what does a marketing agency do

What Does a Marketing Agency Do?

In today's day and age, the internet is not an optional endeavor for businesses. In fact, by the end of 2021, experts are predicting that offline global revenue will be down by 20%. This is pretty scary news for small or medium-sized businesses that count on offline sales to survive. Fortunately, with the help of a great marketing agency, you can keep your business thriving in the years ahead, both online and off.

So what does a marketing agency do, you ask? These experts are responsible for taking the everyday challenge and time-consuming task of marketing off your hands. Of course, the benefits of using their services go much further than this. Follow along to discover exactly what a marketing agency can do for your business today.

What Does a Marketing Agency Do?

The answer to this question relies entirely on what 'kind' of marketing agency you're thinking of bringing on board. Some agencies focus only on specific tasks such as social media or SEO while others have a team of professionals that work together on your entire marketing approach. The latter is referred to as a full-service marketing agency.

For the sake of simplicity, let's tackle what these full-service agencies really do for your business. Your full-service offerings will break down into two categories:

Digital Marketing Strategies

Digital marketing includes all of the online avenues your business needs to stand out. A digital marketing team will work together to create a cohesive experience for users and drive traffic to your website.

The digital areas they will tackle include:

  • SEO (search engine marketing)
  • Content marketing
  • Mobile marketing
  • Video marketing
  • PPC advertising
  • Email marketing
  • Social media marketing

As you can imagine, each of these tasks is a full-time job in itself. For example, your SEO strategies will include both on-page and off-page SEO to not only make your website user-friendly but increase its visibility across all platforms.

We'll dive into the benefits of these strategies later.

Offline Marketing Strategies

While your online approach is growing increasingly important, it is still vital to tackle offline marketing strategies too. By integrating your offline marketing with your online approach, you'll be able to get the most out of both strategies to maximize your impact.

Your offline marketing may include:

  • Radio and broadcast advertising
  • Print ads
  • Events
  • and more

The Benefits of a Using a Marketing Agency

So why not develop these marketing strategies on your own? Even if you have a strong understanding of how marketing works, taking on these tasks for your business is simply unmanageable for many business owners. Beyond the sheer amount of time it takes to carry out marketing correctly, the landscape of marketing and advertising is continually changing, making keeping up with your online and offline approach a huge commitment. In addition to the time and headache you'll save by outsourcing these tasks, you'll also experience the following benefits:

Fresh Perspective and Ideas

It can be easy to get stuck in a rut, especially when it comes to marketing. Oftentimes, what worked in the past on social media campaigns or brand advertisements isn't compliant with new algorithms or trends. This is why companies will have great success for a while and then plateau or drop off overnight. While you may know and understand your brand the best, an outside perspective can help you tackle those roadblocks and plateaus to continually see results.

Increased Relevant Traffic

Even if you're rising up in the ranks on Google, your SEO strategies could still be unbeneficial to your business. This is because you could be targetting keywords or audiences that won't help you grow. Because your marketing team is so well versed with their techniques and research, you'll notice an impressive difference in the quality of your audience. Instead of reaching uninterested consumers or ones way beyond your buying radius, you'll have increased website traffic that actually matters to your business.

Improved Brand Awareness and Reach

While there are many objectives to marketing, perhaps the most coveted result is brand awareness. Exposure to your brand is essential to gain customers, earn trust, and establish authority. Fortunately, by tackling your marketing with a full-service approach, you'll increase your brand awareness on multiple platforms. This increased awareness then directly impacts your reach. The more active and available you are in your marketing, the more customers will begin to see and remember your brand.

Expert Knowledge and Experience

When it comes to marketing, there's a ton to learn. While learning about the ins and outs of SEO and social media campaigns is doable, it's likely something that you just don't have time for as a business owner. Beyond this, as you learn, you'll inevitably make mistakes. While these mistakes are all a part of growing, they can cost your business quite a lot of money and energy to fix. Because marketing experts are so well versed in their job, they are far less likely to make these big mistakes, and if they do, they are tracked down much faster. Couple this with years of experience understanding what does and doesn't work in your industry, and it's clear how advantageous bringing on a pro can really be.

