

Let’s find out. 

Real-Time User-Generated Content Content Moderation 

Content moderation begins as soon as any piece of content goes live, regardless of the type of content it is or the social media platform it’s on. You must watch comments for inappropriate content, such as the following: 

  • Bad links 
  • Explicit content 
  • Harassment or hate speech 

While the work of content moderation sounds demanding (it is), it’s also necessary to protect your brand’s values and provide the best experience for your target audience. 

In its many forms, content marketing is undoubtedly influential in helping customers make purchasing decisions. However, with it comes the necessary task of ensuring content remains free from negative influences and people with bad intentions. 

For instance, you’ll often find robo-accounts (spam bots) posting a long list of hashtags or unrelated content under your Instagram content. Although it takes time to remove these comments and block these users, you’re doing your brand and customers an excellent service by doing so. 

Why Are User-Generated Campaigns Important? 

UGC campaigns are essential to promote your business with social media. These campaigns create interest in your brand and showcase you as an industry leader. You could even see your product or service go viral or become a trend through one of these campaigns. 

But importantly, user-generated campaigns extend beyond social media. Your website can boost your brand image by displaying positive reviews to showcase customer trust. It just so happens that the focus is on social media because of its broad reach and impact. 

In fact, a 2019 report by AdWeek found that 85% of users say UGC is more effective in influencing purchasing decisions than brand-generated content. This means potential buyers trust other buyers more than they trust brands. This is because buyers spend their own unpaid time curating content to offer an unbiased opinion. 

Why Is Content Moderation Important for User-Generated Campaigns? 

Although moderation protects a company’s online community, it also allows businesses to survey their customers. They can see what customers like and dislike, which helps companies create better content to boost engagement and build trust. 

Not to mention, focusing on supporters creating content can be part of a more comprehensive marketing strategy. 

Why You Need to Moderate User-Generated Content 

We land on a few significant topics to explore when discussing why content moderation is important. Read more about them below. 

Brand Reputation Management 

Most big businesses watch their image like a hawk to ensure it remains strong. User-generated content moderation helps your business stay on-brand and protects brand loyalty. There’s nothing more important than protecting your brand’s image. 

However, if your brand’s image needs uplifting, learn how to create a winning brand strategy for your business before tackling content moderation. 

Understand Your Users

UGC moderation allows you to understand your customers’ needs, which will help you build a better business. For instance, you can view actionable insights to understand customers’ purchasing behavior in your eCommerce store. 

It will also help you discover new ways your customers use your products or services. You can use this information to create better marketing materials in the future. 

Boost Your Organic Traffic 

Did you know that moderating UGC can also help improve SEO and increase your search engine rankings? That’s right; UGC will help your website rank faster and higher, mainly when you publish reviews from real customers. 

Google loves new content, so the more high-quality content you publish, the higher your ranking. Posting a constant flow of recent reviews on your website is an easy way to automate your SEO strategy. 

Plus, a higher ranking will lead to better brand recognition and even more conversions from potential buyers. 

Deal With the Trolls 

It’s easy for some trolls to throw a wrench in your marketing campaign by spamming a product review with misleading or false testimonials. Nothing will drive potential customers away faster than a long list of poor reviews. 

But when you moderate user-generated content, it drives these trolls away. 

How Does Moderation Work for User-Generated Campaigns? 

Skilled and experienced human moderators often handle content moderation to ensure the best user experience for potential new clients and recurring clients alike. Most social media platforms have their own moderation teams to keep their sites secure and scan various forums for content that should not be online. 

Yet, human moderators can be a significant business cost for social media providers, and the job is often grueling. Scanning the web for harmful or dark content can take its toll. This is why many also rely on artificial intelligence (AI) for content moderation. 

Of course, you can also moderate user-generated content yourself or amongst your marketing team. But this is time-consuming and not the best use of your resources. If you want a more hands-on approach to tackling the content moderation process, there are moderation tools you can use, especially those that employ AI, or you can hire a company that provides content moderation services. 

An effective content moderation strategy comes down to spending less money on better resources to ensure your UGC campaigns are always successful. 

Implement Content Moderation in Your Next User-Generated Campaign 

So why is content moderation important for user-generated campaigns? Aside from keeping your company’s online community a positive experience, content moderation allows you to protect your brand’s image, understand your users, boost organic traffic, and manage hateful trolls. 

