brand construction

Building Your Brand: The Top Branding Trends of 2019

There are nearly 200 million companies around the world. With that number increasing each year, you must know how to stand out. Building a brand can set you apart from the competition. It's also your…

rebranding a company

Rebranding a Company: 10 Signs its Time for Your Business to Update its Look

Like anyone who has started their own agency ( or business for that matter), my partner and I give everything we have to the business and have so since day 1. And as such, I am aware of the difficult…

packaging trends

The Hottest Packaging Trends You'll Want To Follow

I must admit, I have at times (in fact even over the Thanksgiving holiday) purchased a product specifically because I liked the packaging. How many of us have done that before? Hopefully I'm not the…

Brand Positioning Tips

Top 7 Brand Positioning Tips for Your Product or Service

Last year over $190 billion was spent on advertising in the United States. When approaching a branding campaign for your business, this dollar amount may make you feel like a tiny drop in an enormous…

I think it is time to change on black background

How to Kill your Brand

92% of people wouldn’t care if your brand disappeared tomorrow. Take that in. 92%. Only 8% of brands would be missed. The difference is that the 8% actually do something to enrich people’s lives.…

question Dwight from the office

8 Questions to Ask Before Creating a Brand Mascot

Recently we were asked to share our point of view on developing brand mascots (aka brand characters). Rather than just keep this info in a safe, we thought it could be of use to others out there who…

nasl soccer ball

North American Soccer League Develops Brand with Tampa Agency

The North American Soccer League — the men’s professional soccer league that includes the Tampa Bay Rowdies — has enlisted EraserFarm, a newly formed Tampa advertising agency, to help establish its…