Cohesive All-Around Approach

Finally, by taking your entire marketing campaign to one agency, you'll have the clear-cut advantage of consistency. Your customer's trust relies on your brand having a consistent and cohesive experience on all platforms. Without agents that understand what's going on from platform to platform, they won't be able to create that unified approach. Beyond this, with insider knowledge on your entire campaign, the different elements of your marketing can work together to drive traffic exactly where it needs to be!

Your Marketing Strategy for Success

Now that you know the answer to your burning question, 'what does a marketing agency do?', you can set forth with confidence. From choosing a marking agency that suits your needs to understanding the benefits you can expect to see, we know you'll be on the right track with your marketing strategy.

Ready to experience the difference for yourself? Get in touch with us today to discover how we can transform your marketing approach for success in the ever-changing market.

What Are the Common Types of Digital Marketing?

If you're like us and you run a small business, you know the importance of expanding your customer base and reaching new eyes. Marketing is everything when it comes to business growth, but not enough business owners understand how to make it work for them. While traditional marketing is still useful and you should never toss away your business cards, various types of digital marketing are the way forward.

But what is digital marketing anyway and why the heck is it so important?

Well, digital marketing is any type of marketing that uses digital means to reach customers. Most of the time this marketing comes in the form of internet-based communication and content. We're here to talk about what types of digital marketing are used for marketing a business. So pour yourself a cup of Joe and pull up a chair.

SEM (Search Engine Marketing)

SEM is the first thing that most people think of when they think about digital marketing. SEM is search engine marketing and it's somewhat of an umbrella term, but in this context, we're using it to mean paid marketing, which is also often referred to as "PPC" or "pay per click" marketing.  Lots of small businesses start out with SEM while they grow the rest of their digital marketing strategy. This means that you should have room in your marketing budget to accommodate routine SEM payments.

Why is it so important? Well when you use SEM, your business's website will appear at the top of search engines by default, but potential customers will know that you've paid for this spot due to the "ad" label. That said, this is still a great way to gain more traffic.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO is the king of digital marketing and all business owners should include it in their digital marketing strategy. When you use search engine optimization, you're setting your website up to move up the search rankings. Because many people never venture beyond the first page of Google searches, this is crucial. SEO has many benefits that SEM just can't match. While both are useful, SEO is popular for a reason. When you invest in good SEO, you're setting your website up for a future of success instead of just success at the moment. That SEM will be the stepping stone for your business, but SEO will keep your strategy afloat.

SEO has to do with several things. You need to have an updated and accurate Google My Business page, great keyword use on your site, and valuable information. Many people make the mistake of using bad tactics like "keyword stuffing" (or overusing keywords for SEO purposes instead of useful purposes). This practice can hurt your SEO. This is one of the reasons that it pays off to have a professional. SEO ends up paying for itself over time and you don't have to pay every time you want an ad at the top of the search engine.

Local SEO

Speaking of SEO, local SEO is also important if you're a brick-and-mortar business that's trying to drum up local customers and support. You want to make sure that you're targeting the right people, right? A lot of people, 76% in fact, will visit a business within a day after searching for it on their smartphones. For you to turn up on that smartphone search, you need to utilize local SEO. Local SEO is broken down into several categories and there are several ways to make it work for you. It requires you to use local keywords and have an accurate position on Google Maps. This allows customers to recognize that your business operates out of their town or city. You can also build your local SEO by acquiring backlinks from other local businesses both in and out of your niche. This tends to be a tradeoff between businesses, so this is a great time to talk to local business owners about negotiating an arrangement.