If you’re ready to craft your next user-generated campaign or need other assistance with your digital marketing strategy, let’s have a chat about how EraserFarm can help you create better content. Our team of experts will offer advice and guidance on taking your marketing strategy to the next level! 

Why an Emotional Appeal in Advertising Is So Important

Have you ever scrolled on social media, saw an ad that pulled at your heartstrings or made you giggle with laughter, and instantly bought something?

If so, that was the work of emotional advertising, part of the more general concept of marketing communications. As the name suggests, emotional ads use emotions to connect with consumers and entice them to buy a product or service.

And it has a high success rate!

Thanks to our natural emotional responses, consumers are more likely to make an emotional purchase than an informed purchase. With that said, let’s explore the importance of emotional appeal in advertising.

Understanding Emotional Appeals in Advertising

The emotional marketing strategy aims to create an emotional connection between the target audience and the product or service in the advertisement to influence the consumer’s decision-making. The consumer will actually make decisions subconsciously, without the rational brain even knowing it!

The Difference Between Rational and Emotional Appeals

Rational appeal in advertising focuses on logic and reasoning. These ads persuade consumers to make a purchase decision using rational thoughts or those based on the facts and features of the product or service. Rational ads may highlight the following:

  • Benefits
  • Functionality
  • Price
  • Quality

Conversely, emotional appeal focuses on evoking an emotional response and getting the consumer to purchase based on desire. The power of emotional advertising effectiveness surpasses that of rational appeal.

The concepts come from the three persuasive techniques: pathos, logos, and ethos. Pathos appeals to emotion, logos appeals to logic, and ethos conveys credibility and authority.

Examples of Emotional Appeals in Advertising

One of the best-known marketing campaigns that uses positive emotions is Coca-Cola. Their historic “I’d like to buy the world a Coke” campaign invokes happiness and creates a positive association with their product. This persuades consumers to buy Coca-Cola and share it with their loved ones.

Dove’s Real Beauty campaign also used happiness to show that others typically view us more beautifully and happily than we envision ourselves. The campaign was a massive success and still widely circulates on the Internet today.

Nike’s advertisement with Colin Kaepernick used a sense of pride to make its target audience feel good about the brand and themselves for supporting the company. Pride is a valuable emotion to help build brand loyalty. Further, celebrity endorsements, like those from Kaepernick, can help elicit a stronger consumer response when combined with emotional appeal.

On the other hand, Apple uses desire for the newest technology to get consumers to buy the latest iPhone model yearly. Even if there aren’t significant differences between the models, consumers are always lining up for the next iPhone!

Anti-smoking campaigns use fear appeal ads, showing rotting teeth and black lungs, to convince people not to smoke or to quit.

Political campaigns will use comparison to highlight the positive attributes of their campaign and the negative qualities of their opponents.

ASPCA and the UN World Food Program (WFP) often invoke sadness by showing abused animals or testimonials from hungry children to get consumers to spring into action and donate to their campaigns.

Does it really work, though?

It sure does! The New York Times reported that ASPCA raised $30 million from one campaign alone!

The Types of Emotional Appeals and How to Use Them

There are two primary types of emotional appeals in advertising: positive and negative. Some examples include:

  • Adventure
  • Anger
  • Comparison
  • Fear
  • Greed
  • Guilt
  • Happiness
  • Humor
  • Love
  • Outrage
  • Pride
  • Sadness
  • Trust

Both are powerful tools to use when creating emotional appeal advertising.

However, when consumers have a consistent negative emotional experience with your product or service, it can be bad for your brand awareness. So, while negative emotions can be a powerful tool in emotional appeal, you shouldn’t always use them in your campaigns.

Whichever emotion you use for a campaign, ensure you use the same appeal across all marketing channels. Integrated marketing services can help you achieve this.

Tips for Using Emotional Appeals in Advertising

So, how do you go about using emotional appeals in ad campaigns? Follow these tips to help you create emotional content that will influence consumer behavior.

Create an Objective

The objective of your ad is its purpose. What action do you want the viewer to take after seeing the advertisement?

