Digital Advertising Trends: The Rise of AI in Digital Marketing

Trying to keep up with the latest digital advertising trends is enough to make your virtual head spin. But if you pay close attention, you’ll quickly spot them and be a step ahead of your competitors.

According to a recent study, while AI won't replace digital marketers entirely, those who embrace AI technologies will have a competitive advantage. As more marketers discover the benefits of AI, those who fail to adapt risk being left behind.

This is the number one reason you should stay abreast of the frequent shifts in SEO, content marketing, PPC, and any other methods you use to reach your prospects.

Curious about the future of AI? Dive into the latest trends shaping the field!

How AI is Transforming Digital Marketing Strategies

AI isn't just changing individual tactics and channels -- it's transforming entire digital marketing strategies. As a company that has been in the industry for over a decade, we've seen firsthand how AI is reshaping the way we approach marketing.

Automating Marketing Tasks

One of the most significant ways AI is transforming digital marketing is through automation. From data analysis and reporting to ad optimization and email marketing, AI tools can handle a wide range of tasks more efficiently than humans.

AI-powered automation can be a game-changer for productivity and performance. By leveraging AI to streamline workflows, you can focus on strategic planning and creative development.

Multimodal and Generative AI

While generative AI isn't new, it's one of the most exciting trends in AI for digital marketing right now. New tools or updated versions of existing ones are coming out every day, like GPT-3 and DALL-E, which can create original content, including text, images, and even videos, based on user prompts.

Multimodal AI combines inputs, including text and visuals, for a comprehensive experience. This tech enables more refined keyword and ad targeting strategies, which can translate to smaller businesses being able to compete with larger ones. Watch for this trend to grow in the coming months.


Digital marketing has always talked the talk about personalization, but with AI in the driver's seat, we're entering uncharted territory. By analyzing massive datasets and user habits, AI-driven algorithms can serve up personalized content, tailor-made product recommendations, and advertisements that truly speak to our customers.

As consumers expect more tailored experiences, using AI for personalization is, and will be, a key differentiator for marketers.

Optimizing Ad Targeting and Spend

AI is also revolutionizing the way we approach advertising. Machine learning algorithms can analyze large amounts of data to identify the most valuable audiences and optimize ad placement, bidding, and creative elements in real-time.

Leveraging AI to optimize ad targeting and your budget can maximize your return on ad spend and reduce wasted impressions by making data-driven decisions. More targeted ad spend will likely also elevate the standard for ad campaigns, so keep this in mind.

Google Ads Gets a Face Lift

Note that Google plans to roll out AI into its ads in 2024. How will this affect your business? Digital Marketing Director, Commercial Analyst, and E-commerce Specials Cathal Melinn says, “Systematically, Google has been reducing control and handling a lot of the activities that search marketers would have typically performed over to AI.” So it could help you — or it may not be so helpful if the algorithm is off.

Enhancing Social Media Campaigns

Social media is another area where AI is still making a significant impact. AI tools can help identify the best times to post, the most resonant content themes, and the influencers most likely to amplify a brand's message.

AI really shines with virtual customer service, though. AI can converse with clients, sift through data to identify trends, and monitor online sentiments to strategically enhance a client's social media presence.

And interestingly, brands are now interested in retention rates over engagement rates.


We have to give a shout out to the new rival to X: in-platform conversations app Threads. It launched in the summer of 2023 and has gained 100 million monthly users a year later. It's a great time to hop on board and experiment with the platform to see where it goes!


Good ol’ LinkedIn. What used to be just for business professionals has expanded to social topics like leadership, mental health, advice, and life skills. This is another platform to consider developing your touchpoints!

Voice Search Optimization

With the rise of smart speakers and voice assistants, optimizing for voice search is becoming increasingly important for digital marketers. AI plays a central role in understanding and responding to voice queries, which often differ from typed searches and must account for conversational keywords and long-tail phrases.

But AI isn't only used for searches these days; consumers are also using it for payments. Statista reports that over 27% were making payments with online assistants in 2022. Voice commerce is decidedly growing in popularity.

Using long-tail keywords used out loud in a voice search in the form of "voice SEO" can help refine voice-based shopping and searching.

Better Chatbot-Powered Shopping Services

AI-powered chatbots are transforming e-commerce by providing personalized shopping assistance and recommendations, and they're becoming more adept at answering nuanced questions. These virtual assistants can handle complex queries, provide real-time inventory updates, and even process transactions, guiding your customers through your sales funnels.

Staying on top of the questions your customers may be asking through the chatbot and updating chatbot info enables you to stay competitive and let your automation work for you. In turn, offering a seamless and convenient shopping experience can increase customer satisfaction and sales.

Enhanced Research Capabilities and Predictive Analytics

Advanced AI capabilities for research and predictive analysis are getting better and better with each passing year, offering more accurate predictions, enhanced product recommendations, and so much more. These days, you can even forecast sales and predict which products might perform better in a campaign!

AI research and predictive analytics are particularly helpful for smaller businesses that may not have the bandwidth to dig deep. AI can assist with many aspects of marketing research, including providing information about various tools or helping vet a potential content topic. Goodbye, manual research!

Google's Generative Engine (SGE)

AI is getting increasingly involved with SEO. Google's Generative Engine (SGE) has been pushing more relevant and comprehensive information to elevate the user experience. It's almost like conversing with Google — SGE offers links and has a "conversational mode" where you can follow up with more questions. 

Partner with EraserFarm in AI Digital Marketing Strategy

AI is no passing trend in digital marketing; it's here to stay. However, AI lacks the human touch and emotional intelligence and must instead rely on calculations to mimic human behavior. Additionally, sticky subjects like data privacy concerns continue to make AI complicated and in flux when it comes to regulations.