Content Marketing

Content marketing and SEO (local and otherwise) go hand in hand. But what is content marketing? Content marketing is when you utilize blog posts and other valuable content to attract customers and build your SEO. While blog posts were once for people writing personal accounts on Livejournal or filling on food blogs, many businesses now use them as part of their digital marketing strategies. When you use content marketing, you fill your website with valuable keywords. This means that people browsing the web who are looking for a specific service, or even an answer to a question, will come across your page.

When you use content marketing, you'll come off as an expert in your niche, which will help you build customer trust.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing has little to do with your website and everything to do with keeping up with social media trends. Everyone knows about social media marketing and how it can contribute to growing a business, but are you taking advantage of it? When you hire a professional for your digital marketing strategy, you'll be able to find and target your ideal audience with social media marketing. For example, if your target audience is made up of millennial women, you may end up focusing on utilizing Instagram because that's where that demographic "lives" on the internet.

While social media marketing contains traditional ads and hashtagged content to attract new people, you can also utilize influencer marketing. Younger audiences tend to prefer this marketing style as they don't respond as well to standard digital ads.

Try These Types of Digital Marketing to Grow Your Business

These are just some of the various types of digital marketing that you can use to help your business grow and thrive. Whether you're using SEM, SEO, or social media marketing (or a combination of the three), you'll discover that your business grows in record time.

So if you need of someone to help out with your digital marketing efforts, EraserFarm has a small, crackerjack team of experts ready, willing and able to help. Contact us and let's get started working together today.

social media marketing trends

7 Of 2021's Biggest Social Media Marketing Trends

About 11 new people start using social media every second. Now, there are over 3.5 billion active social media users. That's 45% of the world's population! A strong social media marketing plan can help you connect with your target audience. You can engage, entertain, and inform them through your posts. It's not enough to develop a social media marketing strategy, though. You also need to make sure you're up-to-date with the trends. If you're not following the latest social media marketing trends, consumers will take notice.

Here are seven of 2021's biggest social media trends. Following these trends can boost your entire marketing strategy. You can remain relevant and connect with customers online.

Give your social media marketing strategy a kick in the proverbial pantst! Start following these seven amazing trends today.

1. Stories and Live Streams

The live streaming market will be worth over $247 billion by 2027.

In fact, videos on social media generate 1,200% more shares than texts and images. Companies that create videos generate 41% more traffic from searches. About 40% of consumers say videos increase their chances of making a purchase, too.  By the end of 2021, live streaming could account for 82% of all internet traffic, too. Live video content became more popular in light of COVID-19. Now, companies can use live videos to leverage the fear of missing out (FOMO). You can encourage an audience to watch your videos before you stop streaming. Tapping into an "in-the-moment" connection can help you interact with your customers online. Try to schedule more live interactions using video content this year. For example, you can create a weekly Q&A session. Consumers can ask questions about your product or service. Learning more about your offerings can help brand trust grow. If consumers don't trust you, they won't try your product. You could struggle to generate leads and sales as a result. Instead, you can use live videos to answer any questions they have. Then, you can foster brand trust. They might decide to give your product a try as a result. Q&A sessions can also help you demonstrate your experience and expertise. You might have an easier time standing apart from your competitors as a result. Don't forget to use Instagram and Facebook stories this year, too. Stories give you a chance to create interactive content. For example, you can use polls and quizzes to learn more about your customers. Then, you can use the answers from your polls to generate content your target audience wants.

Following these social media marketing trends could make it easier for you to engage followers in the future.

2. Social eCommerce

Consumers can now start shopping straight from your social media posts. If you want to improve your social media marketing strategy, use social eCommerce. Create an eye-catching post that shows off your products. Make sure your images are sharp and high-quality. Then, consumers can click on the post to start shopping. Using product tags and enabling easy checkout can improve the user experience. Shoppers won't have to leave the platform to shop. Creating this ease of use could boost sales. Start by creating a social media storefront. Then, highlight the value you're offering. You don't have to use sales language to encourage shopping. Instead, help people see the benefits of choosing your products. Then, you can use shoppable posts to shorten the customer journey. Consumers can shop straight from the platform. You might notice a decrease in abandoned transactions as a result.