Once you know the objective, you can identify which emotions will help accomplish that goal. The feeling should be appropriate in the ad’s context. For instance, using happiness and excitement in an advertisement for an organization like Save the Children would be off-putting.

Use Visuals

Visuals are imperative for helping consumers see your message. You should use pictures and videos in your advertisements to elicit a stronger emotional response.

Observe Your Competition

Monitoring your competition can help you stay on top of market trends and allow you to form better marketing strategies. If your competitors use a specific emotion, you should consider utilizing the feeling or a similar one, especially if the consumer response is positive.

Track Changes in Customer Behavior

Spending habits and consumer actions change over time. This means you must pay attention to changes in your audience’s behavior, so your advertisements don’t miss the mark.

Remember that Pepsi commercial with Kendell Jenner? The one where she stopped a protest and created a bond between protesters and the police with just a single soda?

You don’t want your advertisement to end up with a response like that commercial did. The backlash was harsh and lasted several months.

Conduct market research and perhaps even hold focus groups regularly to ensure you are current on consumer spending habits.

Additionally, since so many different types of advertising exist, you want to ensure you continue to advertise on the right platforms, whether it’s on social media, television, or elsewhere. Research the best places to promote your business to achieve your goals.

Let’s Have a Chat About Your Advertising Campaign

Emotional appeal in advertising has the power to convince consumers to buy your product or service at a moment’s notice. You're missing out on precious consumer dollars if you don’t incorporate emotions into your ads.

To improve your advertising campaigns and attract more customers, let’s have a chat. Our team at EraserFarm can help create emotional advertisements that will have consumers lining up to purchase from your business!

What Do Advertising Agencies Do?

Perhaps you own a small business, or you've just taken charge of your startup's marketing channels. You probably figured out during the process that advertising your business and attracting new clients and customers takes a lot of work, especially in our digital world.

What do advertising agencies do to help with this?

Let’s break down why working with an ad agency is awesome and help you determine when it's time to consult with professionals to boost your sales.

The Benefits of Working with an Ad Agency

If you're already struggling to get your marketing efforts in front of your audience, you may hesitate to hire an outsider to work with you. However, consider the following points as you craft your next marketing plan. An experienced, outside eye can be just the thing that blows up your business - in a good way!

Conducting Market Research

What's working in your current ads, and what's turning your audience off to your product or service? Do you know who your target audience is? Ad agencies will conduct market research to keep abreast of any changes in trends.

Providing Creative Services To Produce Campaigns

If you're an entrepreneur, you may struggle with burnout as you juggle the many hats of business ownership. Creating eye-catching marketing campaigns is a complex task, and professional advertisers can help you think of details you might miss. They’re good at what they do, so you don’t have to do their job, too.

Planning and Budgeting

What do ad agencies do when you don't have hundreds of thousands to spend on an advertising budget? An agency can aid you in creating an overarching theme for your campaign and find the perfect graphic designers, copywriters, and data analysts to ensure that your money is well-spent.

Selecting Media

Part of constructing your ad campaigns involves deciding how you can best reach your audience. You'll work with your ad agency to select the correct type of media for the job. An ad agency has many duties when it comes to choosing media:

  • Considering a wide range of media types that will best suit your campaign's purpose
  • Reserving space for a print ad, social media video, or commercial
  • Negotiating reasonable costs as seasoned professionals who understand the market and what the rate is for the services you need

Coordinating Multichannel Marketing Campaigns

Some of your potential clients are active users of social media, while a print ad may attract other members of your audience.

What do advertising agencies do to bridge the gap? They create strategies that include more than one mode of communication so you can best reach all members of your target audience.

Keep in mind that it often takes more than once for a customer to buy into your products or services - seeing your brand across multiple channels keeps you top of mind, reinforces trust, and builds familiarity.

Integrating Marketing Efforts

Ad agencies have the reach and the capabilities to work with different types and levels of marketing. They will work with you to review what's worked so far and integrate the various channels (perhaps social media platforms, direct email marketing, TV commercials, and print ads) into the same campaign.

Common Services Offered by Ad Agencies

So what can an advertising agency do for your company? The answer: a lot!

Consider the following services that business owners most commonly seek out.

Marketing Campaign Strategy and Research

To author a successful campaign, it's crucial to know your competition and develop a similar - and better - strategy. Your ad agency will point out what's working and what's not about your competitor's strategies as well as what your demographic is looking for.

