account based marketing tactics cartoons

Why You Need to Start Using Account-Based Marketing Tactics

Have you noticed that your current marketing strategies seem to be losing steam?

Are you looking for more ways to learn how to cross-sell and upsell to your current clients?

Concerned that you're not making as personal of a connection as you could be with your target audience?

If so, then account-based marketing will likely be able to help you do all that and more.

In this post, we'll fill you in on why account-based marketing tactics should be used as a part of any strong marketing strategy.

We'll help you to define account marketing, understand the benefits that it offers, and connect you with the professionals who can help you to take advantage of it.

What Is Account Based Marketing?

Before we begin to talk about the advantages of using account-based marketing tactics, let's come to a clear understanding of what it is.

In a nutshell, it's the idea of advertising to your current customers by showing them products and services that relate to their specific needs. ABM is influenced by things like their past orders, their overall buying intent, and how they most like to be engaged.

Think of it almost as a kind of personalized marketing strategy for each individual account.

It's somewhat similar to the idea of market segmentation, as well. That is the process of breaking down and classifying your customers into smaller subgroups based on their needs and demographics.

It also works to directly target the decision-makers and buyers behind each account.

Essentially, the goal of account-based marketing isn't just to collect as many random leads as you can.

Instead, it's to show the right kinds of content to the most specific audience possible -- that you already know has a need for what you're showing them.

Often, you'll need to create customer avatars and personas to help you to connect the right buyer profiles with the best products for them. So, you can expect to do a lot of research, as well as to do with some serious trial and error at the start.

However, the payoff is huge and well worth the effort.

In fact, nearly 85% of marketing professionals state that ABM is more effective than their other marketing tactics.

Why Account-Based Marketing Works

Now that you have a better understanding of what account marketing is, let's talk more about why using these tactics is such an important part of your overall marketing strategy.

Read on to learn why there's no time like the present to start using account-based marketing tactics.

Leverage the Power of Personalization

Did you know that personalizing an email can increase your open rates by up to 20%?

After all, how likely are you to take the time to open, let alone read through fully, a generic message that you know was sent to hundreds of other people?

When you take the time to get personal, as well as to address in the body of an ad's text the specific needs and concerns of a client? You greatly increase your chances of doing business with them.

Your customers will feel much more like a priority, and you can prove to them that you've taken the time to get to know their pain points -- and the possible solutions you can offer.

Shorten Your Overall Sales Cycle

You're already well aware that the overall length of your sales cycle has a huge impact on not only your sales and revenue but also on your marketing strategy as a whole.

Account-based marketing tactics help to shorten the sales cycle.

First and foremost, they work because you're talking to the primary decision maker of a lead or current client. This means your message isn't just less likely to get lost in translation. It also means that the "yes or no" can happen much more quickly.

You'll also be able to reach those primary decision makers on the channels that, based on past research, you know they prefer to use.

In addition to helping you to keep your sales cycle as short as possible?

The chances are good that the impact of account-based marketing can help you to increase your overall order size, as well.

Your Strategies Are Informed by Hard Data

Yes, it's certainly important to get to know your individual clients on a personal, more abstract level.

After all, this kind of knowledge is what often helps you to develop and deliver effective and creative and brand-focused ad campaigns and content for your blog.

But if you really want to increase your sales revenue and outpace your competitors?

You also need tactics that are driven by data and analytics.

With account-based marketing, that's exactly what you'll get.

Plus, not only will your numbers improve.

This will also help to strengthen the relationship between your sales team and your marketing professionals. This means you'll be more likely to upsell, and that each team will help to hold the other accountable.

Start Using Account Based Marketing Tactics Today

In addition to helping you to answer the question, "What is account based marketing?"

We also hope that this post has helped you to see why taking advantage of the many account-based marketing tactics is the right idea for businesses of any size and within multiple industries.

When you're ready to start putting these ideas into practice, we invite you to reach out to us to get started.

We can't wait to help you leverage your current clients, connect with higher quality leads, and grow your revenue in the process.