Following this trend can help you adjust your strategy for changing audience behaviors. Otherwise, consumers could get frustrated due to a complicated user experience. They might abandon carts on your website if it's not easy to shop from your store.

3. Virtual and Augmented Reality

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are two social media marketing trends that aren't going anywhere anytime soon. You can use AR and VR to create more interactive experiences. It's a great way to boost engagement with your brand. For example, you can create your own AR filters to encourage fan interactions. AR filters can also help you promote new products. Consumers can engage with your filters and become more aware of your offerings. You can also use AR to let consumers "try" your products. For example, they can see how furniture looks within their own homes. They can try on makeup, glasses, and clothing using AR, too.

4. Transparency and Authenticity

As you start improving your social media marketing strategy, take the time to consider your posts. Are you encouraging transparency? Are you remaining authentic to your brand? Try posting more behind-the-scenes content this year. Show consumers how your products are made. Transparency and authenticity can boost brand trust and loyalty. Consumers will feel more comfortable with your business as a result.

5. Influencer Marketing

You can also foster brand trust through influencer marketing. Find an influencer who already has a strong connection with your target audience. Then, ask them to promote your brand. You can leverage the influencer's existing brand trust and reach to boost your business.

6. Inclusivity

Inclusion is becoming more important than ever before. Consumers want to choose businesses that invest in their communities. Make sure any content you create involving inclusivity is well-informed. Choose social issues that suit your audience. Inclusivity could help you build deeper connections with your customers. You can show customers you care about their identities and diversity. Otherwise, you might struggle to connect with your audience.

7. UCG

User-generated content (UCG) can help on-the-fence customers realize people just like them already love your brand. Share the content your customers are posting about your product or service. Make sure you have permission to share their content. Create a branded hashtag for your business marketing strategy, too. Encourage your customers to post using the hashtag. You'll have an easier time finding and sharing the content they create.

Social Success: 7 Social Media Marketing Trends for 2021

Following the latest social media marketing trends doesn't have to feel challenging. Instead, add these trends to your social media marketing plan. With these tips, you can remain relevant and connect with customers. Then, you can boost engagement, draw more leads, and increase sales!

Need help improving your social media marketing strategy? We're ready to roll when you are. Just say the word!

Contact our team today to get started.

Instagram Marketing for Beginners

About 3.5 billion people are active on social media. That's a crazy number, if you think about it. And because of that, over 90% of marketers use social media to boost exposure for their brands online. A few eye-catching images and witty captions aren't enough for a strong Instagram marketing strategy, though. So with that, here are 10 tips that can help you learn how to market on Instagram. With these Instagram marketing strategies, you can reach more customers online. You can build a following, engage your audience, and potentially generate fresh leads.

Ready to set your brand up for success online? Get started with these 10 easy Instagram marketing tips today! Let's roll.

1. Research Your Audience

Before anything else, take the time to gather research. Research can help you make more informed decisions with your Instagram marketing strategy. Otherwise, the assumptions you make could waste valuable time and energy in the long run. First, take the time to learn as much as you can about your target audience.

If you're targeting a broad audience, segment your customers into distinct personas. You can distinguish each group based on demographics and psychographics. For example, you might segment customers based on:

  • Age
  • Education
  • Language
  • Gender
  • Household income
  • Marital status
  • Interests
  • Buying behaviors
  • Hobbies
  • Pain points

Think of each persona as a real person. What content are they searching for while online? Understanding your target audience can help you better appeal to their interests. In fact, over 70% of people get annoyed when content has nothing to do with their interests. Over 50% of consumers will switch brands if companies don't use personalized messaging. Personalizing your content with distinct customer groups in mind could boost your ROI. In fact, 80% of people are more likely to make purchases from companies that personalize communications. Personalization can boost your ROI by eight times, too.

As you use the rest of these Instagram marketing strategies, keep your customers in mind. Speak their language to draw them in.