The most successful marketers will be the ones who can strike the right balance between AI insights and human judgment. Even the most seasoned digital marketers can enhance their strategies and propel their campaigns forward. With the boundaries of what's possible being pushed, now is the ideal moment to get involved.Would you like an expert hand with your digital marketing strategy? We'd love to help you out! Our team at EraserFarm geeks out on AI and technical marketing strategy, and we keep our finger on the pulse of everything new coming out, so you don't have to. Give us a shout today, and we'll set you up with the latest and greatest upward trends to help your business maximize its reach and profitability.

content marketing and storytelling

The Power of Content Marketing and Storytelling to Pull in Your Audience

Think about your favorite advertising campaign. Did it bombard you with facts and figures, or did it tell a story that made you feel something? Stories have the power to stick with us long after we've forgotten dry data. That's why storytelling is the secret weapon of successful content marketing.

The Science Behind Storytelling in Content Marketing

What is it about narratives that ensnare our attention far more effectively than mere collections of data? The answer lies deep within our brains. People remember stories up to 22 times more than facts alone, a statistic that turns heads in the marketing world.

How Stories Stick in Our Minds

Narratives captivate our feelings and perceptions, deeply embedding themselves in our memory. This is because storytelling activates more regions of the brain than language alone. When we hear or read a story, not only are the language processing parts of our brain activated, but so are those areas responsible for experiencing sensations and emotions. This multi-sensory engagement helps cement stories in our memory far better than facts could ever hope to.

A compelling narrative can transport us into another person's shoes or even into new worlds, triggering real emotional responses as if we were living through the events ourselves. It's this immersive experience that makes storytelling key for the most successful marketing campaigns.

Brain Activation Through Narrative

The neurological impact of storytelling on audiences is profound because it taps into human nature's intrinsic love for good tales. By weaving key information into narratives, marketers can foster stronger connections with their target audience—driving engagement and ultimately influencing decision-making processes without overt persuasion tactics.

Incorporating techniques from Coca-Cola's brand journalism strategy, brands can craft messages that resonate deeply with consumers' values and aspirations, cultivating brand loyalty while still delivering essential product or service details—a balancing act between art and science enabled by understanding how narratives light up various parts of the brain differently compared to straightforward data delivery.

Infusing Brand Values into Stories

Every brand has a story, but the most powerful ones don't just entertain – they reflect the brand's core values. Your audience craves authenticity, and your storytelling is where it shines. This authenticity is so vital that 41% of marketers prioritize storytelling precisely because of its power to connect on a deeper level.

Think of brands like Coca-Cola, masters of storytelling who turn everyday moments into something magical, always with their core values at the forefront.

How do you achieve this for your brand?

  • What are the values that drive your company? What change do you want to see in the world?
  • Infuse these values into every piece of content – from blog posts to social media captions. Make every word build a stronger connection with your audience.

When customers feel they share your values, they become more than just customers – they become passionate advocates for your brand. Masterful storytelling elevates your content marketing from just grabbing attention to building lasting, emotionally-fueled loyalty.

Visual Storytelling's Magnetic Pull

Visual storytelling stands as a powerful force in content marketing. With 65% of people being visual learners, narratives enriched with visuals can evoke stronger emotions and forge lasting memories more effectively than text alone. Whether through social media or traditional marketing channels, visuals enhance storytelling, capturing and retaining audience attention.

Actionable tips for storytelling:

  • Focus on 'why': Why does your brand exist? What problems do you solve for your audience?
  • Highlight customer stories: Share relatable success stories demonstrating your impact.
  • Use sensory language: Use vivid descriptions to transport and engage readers.

Success Stories That Inspire Action

Stories do more than engage—they inspire action. Highlighting your brand's tangible impact on real lives builds trust and loyalty, a testament to storytelling's power. With 41% of marketers sharpening their storytelling skills, the emphasis on crafting narratives that lead to action is undeniable.

Consider these strategies to enhance your storytelling:

  • Humanize Your Narratives: Focus on the human aspect of your success stories. Highlight the individuals or communities your brand has touched, making the narrative relatable and emotionally resonant.
  • Detail the Journey: Don't just showcase the end result. Illustrate the journey, including the challenges and setbacks, to underscore the transformative impact of your brand. This journey adds depth and authenticity to your stories.
  • Incorporate Multimedia Elements: Leverage videos, images, and audio clips to bring your stories to life. Multimedia elements can enhance emotional engagement and help your audience visualize success.
  • Interactive Storytelling: Create interactive content, such as quizzes or branching scenarios, where users can choose their own paths. This approach can make your success stories even more engaging and personalized.
  • Encourage User-Generated Content: Invite your customers to share their own stories of how your brand has impacted their lives. This not only adds credibility but also diversifies the narratives associated with your brand.
  • Highlight Actionable Takeaways: Ensure that each story provides clear, actionable insights for your audience. Whether it's encouraging them to make a change, try a new product, or join a community effort, make the call to action clear and compelling.

EraserFarm: The Experts on Content Marketing

A good story makes messages stick because they speak to us on a human level. Crafting your brand's narrative isn't just smart; it's crucial for connecting with your audience deeply and fostering loyalty.

Above all, leading brands show us that embracing storytelling in content marketing can set you apart in a crowded market. Allow the triumphs of these brands to motivate you in crafting engaging narratives that infuse life into every content fragment.

In the end, integrating narratives across your strategy doesn't just share what you do—it shows who you are. Not sure how to get started with incorporating storytelling into your marketing efforts? Work with the experts here at EraserFarm and we will ensure every story counts towards building something unforgettable.

The Power of Humor In Advertisements

Humor can turn a mundane ad into a memorable one. It's like adding hot sauce to your favorite dish–it spices things up. Brands worldwide use humor, not just because it’s fun, but because it works.  

Funny ads grab attention and make people more likely to remember the brand. They help create an emotional response that connects consumers with brands. 

And let's face it: laughter feels good. Ads that entertain are more likely to be shared or talked about.  

Everybody loves a bit of merriment at times, don't they? So does an advertising campaign. The key is making sure the joke lands while keeping your message intact—just like walking on comedic eggshells.  