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6 Digital Advertising Trends That Will Continue Into 2019

Chatbots, AI, omnichannel, banner ads - what's going to be the next trend in digital marketing?
Trying to keep up with the latest digital advertising trends is enough to make your virtual head spin. But if you pay close attention you'll quickly spot them and be a step ahead of  your competitors. Dare I say a whole bunch of steps ahead.

This is the number one reason you should stay abreast of the frequent shifts in SEO, content marketing, PPC, and any other methods you use to reach your prospects.

With that said, if you want to see how you can elevate your digital marketing strategy into 2019 and beyond, then, please, keep on reading.

Let's take a look at the advertising trends we'll see carrying over into the next year.

1. Multimedia Ads Take Over

It all began in 2017 - video ads became the norm as more consumers engulfed themselves in online video. And when you think about it, it makes a lot of sense.

On YouTube alone, there are more than 300 hours of video uploaded daily. And 5 billion videos are watched daily. That's a whole lot of multimedia being consumed - shouldn't you have advertisements on these mediums?

What makes multimedia ads profitable is their level of engagement. Consumers simply react better to visual and audio digital advertisements compared to text-only or with a static image. But your best bet is to say your most important bits of information within the first 5 seconds before they can click skip!

2. Influencer Marketing Evolve

This is an age-old tactic advertisers use to get consumers to trust their products. We saw Wheaties do this with Michael Jordan and Nike do it with countless basketball players. Using influencers in your industry to push your brand message and products is clever.

But consumers quickly caught on and the effect has decreased conversion rates. Consumers today are savvier and want brands that are real - not trying to advertise. This is why 83% of people trust their peers and 70% of adults trust non-celeb vloggers/bloggers over celebrities.

So if you're going to use influencer marketing, make sure they're relatable and connected to your target audience.

3. Omnichannel Marketing Takes Front and Center

Consumers are using a variety of tools to access the content they want. They're on smartphones, tablets, TVs, desktops, laptops, and even AI assistants.

These all play a role in how consumers shop and purchase products online and in the store. The only way to capture and keep the attention of your target customers is to be everywhere they are. And to implement digital advertising that's consistent everywhere they go - online and offline.

For example, you can make the coupons you send customers in emails usable inside your stores. And once a customer buys a product from your store, they can receive texts or emails with offers on related items.

There are many ways you can make omnichannel work for your digital advertising efforts.

4. Landing Pages Take Flight

Where will your customers land after clicking on your digital advertisements? If you're sending them to your homepage or anywhere else that isn't featuring a specific product or deal, then your conversions will suffer.

This is what makes landing pages a must-have. Many brands jumped aboard this digital advertising trend over the past few years. And it's the reason why we see so many landing pages surfacing throughout the web.

Landing pages or squeeze pages are beneficial when it's tied to an advert that's specific. For example, if the ad is for an e-book or seminar for building backlinks, then the landing page should give more details about that specific product.

By crafting your landing pages with lists of benefits, testimonials, product videos, and multiple calls to action, you can really boost your conversation rates.

5. Amazon PPC Goes Head to Head with Google

And it's not just Google that Amazon is going after - it's Facebook too. If you're not already advertising on the next leading search engine (Amazon), then now's a great time to start.

Roughly 56% of US, UK, French and German shoppers are searching on Amazon for products. These individuals are bypassing Google to look for the deals they want.

This says a lot about how you should tailor your marketing campaigns. The idea is to display your ads where your target audience will be. And if you have products on Amazon or only on your own site, you can buy ads there to direct the traffic to your landing page (hopefully, you set one up!).

6. The New & Improved Outstream Video

Never heard of outstream video? Well, you're not completely alone. Only 77% of agencies are already having success using it (sarcasm implied). Needless to say, if you're not already using this tool, then you're already behind.

This is a new way you can display video ads outside of a video player. For example, you can have your video ad playing in text line breaks or the corner of a web page.

No longer do you have to stick with running ads before or during a video. If you want your ads to stick out (no pun intended) and eliminate the need to compete with limited placements, this is the way to go.

You can already find this used on sites like Forbes and Washington Post. It gives you expanded reach and targets those who enter a site, not just those who click play on a video.