2. Check Out the Competition

As you gather information about your target audience, don't forget to consider your competitors. You develop a strong Instagram marketing strategy based on the mistakes your competitors are making. You can learn from their successes and failures.

Look at the posts your competitors share on their Instagram accounts. Create a spreadsheet that outlines the:

  • Types of posts your competitors create (still images, videos, IGTV, Reels, Stories, Shoppable posts, etc.)
  • Day and time each post goes up
  • Their most popular posts
  • The hashtags they use
  • How often they post

As you review their posts, check out the engagement. Which posts get the most likes and comments? Which posts tend to fall flat? Don't copy what your competitors are doing. Instead, look for ways to improve on their Instagram marketing strategies. For example, you can learn which post formats are most popular with your target audience.

3. Update Your Profile

Optimizing your Instagram profile can help more potential followers and customers find you online. First, make sure you're using a business account. Instagram's business accounts offer additional features and tools. For example, you can review your Instagram Insights to learn more about your followers. When updating your profile, try to add as much helpful information as you can. Make sure your business name is clear. Use a handle that's easy to remember and associate with your brand. Make sure to include your website, too. Use a hashtag that's relevant to your business within your description as well. These tips could help you use Instagram as part of your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy, too.

4. Create Engaging Content

Engaging, branded content is key for a successful Instagram marketing strategy. Make sure your content is unique and helpful. Focus on providing your customers with entertaining or helpful content. Try to avoid hard sales tactics. After all, most people aren't on Instagram to shop. Instead, help them learn more about your business. For example, you can create product demos or tutorials. You post helpful tips and tricks or schedule live Q&A sessions. Experiment with different forms of content to see what engages your audience.

5. Schedule Ahead of Time

Once you start developing your content, try to schedule your posts ahead of time. Scheduling your posts can help you remain efficient and organized. Once you start posting, look at your data. What day and time help you generate the most engagement? Schedule your posts at the right time to reach your audience.

6. Partner With Influencers

Instagram influencer marketing can help expand your reach. You can boost brand awareness and build your online credibility. Look for influencers your target audience already loves. Then, ask if they're willing to promote your brand. You can leverage the influencer's existing brand trust and loyalty to draw more people to your business.

7. Gather Your Hashtags

Create a branded hashtag for your posts. Encourage people to use your branded hashtag when they discuss your business. Then, share their user-generated content to boost brand trust and loyalty. Avoid using oversaturated hashtags like "#love." Instead, focus on hashtags that appeal to your target audience. Make sure the hashtags you use are appropriate to the post, too.

8. Keep the Conversation Going

As people begin commenting on your Instagram posts, comment back! Create a two-way conversation. Respond to questions and let your followers know you're there to help. Look for ways to boost engagement, too. For example, you can create polls and quizzes in your Stories. Consider hosting a contest as well.

9. Track Trends

Keep up with the latest trends to ensure you never fall behind. Otherwise, followers might think your business is outdated. Choose trends that suit your industry and business. In the meantime, make sure to avoid these eight social media marketing mistakes.

10. Analyze and Optimize

As you develop your Instagram marketing strategy, make sure to review your data. Reviewing your data can help you learn from your mistakes. You can also recognize the strategies that are helping you engage your target audience. Continue optimizing your Instagram marketing plans to gather more followers and leads in the future.

Like a Lot: 10 Instagram Marketing Tips for Beginners

A strong Instagram marketing strategy can put your business on the map. You can reach more people online and start building a loyal following. Develop your Instagram plans with these 10 easy tips today.

And of course, if you need help developing your digital marketing strategy, we're always here to lend a hand! Contact our team today to get started.

Latest Trends in Video Marketing

Video marketing is one of the most effective ways to connect with your audience. So, it’s imperative that you have a strong understanding of the current industry trends. So with that, I've listed some of the most notable ways below that you need to keep in mind. Let’s get started.