Humor: A Great Tool in Ad Campaigns 

When we think about what makes an advertisement stick, humor often comes to mind. A funny ad not only catches our attention but also leaves a lasting impression.  

Research shows that laughing can help decrease pain, tension, and blood pressure levels, prompting individuals to consider a business more favorably and purchase its items. Moreover, 90% of people are more likely to remember a brand's ad if it is funny. That’s the power of humor at work.   

 It's a great tool for making your brand memorable and engaging and offers a great opportunity to humanize your brand. 

Humor Connects with Consumers  

A funny advertising campaign can forge an emotional connection between brands and their audience. By tickling our funny bones, they tap into positive emotions that foster trustworthiness. In today's saturated media landscape, countless brands vie for consumer attention daily. Standing out from the crowd requires creativity – this is where humor can play a part in strengthening brand communication.  

Iconic and Memorable Commercials   

Famous insurance company Geico has long recognized the power of humor in its marketing campaigns. They understand that a good laugh not only captures attention but also leaves a lasting impression.   

Their ad features often revolve around funny scenarios or characters, such as Geico's beloved Gecko or Progressive's quirky Flo. This clever play on humor helps increase brand awareness by making people remember them more easily.   

A case in point is the Super Bowl ads where brands showcase their most humorous and memorable content. A standout example is the Old Spice body wash campaign, “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” campaign, which was such a hit and a fan favorite due to its wit and charm.   

Dollar Shave Club's commercial titled "Our Blades Are F***ing Great" was another triumph of using relatable humor to connect with consumers. Their tongue-in-cheek approach garnered massive success for this once small start-up company. The hilariously honest representation of their product made viewers laugh while effectively communicating the value proposition - quality razors at an affordable price delivered right to your door.  

Adding Humor to User-Generated Content 

Let's delve into the secret weapon of the digital age – social media, a platform that connects consumers in unprecedented ways. According to Oracle's study, 48% of users feel they don't connect with brands unless their ads spark joy or laughter.   

When it comes to promoting your brand, there's no better platform than social media. Humorous ads possess a unique knack for going viral because people love to share things that make them laugh. It's like a digital ripple effect.   

When your advertisement entertains and amuses your audience, they're more likely to share it with their friends, family, and followers, creating a wealth of user-generated content that can amplify your reach and help you tap into new audiences you might not have otherwise reached. Just think about the countless funny Super Bowl commercials that everyone eagerly waits to share on their social media feeds.

Using Humor to Connect with Gen Z and Beyond   

Humor is a viral catalyst, especially when it comes to engaging Gen Z and other generations. Social media platforms thrive on content that engages, entertains, and sparks conversations. Humorous ads, with their ability to elicit smiles and laughter, are inherently shareable. They encourage viewers to hit the share button, becoming advocates for your brand as they share the humor with their network. This organic reach can extend far beyond your initial target audience, introducing your brand to new potential customers and amplifying your message.  

Driving Sales and Conversions   

Now, you might be thinking, “Okay, humor is great for capturing attention and building brand awareness, but does it really drive conversions and sales for an effective campaign?" Absolutely! When done right, humorous advertisements can create a positive association with your brand, improve customer perception, and ultimately increase purchase intent. According to Marketing Dive, “The Happiness Report” found that 90% of people are more likely to remember funny ads, and 72% of people would choose a humorous brand over the competition. This means your audience is more likely to remember your brand and what you're offering when humor is used. 

Challenges and Trends in Using Humor in Advertising   

Business execs confront difficulties in employing comedy for adverts, as a large majority (95%) are scared of amusing their target market, and 85% feel they don't possess the proper resources or approaches to do so properly. 

A misstep could result in an ad being seen as outright offensive or just falling flat, making people remember your brand for all the wrong reasons. In other cases, some humorous campaigns might resonate well with niche groups but alienate others because humor is so subjective.   

In terms of future trends, relatable humor seems to be gaining ground. Brands like Dollar Shave Club have used this technique successfully by adding a touch of everyday situations into their ads that everyone can identify with.   

Making people laugh isn't just about being funny–it’s also about creating an emotional connection that leaves a lasting impression and ultimately increases brand awareness. So while there may be challenges associated with using humor in advertising today, brands willing to take risks and innovate will likely reap significant rewards tomorrow.   

Tips for Creating Humorous Campaigns for Businesses    

Humor can be an effective tool to capture an audience's attention and foster an emotional connection for businesses. However, it is not just a matter of including some humorous quips. The humor needs to be relevant to your brand and resonate with your audience.   

To begin, it is necessary to comprehend who your target market consists of. Are they more into slapstick or do they prefer subtle wit? A deep understanding of what makes them laugh will help you craft ads.  

Next up is the element of surprise. Unexpected twists can make an ad memorable, much like how a good punchline does for a joke.  

Avoid offensive humor at all costs; it could lead to backlash instead of laughter. Use inclusive humor that everyone can enjoy without feeling targeted or excluded.  

Lastly, keep things light-hearted and fun. An upbeat tone tends to draw people in more than heavy-handed comedy does.  

Ready to add a dose of humor to your next advertising campaign? Get in touch with EraserFarm, where we specialize in creating ads that connect with your audience and drive results.  

Why Is Content Moderation Important for User-Generated Campaigns?

If you’ve ever participated in social media marketing or even just posted something online to a personal social media profile, you’ve likely already encountered content moderation. 

Some platforms require you to wait for approval after sending in a submission. For example, this often occurs in private Facebook groups where most admins have a pre-moderation process. 

On the other hand, maybe you’ve seen users get banned for violating online community guidelines or posting harmful content. This form of moderation is reactive moderation because it’s a response to an already live social media post. 

But even though you’ve likely experienced content moderation, the topic begs the question: why is content moderation important for user-generated campaigns? 

Let’s find out. 