Implement the Latest Digital Advertising Trends

Wow, that's a lot to digest, I know. The great news is we can help you utilize this information to develop an emotionally driven advertising campaign that connects with your audience on a relatable human level and drives results. And by results, I mean better branding, traffic, and conversions.. Because at EraserFarm have consumer emotion down to a science.

If you're currently looking for a way to enhance your marketing efforts, give us a shout and contact us!

Understanding psychology - EraserFarm Blog

Understanding Psychology in Advertising

Did you know that you are often secretly coerced into your buying decisions? We're about to expose the techniques advertisers use on you each day.

Understanding psychology, as used in advertising, will take the control away from advertisers and put it back in your hands. Keep reading to find out how.

Psychological Persuasion in Advertising

There are two varieties of persuasion methods used in advertising. One type appeals to logic and the other to our emotions.

Research and reading reviews evoke logical persuasion. Colors, sex appeal, music, and stories persuade through our emotions. Emotional persuasion bypasses logic, and we make decisions based on emotion.

Here are some of the significant ways that advertisers use persuasion on you.


People feel obligated to give back to those that give them something. Advertisers use this method by giving away freebies. They're banking on you buying something from them in return.

Imagine this, you're shopping at your local grocery store, and a nice person is handing out samples. Have you ever felt like you should buy one of the products that are being sampled out?

Another example of this in action is a waitress bringing you a mint with your bill. Subconsciously, you will feel obligated in return to tip her. This simple act can increase tips by 3% to 14%.


If a person believes that they will lose out on something they value, they are more likely to buy it. The scarcity tactic used in limited-time offers, short-term sales, and one-of-a-kind items.


Perceived experts are more likely to influence.

Displaying a diploma on the wall, posting certifications, or wearing a uniform are some examples of this method at work. Stating expertise in introductions is a practical use of authority influence in marketing.


People like to stay consistent in life, doing things that they have previously done. Many sales techniques exploit this principle. By asking potential customers to do one small thing, they are more likely to say yes to a larger request next time.

Jewelry salespeople use this by asking a shopper to try on a ring. A door to door salesperson might ask the homeowner to hold something for them as the first step to a more significant request. Asking for what seems like a simple favor is psychologically the door opener to bigger requests.


We're more likely to buy from people we like. We like people who compliment us, are similar to us, and those who are cooperative.

Asking personal questions to get to know a customer, or finding a common interest, is a great way to get people to like you. Giving a genuine compliment is another way. In marketing, this should take place before making negotiations or requests to buy.

Blogging is one way that potential customers can discover if they have common interests or can relate to you.

Consensus or Social Proof

Understanding psychology in advertising includes learning the consensus principle. On the internet, we call it social proof. It suggests that most people will follow what the majority of others do.

Consider this scenario. You go to the store to buy something that you're vaguely familiar with. Once you get there, you have to choose between several versions of the product.

One version is almost gone, and the rest fully stocked. Would you pick the version that most people have chosen, thinking that it must be better than the others?

Online, this tactic can be applied by including relevant studies that your target market can relate to. These suggest that they should do the same. Reviews and testimonials are two more forms of social proof in advertising.

Repeated Exposure

For the public to immediately recognize a brands logo or image they must be exposed to it over and over. Thus, the need for advertising. Repeated exposure is often referred to as branding.

Studies show that we prefer recognizable brands. In fact, this was proven with MRI scans and logos. Strong recognition activates the areas of our brains associated with positive emotions.

Once you feel that you "know" a brand, you're more likely to buy from them, even if their products are more expensive. You put more trust in brands you know as well.

Classic Conditioning

Our article on understanding psychology as it relates to advertising wouldn't be complete without talking about conditioning. This marketing principle is widely used on and offline.

When you relate one thing to another automatically, you're experiencing the conditioning effect. Car companies often use this technique in their advertising.

For example, they present an ad that shows a car driven by a young, successful man. Viewers come to associate that model of car with youth and success.

The same thing happens when a celebrity endorses a product. The public associates that product with celebrity status.

Understanding Psychology in Color

Color is another persuasion method. Businesses use color to influence appetite, change moods, and alter public perception.

Up to 90% of impulsive buying decisions are based on color. Who knew that color could have such a significant influence on purchases?