One-Stop-Shop Campaign Creation and Management

Because ad agencies focus on attracting talent who specialize in specific areas, you have many experts at your disposal, all in one place. Take a look at how an agency might fill holes in your campaign by creating, managing, and tracking progress in the following areas:

  • Digital and social media
  • Print
  • Direct mail
  • Video
  • Web, TV, and radio

Campaign Content Development

Content marketing is one of the cornerstones of a great campaign. You can think of content as articles, infographics, social media blurbs, and charts (and much more) throughout your campaign serving one purpose: to persuade your target audience to take action.

An agency will not only craft a content strategy — they'll find writers, designers, and social media specialists to add their expertise to your campaign. Plus, they’ll optimize your content so that it actually reaches your audience.

Graphic Design

When was the last time you clicked on an ad that wasn't visually compelling? Ad agencies find designers whose work adds artistry and simplicity to your company's most essential graphics.

Advantages of Working With an Advertising Agency

Consider the following reasons for outsourcing your ad campaign and making your life easier.

Save Time and Money

Inventing an ad campaign out of nothing can be pretty stressful — especially if your business's success depends on whether your latest effort works. Think about these points as you make your decision:

  • Agencies have an entire team of experts in their fields dedicated to the support and growth of your business.
  • Hiring an agency is less expensive than hiring internally for a full-time advertising position. Additionally, a new hire may still not have all the required skills for executing a full campaign.
  • Professionals at ad agencies are constantly learning and growing. They have access to the most recent marketing software, research, trends, and data reports. And - they’re interested in what’s hot in the market, too!

Enjoy a Defined Project and an Efficient Process

When you work with an advertising agency, you won't have to worry about managing an internal team. The overall process and the entire campaign package are overseen by competent professionals who make it their business to help other businesses grow. This can be a weight off your shoulders.

Develop a Compelling Brand

Branding is a crucial part of your business identity, but it's often overlooked in the search for new customers and clients. An advertising agency can help you write your unique story that will ultimately compel potential customers to purchase your product or service.

Improve Your Brand Image

If you already have a brand, but it needs a makeover, an ad agency can help with this, too. Your agency will be able to alert you on how to tweak your image, as well as how your current brand image may be working against you.

Expand Your Company's Reach

When you hire an ad agency, you'll gain access to new ideas and develop multichannel marketing campaigns with channels you may have never considered. The more seasoned experts work with you to achieve your goal, the smoother the entire process will go.

Access Professional Expertise

Professional advertisers bring years of combined experience to your strategic arsenal. You'll work with those who specialize in campaign development and execution, competitive research, and ROI evaluation.

Let EraserFarm Help Your Company Grow

Let's chat today about your marketing strategy, and we’ll show you just how a full-service advertising agency can help you succeed. EraserFarm is a boutique ad agency that specializes in compelling content strategy, marketing campaigns, and digital trends that make your audience sit up and take notice.

We look forward to getting to know you and growing your business!

What are Creative Services | Your Guide to Creative Services

PR Newswire reports that the creative agency market will have an incremental spend of more than $320 billion between 2021 and 2026. The increased spending for creative services proves that businesses need fresh ideas to keep their customers interested and engaged.

But what are creative services exactly?

Creative services are basically creativity for hire - like writing, design, and production - that give your business some oomph. They handle the creative messaging that lets the world know your business exists. You can tap into these services at design studios, advertising agencies, and branding agencies. Creative agencies play a vital role in helping businesses stand out in their market and increase profits. So why should your business consider hiring one? Let’s see what makes them worth your while!

What Services Does A Creative Agency Offer? 