User-Generated Content

As time goes on, more and more companies will begin to implement user-generated content. For those who are unaware, this term refers to any type of content that is created by users as opposed to the brand itself. One of the most common examples involves a brand holding a contest or similar event that encourages members of its target audience to post their own photos or videos while following specific guidelines. These are often in the form of “challenges” that aim to increase the engagement that the brand has with its audience while also promoting a specific product or service. As you might guess, this is a highly effective marketing method due to the fact that members of your audience can easily relate to people that are similar to them. So, keep this in mind when moving forward.

Mobile Live Streaming

Live streaming has been a pillar of video marketing for the past few years. It immediately establishes a powerful connection with your audience and provides insight into certain aspects of your brand then they normally would be unaware of. For example, a business might start a live stream and then showcase what the average day is like at its facility. You may get to see what goes on behind the scenes, members of the team in action, etc. This trend will continue, except it will almost exclusively utilize mobile devices. This is simply due to the fact that mobile applications have exploded in popularity since their inception.

This is particularly true for TikTok, a short-form video app that took the world by storm and had unprecedented business applications. Keep this in mind when moving forward so that you can formulate ways to incorporate mobile live streaming into your video marketing methods.

Interactive Content

People will want to save more and more time as the years go on. After all, the average person has the attention span of a goldfish at this point. Interactive content removes the need for the user to contact a brand, visit a website, etc. So, the user is far more likely to take the company’s intended action, such as making a purchase or signing up for an email newsletter. Some brands plan on taking this a step further and integrating augmented reality/virtual reality into their video marketing. This will provide a viable alternative to the conventional in-person shopping experience, something that many consumers have gotten used to over this past year.

Shoppable Video Content

Although shoppable video is a relatively new form of video marketing, it’s expected to be highly effective. This method allows members of your target demographic to purchase a product directly from an advertisement. As previously mentioned, this completely eliminates the need to take extra steps in order to navigate to a checkout page. Making products easier to purchase will go a long way when it comes to maximizing sales performance.

In many cases, this type of video content can even outperform display ads.

Educational Videos

From a marketing standpoint, one of the most efficient ways to connect with a customer is to teach them something. More specifically, though, e-learning has been projected to grow substantially in the coming years. Educational videos also include forms of online training that professionals and students alike can benefit from. Since this industry has recently seen unprecedented growth, brands are beginning to invest more than ever before into it. That means you can expect to see a sharp increase in production value when it comes to educational video content.

Virtual Events

As more and more brands begin to recognize the utility of virtual events, they become a more practical option in many circumstances. To elaborate, more companies than ever before are beginning to host remote sessions as opposed to in-person gatherings. This is even true for types of events that have traditionally always involved traveling to the physical location, such as music festivals. We can expect to see an increase in diversity when it comes to what type of virtual events companies begin to host. Instead of celebrations, it’s highly likely that many brands will hold conferences, public announcements, etc. from a remote location and livestream them while doing so. No matter what industry you operate within, chances are that hosting virtual events is something that you can benefit from at some point in 2021.

Animated Explainer Content

Similar to educational videos, animated explainer content is projected to be on the rise this year. However, these aren't quite aligned with education in the same way. To elaborate, explainer content involves informing viewers about noneducational topics. Ongoing social issues, for example, are a common focus of explainer content. Although simple in nature, this type of video content can hold its own among the top video marketing strategies.

It’s Essential to Keep the Above Video Marketing Trends in Mind

These will help ensure that you implement the appropriate methods when it comes to targeting your audience. Moving forward, you’ll find that video marketing is far easier than you anticipated.

Want to learn more about what we have to offer? Feel free to get in touch with us today and see how we can help.

digital marketing tips

9 Simple Digital Marketing Tips for Your Business

Whether your business is online or not, it's important to engage in digital marketing. Not only does it help your brand to grow, but it helps you keep that growth. Once you have customers, it's important to keep them engaged so you don't lose that connection. But how do you go about doing this? What marketing strategies are effective enough to help you gain the trust of your customers while upping your conversion rate?