Real-Time User-Generated Content Content Moderation 

Content moderation begins as soon as any piece of content goes live, regardless of the type of content it is or the social media platform it’s on. You must watch comments for inappropriate content, such as the following: 

  • Bad links 
  • Explicit content 
  • Harassment or hate speech 

While the work of content moderation sounds demanding (it is), it’s also necessary to protect your brand’s values and provide the best experience for your target audience. 

In its many forms, content marketing is undoubtedly influential in helping customers make purchasing decisions. However, with it comes the necessary task of ensuring content remains free from negative influences and people with bad intentions. 

For instance, you’ll often find robo-accounts (spam bots) posting a long list of hashtags or unrelated content under your Instagram content. Although it takes time to remove these comments and block these users, you’re doing your brand and customers an excellent service by doing so. 

Why Are User-Generated Campaigns Important? 

UGC campaigns are essential to promote your business with social media. These campaigns create interest in your brand and showcase you as an industry leader. You could even see your product or service go viral or become a trend through one of these campaigns. 

But importantly, user-generated campaigns extend beyond social media. Your website can boost your brand image by displaying positive reviews to showcase customer trust. It just so happens that the focus is on social media because of its broad reach and impact. 

In fact, a 2019 report by AdWeek found that 85% of users say UGC is more effective in influencing purchasing decisions than brand-generated content. This means potential buyers trust other buyers more than they trust brands. This is because buyers spend their own unpaid time curating content to offer an unbiased opinion. 

Why Is Content Moderation Important for User-Generated Campaigns? 

Although moderation protects a company’s online community, it also allows businesses to survey their customers. They can see what customers like and dislike, which helps companies create better content to boost engagement and build trust. 

Not to mention, focusing on supporters creating content can be part of a more comprehensive marketing strategy. 

Why You Need to Moderate User-Generated Content 

We land on a few significant topics to explore when discussing why content moderation is important. Read more about them below. 

Brand Reputation Management 

Most big businesses watch their image like a hawk to ensure it remains strong. User-generated content moderation helps your business stay on-brand and protects brand loyalty. There’s nothing more important than protecting your brand’s image. 

However, if your brand’s image needs uplifting, learn how to create a winning brand strategy for your business before tackling content moderation. 

Understand Your Users

UGC moderation allows you to understand your customers’ needs, which will help you build a better business. For instance, you can view actionable insights to understand customers’ purchasing behavior in your eCommerce store. 

It will also help you discover new ways your customers use your products or services. You can use this information to create better marketing materials in the future. 

Boost Your Organic Traffic 

Did you know that moderating UGC can also help improve SEO and increase your search engine rankings? That’s right; UGC will help your website rank faster and higher, mainly when you publish reviews from real customers. 

Google loves new content, so the more high-quality content you publish, the higher your ranking. Posting a constant flow of recent reviews on your website is an easy way to automate your SEO strategy. 

Plus, a higher ranking will lead to better brand recognition and even more conversions from potential buyers. 

Deal With the Trolls 

It’s easy for some trolls to throw a wrench in your marketing campaign by spamming a product review with misleading or false testimonials. Nothing will drive potential customers away faster than a long list of poor reviews. 

But when you moderate user-generated content, it drives these trolls away. 

How Does Moderation Work for User-Generated Campaigns? 

Skilled and experienced human moderators often handle content moderation to ensure the best user experience for potential new clients and recurring clients alike. Most social media platforms have their own moderation teams to keep their sites secure and scan various forums for content that should not be online. 

Yet, human moderators can be a significant business cost for social media providers, and the job is often grueling. Scanning the web for harmful or dark content can take its toll. This is why many also rely on artificial intelligence (AI) for content moderation. 

Of course, you can also moderate user-generated content yourself or amongst your marketing team. But this is time-consuming and not the best use of your resources. If you want a more hands-on approach to tackling the content moderation process, there are moderation tools you can use, especially those that employ AI, or you can hire a company that provides content moderation services. 

An effective content moderation strategy comes down to spending less money on better resources to ensure your UGC campaigns are always successful. 

Implement Content Moderation in Your Next User-Generated Campaign 

So why is content moderation important for user-generated campaigns? Aside from keeping your company’s online community a positive experience, content moderation allows you to protect your brand’s image, understand your users, boost organic traffic, and manage hateful trolls. 

If you’re ready to craft your next user-generated campaign or need other assistance with your digital marketing strategy, let’s have a chat about how EraserFarm can help you create better content. Our team of experts will offer advice and guidance on taking your marketing strategy to the next level! 

Why an Emotional Appeal in Advertising Is So Important

Have you ever scrolled on social media, saw an ad that pulled at your heartstrings or made you giggle with laughter, and instantly bought something?

If so, that was the work of emotional advertising, part of the more general concept of marketing communications. As the name suggests, emotional ads use emotions to connect with consumers and entice them to buy a product or service.

And it has a high success rate!

Thanks to our natural emotional responses, consumers are more likely to make an emotional purchase than an informed purchase. With that said, let’s explore the importance of emotional appeal in advertising.

Understanding Emotional Appeals in Advertising

The emotional marketing strategy aims to create an emotional connection between the target audience and the product or service in the advertisement to influence the consumer’s decision-making. The consumer will actually make decisions subconsciously, without the rational brain even knowing it!

The Difference Between Rational and Emotional Appeals

Rational appeal in advertising focuses on logic and reasoning. These ads persuade consumers to make a purchase decision using rational thoughts or those based on the facts and features of the product or service. Rational ads may highlight the following:

  • Benefits
  • Functionality
  • Price
  • Quality

Conversely, emotional appeal focuses on evoking an emotional response and getting the consumer to purchase based on desire. The power of emotional advertising effectiveness surpasses that of rational appeal.

The concepts come from the three persuasive techniques: pathos, logos, and ethos. Pathos appeals to emotion, logos appeals to logic, and ethos conveys credibility and authority.