A creative agency provides marketing initiatives and creative solutions to help businesses improve their marketing, ad presence, and brand identity. They can help your business with any creative strategy, work, or promotion. This includes:

  • Advertising, brand, content, marketing, or social media strategy
  • Measurement and analysis
  • Content creation
  • Communication services such as media buys, paid placement, sponsored content, influencer marketing, and PR

You’ll find the following positions in a creative services company:

  • Account manager
  • Art director
  • Brand and content strategist
  • Copywriter
  • Creative director
  • Campaign director
  • Editor
  • Graphic designer
  • Producer
  • Videographer
  • Web designer or developer

How a full-service creative agency provides its services can vary from company to company. For example, some creative agencies work within a specific industry, such as plumbing or HVAC. Other agencies may only work in-house for a large corporation. At EraserFarm, we’ve worked with many clients in diverse industries, such as food and beverage, medical, and nonprofit sectors to invigorate the brand voice and get messaging out there to be seen and heard. We love showcasing what our teams have created - take a look at  our creative work to see some of our best creative projects to date. Creative agencies can offer an extensive range of services, but we’ll focus on four of the most common services available below. 

Advertising Services

Most businesses don’t have the knowledge or bandwidth to create and execute a successful advertising campaign. They also often know what they want to say, but don’t know how to say it. Thus, a creative agency will generate advertising ideation based on market research to understand the target audience and oversee the execution of the campaign. And they’ll do it in a way that sounds like your authentic brand. Depending on the campaign, the agency may need to hire out some of the services. For instance, the designers at a creative agency can create a billboard, but they may need to hire another company to print and hang it.

Consulting Services

You can hire a creative agency to consult with your business on a variety of topics. Some common examples include:

  • New products or services
  • How to lower marketing overhead
  • New markets and demographics to target

If you require consulting services for many aspects of your business, a full-service agency in your area is your best bet.

Design Services

If your business needs to revamp its image or create new promotional materials, a creative agency can help. Whether you need a new logo, design templates, or even new signage, you’ll want the design expertise of a creative or design agency.

Digital Services

Digital marketing has increased global touchpoints, but IT demands can be intimidating unless you have experience in the field.  With the growing importance of technology, many creative agencies now offer expert digital services. Using digital services can create an entirely new user experience. Even making technical advances to your website or app can go a long way with new and returning customers. Digital offerings can also give your customer an immediate answer or pathway to a solution for those with an urgent need, or even entertain them. 

What’s the Difference Between a Creative Agency & Other Agencies? 

A creative services company is an umbrella term that can include other agencies. Different agencies you may be familiar with include:

  • Ad agencies
  • Design agencies
  • Digital agencies
  • PR agencies
  • SEO agencies
  • Social media agencies

While these agencies have a specialized focus, a creative agency usually encompasses more than one of these services. For instance, when a business works with a digital agency, they are working with a company that focuses on a specific digital space instead of a company that has a more diverse list of services.

How Can a Creative Services Company Help Your Business? 

There are many ways creative services can help grow your business. Below we highlight the top five benefits to consider.

Brand Strategy & Identity

Your brand identity drives every aspect of your business, such as

  • Your tone
  • The design of your website and business cards
  • How employees speak to consumers
  • Your pitch to prospective clients

A creative agency can help you craft a brand identity that aligns with your target audience. Then they will create a brand strategy that is the driving force behind your business. This includes everything from copywriting and graphic design to brand standards and competitive analysis.Having a polished brand identity and strategy can help make your business recognizable and memorable.

Brand Engagement

After implementing your brand strategy, a creative agency can help you analyze how well customers respond to it. Examining and interpreting data is crucial in driving brand engagement.Your business can use the data to take actionable steps toward increasing customer engagement.

Video Marketing

Video marketing often helps improve a business’s success on social media and search results. Data shows that video content generates leads and enhances engagement. Although anyone can do their own video production, having the professionals of a creative agency handle your production is best. They can take care of the strategy, scriptwriting, post-production, and everything in between. This will give your video marketing what’s called “high production value,” so that your messaging shines through and gets your customers interested in what you have to offer.

Social Media

Social media marketing may seem easy to handle in-house, but realistically, building a strong social media presence takes a lot of time and effort. When you join forces with a creative agency, you don’t have to worry about spending hours figuring out which platforms to join or what content to create. Instead, a creative agency can easily help your business develop a winning social media strategy.

Digital Marketing

The world of digital marketing is admittedly overwhelming, making it difficult to know where to spend your ad dollars. However, a creative agency can use data to understand where your customers are on the internet and how to reach them best.

Should you invest in SEO, content marketing, or PPC marketing? The professionals at a creative agency will be able to tell you, and they’ll craft a plan to maximize that investment.

