81% of consumers search online before making a purchase. Without an internet marketing strategy, it’s likely you’re missing out on customers.

The internet provides many opportunities for you to promote your business to potential customers. With a strong internet marketing strategy, you can boost your brand, find new customers, and grow!

Here are the top five marketing strategy tips you need for success.

With these tips, you can make the most of internet marketing in 2020. Don’t let your competitors snatch up customers. Instead, get started with these five tips!

1. Give Your Site Some Love

When people search for new products, services, or brands, they start online. If you don’t have an updated, well-designed website, you’re already losing customers.

Your website sometimes makes your company’s first impression with customers. Make the most of that opportunity! By creating an eye-catching, compelling website, you can convert those visitors into leads or sales.

First, consider updating your website using user experience (UX) design trends.

UX design will clean up your website so it’s easier to use and navigate. For example, you’ll want to make sure your site loads quickly. You can use Google’s PageSpeed Insights to determine what’s slowing your site.

Then, remove clutter and unnecessary information. Add white space to give your remaining content room to breathe. White space will make it easier for people to read your content without feeling exhausted.

Does “HTTPS” appear in front of your domain name? If not, consider looking into a security certificate.

Hackers are getting smarter. By prioritizing security, you’re showing customers you can protect their personal information. This is especially important if you’re selling products online.

Next, make sure your site is easy to navigate. Can customers find what they’re looking for easily and quickly?

Updating your site will help you make the most of these remaining four marketing strategy tips.

2. Step Up Your SEO

Search engine optimization, or SEO, makes it easier for people to find your website on search engines like Google. Without SEO, your content won’t appear on the first page of a Google search. Not many people look beyond that first page.

A higher ranking will also make your brand look more credible. People will trust your brand over a competitor’s based on your higher ranking.

Ranking at the top of the page will help you reach more people, too. As brand awareness grows, you can become a more recognizable resource in your industry.

Here are a few SEO trends you’ll need for successful internet marketing in 2020.

User Intent

What are your customers searching for? What information are they hoping to find based on their search? Before you can use SEO, you need to know who your customers are and what they need.

Separate your customers into buyer personas based on age, gender, buying behavior, and interests. Then, look into what keywords they’re searching with using Google Trends, Keyword Planner, and Ahrefs.

Once you understand their search intent, you can create content that reflects their needs.

Zero-Click Search

Google now displays snippets at the top of their search pages. These snippets display website content in ways that are easy to consume. With snippets, people no longer have to click on a website to find the information they need.

Structure your content for these snippets to increase your SEO ranking.

Look at the content that appears in a snippet for a keyword you’re targeting. Then, adjust your content to fit that snippet. For example, you can use lists and bullet points or summarize your post in the top paragraph as a place to start.

Voice Search

By this year, voice searches will account for 50% of all searches. Over 35.6 million Americans already own a voice-activated device. Instead of typing out their queries, more people are asking Siri, Google, and Alexa for help.

In order to optimize for voice searches, you need to know who your customers are and how they’re searching online.

Look at your keyword research. Then, phrase your keywords the same way your target audience does.

Make Sure You’re Mobile

Google’s search algorithm prioritizes websites that are convenient and easy-to-use for all consumers. Realizing more people are using their smartphones to conduct searches, Google rolled out mobile-first indexing in March 2018. Now, Google looks at the mobile version of your website to determine your ranking.

Make sure your website is optimized for smaller screens. Otherwise, people will struggle to read your content.

You should also make sure your site loads quickly, which could also impact your SEO ranking.

In order to optimize our website for mobile devices, consider some of the UX design tips mentioned above. Make sure it’s easy for people to click on your forms and navigate your site.

Otherwise, you could end up missing out on potential conversions and leads.

3. Reel in More Reviews

Reviews are a great way to boost brand awareness, credibility, and your SEO ranking.

Ask happy customers to post their reviews on your Google My Business listing. Don’t forget to add these reviews to your website. Happy reviews will help you attract more local customers to your business.

This social proof will help potential customers see the benefits of choosing your business.

4. Build Up Your Brand

Who are you? What sets you apart from your competitors? The answer to those questions should appear in your brand.

Focus on the unique value you offer customers. Show them that you’re there to help solve their problems. Then, create a strong vision with that concept front and center.

Next, take a look at the visual components of your brand. Your color scheme, imagery, tone, voice, and font should help you stand out. If you look like your competitors, consumers will fail to differentiate you in the industry.

Make sure your brand appears cohesive across all marketing channels. A cohesive brand will help you build brand awareness and recognition.

Branding is essential to internet marketing in 2020. Otherwise, you’ll look like everyone else in the industry.

5. Consider Your Content

Strong, unique content will fuel your SEO strategy and help you reach more customers.

You can create blogs, videos, infographics, quizzes; anything to get customers engaged. However, this content should focus on helping your customers.

Take a look at your keyword research. What questions are your customers asking? Create content that focuses on providing them with information and assistance.

Then, update your blog and social media with your content.

Pages with a video are 53 times more likely to rank on the first page of Google search results.

You can also great interactive content such as contests and quizzes to boost engagement. Don’t forget to post your content on social media to expand our reach. With a strong content marketing strategy, you can build brand awareness, credibility, and trust with your consumers.

Make Your Mark: The Top Marketing Strategy Tips for Businesses in 2020

Ready to stand out from the crowd and make your mark? With these five marketing strategy tips, you can set your business up for success in 2020.

Don’t wait to start marketing! Contact us today to get started.