Luckily, we're here to help. Read on for nine of the best digital marketing tips.

1. Create a Plan

Without a plan, you're setting yourself up for failure. Instead of getting lost each and every time you set out to accomplish something new with your business, create a plan to help you stay on track. This plan should include everything from the content you're going to create down to the time it's all going to be posted. It could also be a great idea to include spaces for tracking the progress you make along the way. Create the original plan in one color, and then make any edits or include the progress you've made in a different color. No matter what, creating a plan is going to help you stay on track, and it's going to help you know your exact marketing goals.

2. Create a Google My Business Listing

This is a free step to take, and it's a simple one. To see a Google My Business Listing, simply type in the name of a business. That business's address will then pop up and you'll be able to see essential information about the business. This gives potential and current customers a quick and simple way to reference your business.

To edit the listing, claim the one that's already been made, or create one for your business. Once this step is done, you have a lasting way to market your business. Just don't forget to edit the listing when things change — especially store hours and location.

3. Optimize for Mobile

It's estimated that 56 percent of total web usage comes from mobile users. This means that optimizing your website for mobile users is crucial to the success of any online business. Typically, website builders like WordPress or Square Space offer themes that are already optimized for mobile. This simply means that you pick that theme knowing your website will run smoothly across any device.

4. Place Your Focus On Local Marketing

Chances are, your business is going to be operating on a local level. This means it's smart to target a local audience when it comes to your marketing campaigns. The immediate area surrounding your business is going to be a lot easier to target than a national or even an international audience. You can take advantage of local marketing by focusing on local SEO, and even creating a social media ad campaign that targets your geographic area.

5. What Social Media Are You Going to Use?

Just like content marketing, social media marketing is a great way to gain the attention of potential clients and customers. It's also crucial to gaining attention since 74 percent of consumers rely on social media marketing to guide their purchasing decisions. Finding the social media channel best suited for your business is going to be the difference between going viral and staying off of people's radars. If you own a company that takes a lot of pictures, then Instagram or TikTok might be great options for you instead of LinkedIn or Twitter. No matter what, it's important to note that social media marketing is ever-changing, and it's important to keep up with algorithms and trends to stay on top of the market.

6. Set a Budget

Once you have a plan in place, it's time to set a budget. Sit down and figure out what you're looking for when it comes to marketing strategies. Are you going to need to hire someone to help you grow your channels? Are you going to need help keeping up with your posting schedule? Whatever the answer, this is an important thing to consider when you're creating your budget. Another crucial thing to remember is ad campaigns. Knowing how much you have to spend on those ahead of time can save a lot of headaches down the road.

7. Figure Out Your Target Audience

Knowing your target audience or demographic can make or break your marketing campaigns. It's important to be as specific as possible when it comes to creating your target persona, down to how they enjoy being interacted with. The more specific you can be, the more tailored ad campaigns are going to get.

8. Customer Experience Matters

Did you know that 90 percent of leading marketers say personalization contributes to the profitability of your business? Customers enjoy feeling seen by the brands they do business with. Personalizing an experience to your target audience's preferences is crucial in for ensuring they continue to do business with you.

9. Are You Doing It All Yourself?

So, are you going to take on digital marketing yourself, or are you going to hire a professional to help you out? It can be easy to forget that there are options out there for those who are confused by the process of digital marketing or simply don't know where to start. If it's in your budget, however, and there's a marketing firm you'd like to work with, it can be well worth it in the long run.

These Simple Digital Marketing Tips Can Help Your Business Succeed

Now that we've gone over some of the best digital marketing tips, it's time for you to see what they can do for your business! No matter what strategies you decide to use, make sure you keep a record. This record can help you keep track of what does and doesn't work so you know what to do later down the line.

If you still find yourself needing help, we're here for you. Contact us today to discuss your goals and we can get started.