Examples of Emotional Appeals in Advertising

One of the best-known marketing campaigns that uses positive emotions is Coca-Cola. Their historic “I’d like to buy the world a Coke” campaign invokes happiness and creates a positive association with their product. This persuades consumers to buy Coca-Cola and share it with their loved ones.

Dove’s Real Beauty campaign also used happiness to show that others typically view us more beautifully and happily than we envision ourselves. The campaign was a massive success and still widely circulates on the Internet today.

Nike’s advertisement with Colin Kaepernick used a sense of pride to make its target audience feel good about the brand and themselves for supporting the company. Pride is a valuable emotion to help build brand loyalty. Further, celebrity endorsements, like those from Kaepernick, can help elicit a stronger consumer response when combined with emotional appeal.

On the other hand, Apple uses desire for the newest technology to get consumers to buy the latest iPhone model yearly. Even if there aren’t significant differences between the models, consumers are always lining up for the next iPhone!

Anti-smoking campaigns use fear appeal ads, showing rotting teeth and black lungs, to convince people not to smoke or to quit.

Political campaigns will use comparison to highlight the positive attributes of their campaign and the negative qualities of their opponents.

ASPCA and the UN World Food Program (WFP) often invoke sadness by showing abused animals or testimonials from hungry children to get consumers to spring into action and donate to their campaigns.

Does it really work, though?

It sure does! The New York Times reported that ASPCA raised $30 million from one campaign alone!

The Types of Emotional Appeals and How to Use Them

There are two primary types of emotional appeals in advertising: positive and negative. Some examples include:

  • Adventure
  • Anger
  • Comparison
  • Fear
  • Greed
  • Guilt
  • Happiness
  • Humor
  • Love
  • Outrage
  • Pride
  • Sadness
  • Trust

Both are powerful tools to use when creating emotional appeal advertising.

However, when consumers have a consistent negative emotional experience with your product or service, it can be bad for your brand awareness. So, while negative emotions can be a powerful tool in emotional appeal, you shouldn’t always use them in your campaigns.

Whichever emotion you use for a campaign, ensure you use the same appeal across all marketing channels. Integrated marketing services can help you achieve this.

Tips for Using Emotional Appeals in Advertising

So, how do you go about using emotional appeals in ad campaigns? Follow these tips to help you create emotional content that will influence consumer behavior.

Create an Objective

The objective of your ad is its purpose. What action do you want the viewer to take after seeing the advertisement?

Once you know the objective, you can identify which emotions will help accomplish that goal. The feeling should be appropriate in the ad’s context. For instance, using happiness and excitement in an advertisement for an organization like Save the Children would be off-putting.

Use Visuals

Visuals are imperative for helping consumers see your message. You should use pictures and videos in your advertisements to elicit a stronger emotional response.

Observe Your Competition

Monitoring your competition can help you stay on top of market trends and allow you to form better marketing strategies. If your competitors use a specific emotion, you should consider utilizing the feeling or a similar one, especially if the consumer response is positive.

Track Changes in Customer Behavior

Spending habits and consumer actions change over time. This means you must pay attention to changes in your audience’s behavior, so your advertisements don’t miss the mark.

Remember that Pepsi commercial with Kendell Jenner? The one where she stopped a protest and created a bond between protesters and the police with just a single soda?

You don’t want your advertisement to end up with a response like that commercial did. The backlash was harsh and lasted several months.

Conduct market research and perhaps even hold focus groups regularly to ensure you are current on consumer spending habits.

Additionally, since so many different types of advertising exist, you want to ensure you continue to advertise on the right platforms, whether it’s on social media, television, or elsewhere. Research the best places to promote your business to achieve your goals.

Let’s Have a Chat About Your Advertising Campaign

Emotional appeal in advertising has the power to convince consumers to buy your product or service at a moment’s notice. You're missing out on precious consumer dollars if you don’t incorporate emotions into your ads.

To improve your advertising campaigns and attract more customers, let’s have a chat. Our team at EraserFarm can help create emotional advertisements that will have consumers lining up to purchase from your business!

How to Create a Brand Story Video

On YouTube alone, users upload a staggering 5 billion videos a day. 

With that many videos on various online platforms, creating high-quality content for your video marketing strategy is essential, so your ideal customers can find you. 

Additionally, you should build a brand for your company or small business to really connect with customers. Instead of just a business, a brand allows you to build relationships with potential customers and retain them as loyal buyers. 

And one of the best ways to build brand awareness is by creating a brand story video. Without further ado, let’s dive into how to create a brand story video that will connect with your target audience! 

create a brand story video

Determine Your Video’s Purpose

Before making video content, you must identify the purpose or the ‘why.’ 

Your ‘why’ is the common ground you share with your clients; your desire to fix a problem drives your ‘why.’ 

Clearly define your goals for the video before you strategize the content. This ensures your video meets the mark. Plus, your production company will need to make fewer edits after filming. 

Identify What Hooks Your Audience

When creating a video strategy for your brand video, you should always begin with a fantastic hook to grab the audience’s attention. Without it, no one will watch past the first few seconds of the video, even if you’re telling a good story. 

Building an initial emotional connection is the perfect way to start a compelling brand story. 

Yet, to craft a hook that works, you need to know your target customer inside and out, including their pain points and desires. Then, you can be intentional about the message you’re sending to them. 

Don’t forget to include subtle brand elements in the hook, as well, for maximum effect. 

Make a Plan for Your Video

At this point, you must also decide what type of video you want to make and the information you’ll share. Some examples of video content include: 

  • Behind-the-scenes (BTS) videos 
  • Case studies 
  • Company culture videos 
  • Explainer videos 
  • Interviews 
  • Meet the team or employee spotlight videos 
  • Mini documentaries 
  • Origin story videos 
  • Product demos 
  • Q&As 
  • Testimonials 
  • Tutorials 

If you’re unsure what type of video to make, look at your general marketing plan for guidance. It can help to see your overarching marketing goals to identify which video will fit best into your strategy. 