Men and women are persuaded by colors differently, although both prefer blue. Products that are gender specific aim for gender preferred colors.

Understanding psychology of color is easy. Here are some examples. We'll show their subconscious meanings and the companies that use them in their logos.


Red increases blood pressure, heart rate, and appetite. It grabs attention and leads to quick buying decisions. Red makes you think of stopping and discount sales.

Some companies that take advantage of red in their logos are Coke, Netflix, and YouTube.


Pink stands for sweetness, fun, and youth. It is calming and inspires feelings of comfort. Lighter shades of pink represent romance and delicacy. It's often associated with candy and pastries.

Mattel and T-Mobile use shades of pink in their logos.


This color is energetic and fun, although long periods of exposure to it can cause aggression.

Nickelodeon and Home Depot's logos are orange.


Yellow is the first color processed by the human eye and draws attention. It's no wonder that McDonalds and Denny's use it in their logos.


The color green is relaxing. It represents health, nature, freshness, and money. Whole Foods and Starbucks use it in their branding.


Blue is a favorite among adults. It's also liked by both men and women the same. It evokes a sense of trust and security.

Two companies successfully incorporating blue into their branding are Facebook and Wal-Mart.


Purple has always been a sign of royalty. Wisdom, luxury, creativity, and imagination are other characteristics associated with it.

Taco Bell and the Syfy Network use purple in their logos.


Black is bold and official. It signifies luxury, sophistication, and high status. It goes well with any other color.

Uber and Nike are well-known companies that have black logos.

Now What?

For consumers, knowing the secret ways that advertisers use psychology on you will help you make better buying decisions.

Understanding psychology principles for marketing could help you sell your products or services better too. If you need help with that, contact us for a consultation.

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Digital Advertising Strategies that can work wonders

The digital market is a new frontier for most marketers. Although digital advertising has grown tremendously within the last decade, many companies still don't have a solid digital marketing strategy.

Research shows that more and more consumers are making their purchasing decisions online. Nowadays, the moment a user lands on your website or sees your ad, they are a potential customer.

It's up to your marketing team to create a comprehensive marketing strategy that converts users into customers.

In this guide, we'll highlight some advertising strategies that will boost your revenue.

Learn Your Platform

The best thing you can do as an advertiser is to learn your platform. Social media advertising has grown in popularity but it doesn't work for everyone.

Old-school pay-per-click advertising works wonders for others. On the other hand, search advertising converts the most leads into customers for certain companies.

The online platform matters because you need a platform that speaks to your target consumer. Search advertising is great for companies that have a product or service that most people search for online.

For example, a maid service benefits from search advertising. Most people don't know they need a maid service until something happens.

Once the search begins, they look for the most reputable businesses in the area. If you provide a business or service people don't know that they need, search advertising is a great outlet.

For more conventional retailers i.e. restaurants and clothing stores, pay-per-click (PPC) is probably more effective. Search advertising is part of PPC, but all those ads on a website are also part of the PPC network.

Website ads require a bit more research because the web owner and advertisers have to make sure their audience and needs align.

Bidding for ad space on a site your demographic enjoys will really impact your conversion and click-through rates.

The product/service placement makes sense because it aligns with the site's mission and demographic ex. sporting goods equipment on a hunting site. Users won't view the content as spammy and it'll pique their interest. Interest=clicks.

Social media advertising is great for new and innovative products. Startup businesses love social media because advertising is relatively inexpensive and the platform does most of the work for them.

Platforms like Facebook have users share information about themselves to curate their online experience. All you have to do is select your demographic.

Now, social media campaigns are more detailed and require more research but the idea of innovation is the same. Social media users are unique and they're looking for unique products.

Research Your Consumer

Your team can pump out a million advertising campaigns, but without the right research, you're wasting time and money.

It's amazing to see the number of companies that don't understand the true needs and wants of their customers. If your digital advertising strategies don't connect to your audience, they won't spend money with your company.

Use web performance metrics to track page visits, search terms, top search engines, bounce rates, an average visit duration. These are just a few metrics that help you gauge your customer's behavior.

The unique visitor metric tracks a customer's IP address to track their visits to the website. Another tip is to engage your customers with online surveys and polls. Have them tell you what they want to see and what they need.