Everything You Need To Know About Online Video Marketing

Did you know that the human brain can process images up to 60 times faster than words? That already gives a significant edge to online video marketing. Now imagine that edge paired with an amazing storytelling experience and the ability to market effectively. You've got yourself a full-proof way to sell and market your business or brand. But how can you go about achieving all three at once? How do you know online video marketing is truly the best way to market things? Read on to find out.

What is Online Video Marketing?

Before you can dive into creating video content, you should learn about what it is. Online video marketing is simply using videos to promote or market your service. It also works to increase engagement on your social media channels and to educate your customers and consumers.

Why Use Online Video Marketing?

There's a reason that 87 percent of online marketers use video. So, what's the appeal of online video marketing? How can it actually help your business gain the recognition it deserves?

Better Search Engine Rankings

The first thing it can do is help boost your search engine rankings. Since people are more likely to explore a website with lots of visuals and different kinds of media, the time spent dwelling on your website increases, which allows your SEO rankings to skyrocket.

Higher Engagement

As a visual society, it's easy to see why people love to see things instead of just hearing about them. Viewers are more likely to interact with a video by liking, sharing, and commenting than they are by simply reading words.

More Conversions

When it's done correctly, online video marketing is always more likely to lead to higher conversion rates. It makes sense when you consider the amount of engagement that videos can get and the boost in your search engine rankings. Even without those things, video tends to lead people to want to watch more of your content. When people become invested in a body of work, they're just naturally more inclined to invest in it.

What to Know

There are a few things to know before you just jump into online video marketing, though. Here are a few video marketing tips.

Empathy Is Efficiency

This might not make sense right off the bat. Isn't the point of empathy to show someone you understand exactly what they're going through? Isn't the point to let a person know that you've been there and that you possibly even have a solution to help them? But that's exactly the point. By conveying empathy in your storytelling, you're letting your viewer know that you get them. By allowing them to feel seen, you spend no extra time convincing them that they have something to gain from your product or service. Whether you're trying to promote a service or sell a product, you should include your story in the marketing. Not only does it show your viewer that you understand, but it also allows them to empathize with you and your struggles, whether they're past or present.

Tell a Story, Not a Sales Pitch

By telling your story instead of trying to sell your viewer something right out of the gate, you're more likely to keep their attention. It's no secret that people simply don't enjoy sales pitches, so you have to give them something to be entertained by!

Show Your Viewer, Don't Tell

This is the next most important tip, and it's the one that's going to keep your viewers' attention for the longest. Instead of telling everyone your crazy story, or explaining what your product does, show them. Talking doesn't entertain or captivate nearly as much as video trials or examples do. Think about an Oxiclean commercial. If you've ever seen one, you can probably picture Billy Mays yelling into the camera about how well the product works, which is all fine and well. But then he sprays the product onto a dirty surface and wipes away all the dirt and grime. Instead of telling you, the viewer, in that instant, he's shown you what the product is capable of.

The same goes for telling a story.

You can tell people that you're a singer, but then they're going to want to hear you sing. Instead of just saying you're a singer, you should show people that you're able to sing. If something exciting happened that led to you starting a business and you have videos of it all, then you should put those into advertisements or marketing campaigns wherever you're able. Instead of worrying about whether or not people believe you, you can worry about whether or not your marketing videos have gained their attention for the long haul.

Don't Worry About Other Videos

This is arguably the most important tip that you can hear: there is no reason to worry about other videos or content. Yes, you can always look at other videos to see what your competition is creating, but you shouldn't compare your content to theirs. If you can't afford to pay a professional to create all of your videos, or you just want to take a shot at creating marketing videos yourself, then there's no reason to get discouraged. You don't need the best camera to create a video, nor do you need a lot of fancy equipment.

If your videos are effective, they're going to sell themselves.

It's Time to Get Started

Now that you've learned the basics of online video marketing, it's time to get started with your storytelling adventure. Whether you choose to hire a professional or embark on the journey alone, you're sure to gain an advantage that you never even knew you had.

Sometimes, however, you just need help bringing your vision to life, and that's what EraserFarm is here for. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help.