Also, it would be best if you started coming up with the concept of the video and the elements you want to include. For example, which employees will be in the video? Will you need voiceover or animation elements? What’s your budget? 

Now is the time to nail down all the details. 

write a brand story video

Show Your Brand’s Story in a Relatable Way

You’ve probably heard it a million times, but video storytelling focuses on the ‘show-don’t-tell’ concept. Show customers your brand values so they can see what sets you apart from the competition. 

Simultaneously, you should do this in a relatable way. Your customers want to feel seen and heard. Don’t let the video be solely about the company. 

Spotlight the viewers. Tell them what you’re doing as a business owner to solve their problems. The more your video resonates with customers, the more successful it will be. 

Incorporate Your Brand’s Visuals and Sound

To drive home your brand message, use all aspects of video content, such as editing, music, and visuals. You likely already have brand colors, so definitely integrate them into the video, too. 

Whatever visuals customers connect with your brand, you want them in the video to lay the foundation of your story. 

Be Creative and Unique

Often the most overlooked tip regarding how to make a brand storytelling video is to think outside the box. There are no rules for content creation, so you can be as imaginative as you want. 

When you tell your brand’s story, break free of all previous preconceptions. Go big and push the envelope! Forget video templates and come up with something uniquely different. 

As long as you stay true to your brand, be bold with the videos you create. It will help you stand out. 

Include an Effective Call to Action

Every great brand story ends with a call to action (CTA). Your viewers must know what the next step is after the video ends. 

Typically, you use a soft CTA rather than a hard sell for a brand video. The takeaway won’t be to “Buy Now!” as you don’t want to come off too strong. 

Instead, you want the viewer to search for more information about your company and how to do business with you. Remember, the brand video is often part of the beginning of the journey. The viewer is at the early stages of the sales funnel. 

So gently guide them in the right direction, using action language that empowers your audience to make the next move. 

Share Your Brand Story Video Online

Social media is an incredibly powerful tool, especially if you know how to use it to your advantage. Even if you don’t create a video specifically for social media, you can still post it on your channels. 

This allows you to access more people with one video, thus maximizing its return on investment (ROI). When posting on social media, use the metrics and analytics features to see the best time to post. Also, include a creative caption and some hashtags. Following this video production guide can also give you more ideas for sharing your video. 

If you’re making a video specifically for social media, decide ahead of time which platforms you want to use. This will help you determine which video format is best. 

Get Help Creating an Engaging Brand Story Video

Creating a brand video that has a broad reach and brings customers to your doorstep is possible when you follow our advice. 

But if you still have questions about how to create a brand story video, let’s have a chat! Our team of creatives has the skills and expertise to make amazing videos for your business. 

In addition to marketing videos, we also make other types of content. So let’s discuss your marketing goals and create an action plan together that will drive memorable messaging and brand enthusiasts. 

How Has TikTok Changed Marketing?

Last year, TikTok was the most downloaded app in the world, with 850 million downloads.

Because TikTok continues to dominate digital advertising trends year after year, it’s no surprise the app has changed the way businesses create content and social media marketing campaigns.

It is its own ecosystem, after all!

How has TikTok changed marketing, exactly? Let’s dive into the details.

TikTok’s Audience and Reach

If we’re discussing how TikTok has changed marketing, we must start with its audience and reach. TikTok has a solid user base with Gen Z. In fact, nearly half of TikTok users are Gen Z. However, this also means that half of TikTok users are from other demographics, too, like Millennials and Gen X.

TikTok is the sixth most popular social media platform, with one billion monthly active users (MUAs). This is nearly double the app that first introduced short-form videos, Snapchat. In its entirety, over three billion people have downloaded TikTok, compared to one billion downloads for Snapchat.

Further, HubSpot details the following about TikTok:

  • By 2024, retail brands will spend more on influencer marketing on TikTok than Instagram.
  • It has the fourth-highest audience engagement rate for user-generated content (UGC) campaigns.
  • Its cost per mile (CPM), or cost per thousand impressions, is half that of Instagram.
  • The largest audiences are in Brazil, Indonesia, and the U.S.

Hubspot also mentions that TikTok has the fourth-best algorithm. The PBS documentary TikTok, Boom expertly discusses how the TikTok algorithm operates to explain how TikTok creators generate more followers.

How Has TikTok Changed Marketing?

The TikTok user base is clearly massive. With this many active users, how has TikTok changed the marketing industry? We explore some of the ways below.

TikTok as a Search Engine

TikTok is becoming a search engine, especially for younger people. This is caused by most people having short attention spans, and TikTok provides quick and concise information. It is also because video content significantly helps viewers retain information better than other forms of content.

Although Google is still the top place people go to search, many younger generations are using TikTok to search for things like restaurants to try.

Social Media Marketing Is More Creative

TikTok marketing takes creativity to the next level because the app comes loaded with features like:

  • AR effects
  • Editing tools
  • Filters

This encourages businesses to get more creative with their content. Following TikTok trends and using hashtags are also fantastic ways for companies to make content they wouldn’t otherwise create.

More Engaging & Personal

Since many TikTok videos are personal and intimate and often tell a story, it helps to form a bond between users and your brand. This is contrary to other platforms that are more curated, like Instagram.

Thus, TikTok is the ideal place to capture the hearts of your target audience.

Additionally, TikTok videos are more engaging than content on other platforms. Users spend nearly an hour on the app daily, with younger users spending an hour and a half daily! For comparison, the average user spends just 30 minutes a day on Instagram and roughly 20 minutes on YouTube.

Marketing Is More Interactive & Entertaining

TikTok videos tend to be more fun and entertaining than on other platforms. After all, the app became popular for people recording themselves dancing and lip-syncing! And because of features like Live and Duets, TikTok is incredibly interactive.

For entrepreneurs who want to connect with their audience and promote products or services in a fun way, TikTok is the place to do it.