Get Started With Creative Services in Tampa

At EraserFarm, we offer a personalized, boutique creative agency experience. Want to create brand loyalists? We know how to do it. Need help with an overall marketing strategy? We got you! Our agency is small - on purpose. Our team works closely with each client to create tailored marketing and creative solutions that build an emotional connection with your consumer. 

We’d love to have a chat. Reach out to us today to book in, and find out how we can help grow your business.


What Is an Advertising Agency? | The Ultimate Ad Agency Guide

Today, quality alone is insufficient to sustain a business; you also need to portray your products and services in a manner that attracts customers. If you do not have your own marketing staff specializing in this area, it can be difficult to achieve effective results with your advertising. The solution, oftentimes, is outsourcing your advertising tasks to an ad agency. 

Advertising agencies are a type of creative agency that ensure your products and services attract your target audiences while staying consistent with your brand’s image. Their aim is to create impactful, visually powerful content that captures your target market’s attention and brings customers to you. Let’s look at their work in detail:

The Objectives of an Advertising Agency

Your advertising agency’s job is not as simple as to entice people to buy your products; in addition, their focus is on generating brand awareness and putting your story out in a way that you gain loyal audiences. While their primary goal is to get viewers to respond to your call to action, their secondary role is far more intricate – and perhaps more critical – and involves influencing people’s attitudes and perceptions. 

An effective advertising agency will keep your brand in the minds of your consumers, ensuring that when the consumer thinks about buying a product or service in your business niche, your business will be the first one they consider. 

The Functions of an Advertising Agency

The services performed by an advertising agency can include: 

Market Research

No effective advertisement can be planned without knowing your industry’s current market landscape. You may not have the best technology to stay on top of all market trends on your own, but an advertising agency makes it their job to know. 

Advertising agency experts monitor trends in consumer preferences and know what elicits the right responses. More importantly, they track your competitor’s marketing strategies to design advertising campaigns that distinguish you from other companies in your niche. As a result, your campaigns are planned after carefully considering all external and internal market factors. 


Designing an effective advertisement is arguably the most important yet challenging aspect of marketing. It’s resource-intensive, time-consuming, and requires careful planning. It’s an advertising agency’s job to design ads that are impactful but stay true to your brand’s values and stories. They won’t make you choose between your brand’s culture and their version of a good ad; instead, they will integrate both of these into a combination that lands you customers who share your values.  

Media Planning

A well-designed advertisement will be of no use if you do not use the right platforms to leverage it. Advertising agencies know the trends in electronic media consumption, so they’ll design your campaigns accordingly. This goes beyond looking at popularity statistics, including your audience’s age, demographics, geographical region, and your product’s niche. Their strategic approach will ensure that your efforts and budget are spent in the right direction.


To a business owner, their brand means more than a source of income. The brand story and connection – and the effort that goes behind design and creation – can be hard to portray if you do not have the right talent working for you.

An advertising agency will take this burden off of you and use its expertise to create content that represents you and lets consumers build connections with you. We’ll recommend that you outsource your marketing campaigns to experts so that you can focus on what you’re best at. Contrary to popular belief, the smaller an agency, the more closely it will work with you

Start the discussion today and contact EraserFarm for a consultation with a multifaceted advertising agency dedicated to communicating your brand’s unique personality.

The Ultimate Guide of Video Production

Video production involves the whole process of creating videos, including short films, business marketing videos, full-length movies, music videos, television commercials, and more. While the specifics for each might vary, the overall process is the same, and it includes pre-production, production, and post-production. When running a video production business, search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial to helping you rank.

Online presence is crucial for the growth of your business. It also makes it easier to reach a new audience while increasing your website's visibility to the right people. You can rank top on SERPs with video production SEO, expanding your organic reach. Here's the ultimate guide to video production SEO.

Key words are key

Keywords are vital because they’re the main link between what users are looking for and what you’re offering. Using a keyword research tool such as Keyword Planner, you can input your services, such as video production or video producer, to get keyword ideas and their monthly search volume.

When you use relevant keywords throughout your website and content, you'll most likely rank high when customers and prospects search for the services or content you provide. Before settling on the keywords to use on your video production website, consider their relevance, search volume, competition, ROI, and intent.