Global Reach

TikTok has users in 150 counties, making it the ideal platform for those who want to reach a global audience. For instance, if you’re an eCommerce brand that ships internationally, you want to focus some of your marketing efforts on TikTok.

Even though platforms like WhatsApp and LinkedIn are in more countries, 180 and 200, respectively, TikTok still offers a far more extensive global reach because users spend more time on TikTok than other apps.

Marketing Is More Shareable & Efficient

It’s super easy to share TikTok videos with others. That’s why many marketing experts agree that if you’re a startup or small business trying to create a viral video, you’re more likely to go viral on TikTok than on Instagram Reels.

It’s even more likely your content will get views or go viral when you collaborate with TikTok influencers or content creators in your industry. With access to the fan base of those with a large following, you can create new content that is highly shareable and likely to draw a lot of attention.

Is TikTok a Good Marketing Tool?

TikTok is one of the best social media marketing tools for large and small businesses. The app allows you to:

  • Build brand awareness.
  • Create a community.
  • Form partnerships.
  • Sell products and services.

Also, you can track analytics in real-time to assess your ad spend and the effectiveness of your campaigns. If you notice an underperforming video, simply access the metrics page to see why.

  • Did you post at an unusual time?
  • Did the video lack creative features?
  • Was the video less engaging than your usual content?
  • Was the video targeting a group outside your core audience?

These are just a few questions to ask, as there could be many reasons why a video missed the mark. However, using analytics, you can always check in to see what content your audience loves (and performs well) and what content you should avoid.

This way, you can maximize your ad spending and ensure your content and ads always perform well. Go one step further and use the information to help your brand expand its audience!

Take Your Social Media Marketing to the Next Level

TikTok has changed many aspects of digital marketing for the better! Content is more creative, engaging, and interactive, which is great for viewers.

If the TikTok community continues to scroll past your TikTok ads and videos, then it’s time we chat about your content creation and digital marketing strategy.

Contact us at EraserFarm to learn more about how our team can help take your content to the next level!

Why Content Marketing Is Important for B2B Brands

Why Content Marketing Is Important for B2B Brands

Data from Hubspot shows that in 2021, video content was the most shared content type used in content marketing strategies. Amazingly, almost 70% of content marketing services agencies reported it was their primary form of media!

However, video content is far from the only type of content businesses can create for their content marketing strategy. The content types are endless, from infographics and white papers to case studies, webinars, and podcasts.

Regardless of the content you create, the point is, content is still king. (Yes, we’ve been saying this for years, but it’s still true.) Business-to-business (B2B) companies must create quality content to find new customers.

But content marketing does more than just find qualified leads. So let’s get into why content marketing is essential for B2B companies.

What Is B2B Content Marketing?

B2B content marketing is when companies create and distribute different content formats for the following purposes:

  • Expand audience
  • Build trust
  • Create demand
  • Educate clients
  • Establish authority
  • Find leads
  • Generate interest

While deeply connected, content marketing differs from social media marketing in that social media marketing drives engagement through interactions, and content marketing directs potential customers to the company’s website.

How Is B2B Content Marketing Different Than B2C?

B2B digital marketing is about generating leads and forming relationships since the buyer’s journey can take several months as they work through the sales funnel. It’s similar to inbound marketing, where you create content that aligns with your target audience and fosters long-term relationships.

On the other hand, B2C digital marketing focuses on brand awareness and sales. The goal is to quickly reach and convert the target audience into paying customers. Since the buying journey is much quicker than with B2B sales, there isn’t as big of a focus on relationship building.

Why Is B2B Content Marketing Important?

Want to increase your B2B sales? Create good content. Various studies have proven its success time and time again. So let’s explore more in-depth why having a solid content marketing plan for your company is key.

Cost Effective

Content marketing is a much more cost-effective way to increase your business’s online visibility than other digital marketing efforts, such as email marketing.

Although search engine optimization (SEO) doesn’t end with content marketing, it plays a vital role in boosting organic traffic. Keyword targeting, link-building with backlinks, and regular posting will improve SEO through content marketing.

Ergo, it’s a no-brainer why content creation makes up a significant portion of a business’s marketing budget – it has an excellent ROI.

Help B2B Buyers With Purchasing Decisions

As a business, you’re a thought leader in your industry, and content creation is the perfect way to share your knowledge with B2B buyers.

Think about creating long-form how-to articles or instructional videos. Additionally, you can get inside your customers’ heads to figure out their pain points – and then show them how your product or service tackles them as the perfect solution.

Essentially, each piece of new content you create has the potential to develop trust, establish credibility, and demonstrate to decision-makers why they should buy from you.

Long-Term Results

Evergreen content is content that always stays relevant, increasing your content’s longevity. You can maximize your content by cross-posting it on various social media platforms over time, and it will always stay fresh. Way more bang for your buck.

You can also share this valuable content with your sales team, which they can use with customer outreach. Even your customer support team can use these pieces of content to help with customer inquiries.

And if you’ve done your job right and your evergreen content ranks well, it will continue to direct clients to your website.

Generate High-Quality Leads

Your business should absolutely use content marketing to generate leads. Once you know your buyer persona, you can create content that leads them through the buyer’s journey. Your content will encourage potential clients to continue the sales funnel, eventually leading to more conversions.

Then, follow analytics and metrics to tweak the content you create or when you share social media posts. This way, you can maximize how many potential customers you reach. For instance, if you find your LinkedIn posts falling flat, change your content or choose another platform to post on.

Further, according to the Content Marketing Institute, content marketing is also the most significant driver in demand generation. 83% of marketing teams said it was the most effective strategy to generate demand, with SEO and paid advertising trailing behind.

Stay a Step Ahead of Your Competition

Even though the data shows that high-quality content is best for lead generation, many businesses still aren’t living up to what customers want.

When you don’t put effort into the strategy, you’re basically handing customers directly to your competition. So instead, analyze what your competitors are doing and outpace them with an even better approach. For example, if you notice their informational videos are performing well, invest in creating high-quality videos of your own. (And ideally, ones that are better!)

All in all, create engaging, educational, personable, and shareable content.

Build Connections & Create Trust

Through thought leadership, you can create brand awareness, which, in turn, builds trust. When customers trust your word, not only will they buy from you, but they will become return customers. They will also tell others about your product or service, bringing even more clientele to your door. Developing a positive reputation for your business is priceless.

Create Organic Website Traffic

Your content marketing efforts should always keep in mind the long-term goal: to generate leads through search traffic growth. Thus, your content should consistently send people to your website, increasing organic traffic.

While paid advertising can help you in the short term, it’s an expensive long-term strategy. When you invest in creating high-quality educational content, you will spend far less while maximizing exponential growth.

Start Building Your B2B Content Marketing Strategy

If you’re looking for professional advice or assistance with your B2B content marketing campaigns, let’s have a chat! This is exactly what we do best at Eraser Farm. Contact our team to learn more about our services and how we can help.


What is a Social Media Agency? | Social Media Agencies Explained


What Is a Social Media Agency? Social Media Agencies Explained

Six billion people: that’s a lot. Yet, that’s how many people experts predict will be active across various social media channels by 2027.

If your business doesn’t have an active social media presence, then now is the time to get the ball rolling. However, having an in-house marketing team is too expensive for some businesses and may not even make sense if your company is small. So instead, consider hiring a social media marketing firm for help.

What is a social media agency, you ask? Let’s find out!

What Is a Social Media Marketing Agency & Why Does It Matter?

A social media agency handles all marketing efforts related to social media.

Here’s how it works: the agency crafts and executes your social media marketing strategy. This can include the following:

  • Developing a long-term plan
  • Creating different social media campaigns
  • Producing and posting content
  • Tracking essential KPIs and metrics

Although this case study promises the future of social media in marketing is exciting, there is still a lot of flux and uncertainty. This makes it even more challenging for businesses to stay on top of emerging social media trends - particularly if you are small and everyone wears many hats. So creating a successful social media strategy will be difficult if you don’t fully understand or have the bandwidth to deal with social media marketing.

The agency's social media management tools will ensure your business can attract the right customers so you can profit from an effective social media presence.

What Services Does a Social Media Agency Offer?

Unlike digital marketing agencies, which offer a host of different marketing tools, a social media agency specifically focuses on the services mentioned below.

Content Creation

Content rules supreme in any social media strategy. Luckily, an agency will use expert content marketing tools to get new customers interested in your company and ensure recurring customers continue to stick around.

They can create various social media posts for platforms like:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Snapchat
  • TikTok
  • Twitter
  • Youtube

Plus, you want your posts to get seen, right? The agency will ensure your content meets all the latest SEO standards for maximum exposure.

A social media agency can also help your company with influencer marketing or form partnerships with other businesses to reach a broader audience.

For example, suppose you’re an eCommerce business that offers different digital organizational tools. In this case, you can collaborate with an organization influencer to promote a free download, such as a calendar template, for potential clients to try.

Content Scheduling

Posting high-quality social media content is not enough to get your target audience to notice your business. You also have to know when to post for the greatest reach.

An agency can create an automated content calendar that posts content at the most optimum times per platform. This is possible by using industry, location, and product data.

Paid Media

Paid social ads (media buying) help brands reach their ideal demographics faster through highly-targeted campaigns.

A social media agency has the expertise to use media buying, like Facebook ads, to reach your target market and increase lead generation, all while staying within budget. Without these skills, you may lose money on paid campaigns because you’re unable to fine-tune ads to hit your goals. Social media agency strategists know how to tweak things to get the most bang for your buck with paid media!

Community Management

Being active on different social media platforms is one of the best ways to engage with customers and build brand awareness.

However, it’s incredibly time-consuming. Even sending out a tweet to alert customers of an issue means you must have someone online all day because customers expect real-time interaction.

An agency can not only engage with your customers on social media, but they can provide customer support when issues arise. Since more people are using social media for customer support, it pays to have someone consistently monitor customer messages so you can deal with your daily business operations.

The Benefits of Working With a Social Media Agency

The value of working with a social media marketing agency is endless. When you have social media management professionals as part of your team, you never have to worry about this aspect of marketing again.

Two major benefits of social media marketing are standouts.

Boost Engagement

A social media agency will increase customer engagement by consistently interacting with your target audience. This will lead to more leads and conversions.

And while engagement across your social media profiles is crucial, better engagement also helps guide customers to your site, driving up website traffic. Again, this will help you all across the board, boosting your search engine results page (SERP) rankings and driving overall visibility to customers.

Save Time

A social media agency has the know-how to execute stellar, in-depth social media campaigns across various social networks. Because this work is labor-intensive, they can save you a lot of time and trouble.

Small businesses that feel overwhelmed with the time commitment of managing multiple social media accounts don’t have to spend any time working on these campaigns when they work with an agency.

How to Identify a Trustworthy Social Media Agency

Finding a trustworthy social media agency can feel like a daunting task. Here are some pointers on knowing if the agency you want to work with is a good match:

  • They provide a timeline of results
  • An actual human from their team manages your accounts
  • They strike a balance with automation
  • Pricing is not tied to ad spending, and they understand your social media marketing budget
  • They measure profit
  • You can access your accounts and account data at any time
  • They notify you when something isn’t working
  • They are transparent

If any agency offers you something that doesn’t align with these, consider it a red flag. Unfortunately, many agencies will overcharge and not provide results.

When in doubt, ask other business owners for a recommendation on the agency they use.

Start Connecting With Your Audience on Social Media

If you think your small business couldn’t afford to hire an agency, think again. Because they save you time and money in the long run and have the potential to generate new leads and convert customers, your investment could really pay off for you!

At EraserFarm, we love to talk shop about all things marketing! So book a call with us. We can discuss your business goals and talk strategy for your social media plan.