Make your website mobile-friendly

Statistics indicate that 70% of web traffic comes from mobile phones, and 80% of the highly-ranked websites are optimized for mobile. A mobile-friendly website is accessible from any device and doesn't compromise user experience. Making your video production website mobile-friendly helps you attract more clients while increasing your rankings on SERPs.

Create SEO blog content

Creating video production blog content that uses the relevant keywords is crucial to ensuring that it ranks and the right audience finds it. You can start by writing your SEO content outline, especially if you are not familiar with search engine optimization. Ensure the content you create is well-written because users and search engines value high-quality content. You should write it for the readers, ensure it's engaging and readable, consider search intent, be trustworthy, and keep your content up-to-date.

Invest in local SEO for video production

Local SEO for video production companies enables you to optimize your online presence for better rankings on search results and more local traffic, increasing revenue and sales. For your business to appear in local search results, Google considers proximity to the searcher, relevance based on the search query, and prominence, which depends on what other clients say about your services or products. Optimizing your address and city makes it easier for users to find your video production business online and offline.

Video production website audit

A website audit enables you to identify the SEO opportunities you missed and correct any SEO pitfalls, including matched anchor text links, keyword stuffing, and more throughout your website's content. It lets you focus your SEO efforts on your audience first, then the search engines later. A website audit allows you to spot issues that hurt your business's SEO and conversions, such as broken links, slow page load times, hidden content, and more. Repairing these issues helps improve your rankings and conversions.


Video production SEO is crucial as it helps increase your business' visibility on search engine results, drive more traffic to your site, and increase conversions. Want better results with your video production SEO?  Contact our team at EraserFarm today.

What'ya know, fortunes do come true.

Sometimes fortunes do come true! So while we’ve been busy making great stuff, we haven't been too busy to find some new dance partners. EraserFarm is so very pleased to announce new partnerships with 8 new clients! And in no particular order, they are Reimagine Office Furnishings, Dermeleve (Anti Itch Cream), Tailored Twig, Carrabba’s Italian Grill, Bonefish Grill, Grable Plumbing, Treated Lumber Outlet and Solved By Tanna (Financial Solutions).

Reimagine Office Furnishings offers a unique combination of services and grade-A furniture brands, both new and refurbished. Their products and services include new and used office furniture, office cubicles and workstations, refurbishing services and complete project management and installation.

Dermeleve is a miracle cream providing much needed relief to patients suffering from the intolerable and unrelenting itch. Created by dermatologists, Dermeleve stops itch at its source, breaks the itch-scratch-inflammation cycle, is steroid-free and formulated to heal.

Tailored Twig isn’t your ordinary florist. Far from it, in fact. Tailored Twig blends layers of floral textures with foraged architectural elements to create a style that speaks to all of the senses by combining age-old design principles and a modern, dynamic approach to floral artistry. In Tampa Bay and around the world, they customize designs for their client's personal style and the distinctive venues. Working with world-renowned event planners, international photographers, and other strong collaborative forces have opened doors for Tailored Twig's design team to expand their knowledge and explore new inspirations.

As part of the Bloomin’ Brands family, Carrabba’s all began with the idea from two Sicilian boys from Texas who love to cook and eat. Using many recipes from their mother, time-honored Italian dishes in a fun atmosphere bring people together like family. Bonefish Grill focuses on every little detail of your experience, anticipates your needs, and provides personalized service that allows you to enjoy freshly prepared seafood in a comfortable, vibrant atmosphere.

Got a plumbing problem? Then you need Grable Plumbing. They’ve served the Tampa Bay and surrounding area for over 40 years. Grable has been serving customers throughout the communities of Lutz, Brandon, Carrollwood, Tampa Bay, and beyond, fully committed to providing homes and businesses with everything they need to keep their plumbing running smoothly.

Treated Lumber Outlet supplies all things for outdoor builds. Decks, porches, whatever you can think of to build, this massive supplier has all of the exterior stuff you'll need.

And last, but not least, Solved By Tanna is a financial and accounting solutions start-up by Tanna Mock. They take the time to truly understand your business and focus recommendations allowing clients to overcome their business concerns. Using a hands-on approach ensures their partnerships are profitable and businesses are set up for success.

We’re extremely excited to create award-winning work for each one of these clients and, as always, we are very appreciative to have the confidence from them to partner with EraserFarm.