Once you've identified your customer's "personality" start doing some A/B testing with your web campaigns. You can change little things like font/size or redesign the entire page.

A/B testing is another metric that helps with web optimization and research. Pay special attention to the conversion and drop-off rates.

You can use this information to set reasonable goals for your advertising strategies.

SEO is a big part of digital advertising and keyword research is the centerpiece of SEO. Use your AdWords account to add PPC keywords, identify negative keywords, and optimize landing pages.

Only bid on keywords that perform well for your site. Zero in on methods that work.

Get Creative with Your Advertising Strategies

Nobody wants to see a boring advertising campaign, especially on the internet. A digital campaign will help you flex your creativity button. Get your graphic designers and UI/UX designers on board.

Create a campaign that's not only eye-catching but also user-friendly. You will also need to optimize your images for mobile sites.

You can also use a digital campaign to revamp the company's image. Switch up the logo or add a mascot, create some visual interest.

People have short attention spans, so your digital campaign needs to be vibrant. Adding graphics like gifs, memes, and other fun digital effects. Experimenting with different visuals will help your campaign stand out.

Google notices your creative efforts and it will also improve your search ranking.

Hire a Content Marketing Agency

Sometimes, it's hard for you to know what your company's advertising sector needs. Members of your marketing team may be laser-focused on areas that don't need that much attention.

They may have a hard time understanding the changes that need to be made.

That's where a content marketing agency steps in. They can offer a comprehensive and objective review of your company's advertising strategies.

Content agencies also stay up-to-date with the newest digital trends and Google updates. They can bring some new and exciting suggestions to the table.

Finding the right content marketing agency will take some work. You want a firm that pays special attention to your marketing goals and industry needs.

Eraser Farm

At Eraser Farm, we pride ourselves on being digital experts that focus on the human element and the emotional aspect of marketing.

We develop concepts that speak to your consumers' minds and hearts.

We utilize strategy and neuromarketing techniques to help us pinpoint powerful emotions that will connect with consumers. Techniques such as eye tracking that helps us recognize the methods that grab the user's attention.

Combining biometrics and tried and true research methods is a unique approach to advertising that drives results.

Curious? That’s an emotion we love. Check out some of our work and contact us today!

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Benefits of Native Advertising for Ecommerce Promotion

It's official: companies are now spending more on digital ads than traditional ads. If you're running an e-commerce company, this might seem like a no-brainer. But if you're unaware of the benefits of native advertising, you might be spending your money in the wrong places.

Native advertising allows you to get more traffic by creating ads that look similar to the content people are looking for on a given site. By designing your ads to fit the style of native content, you'll allow potential clients to happen upon your e-commerce services in a natural way.

If you're curious as to how you can improve your digital ad strategies, check out these 5 benefits of native advertising that can help your company grow.

1. Get More Attention

The way that digital advertising trends have grown in the last 10 years has left flashy ads with too many colors behind. While a flashing rainbow of colors can attract the eye, in the context of most internet applications, it's usually out of place.

Users will decide to click on something that fits their style and sits within the kind of content they're looking at.

If you go in trying to sell something desperately, you'll turn off potential clients. You need to first be offering something of value or use to your clients. Even if there's a little icon clearly marking your content as an ad, they will still take a look at your ad because you've been transparent.

Honesty is the best way to get the attention of your potential customers. It's the one emotion that explains why we love social media and user-generated content so much.

2. Fewer Failure Points

One of the benefits of native advertising is that it's not intended to break a user's engagement with the app that they're in. Rather than having ads that are out of place or interrupt a user's flow, native advertising keeps things moving.

While a user is engaged in an app, they'll have time to consider the offer you're making to them and will be able to jump back into your ad at their convenience.

Both the ad publisher and brands benefit from native advertising. By carefully studying the analytics, demographics, and user base of an app, you can promote your e-commerce business to the people who need you the most. Without taking the time to study who your potential user base could be, you could be wasting energy.

Native advertising eliminates some of the most common points fo failure to help you get your point across.

3. Impressions Will Improve

Native ads could drive up to three-quarters of all ad revenue in the coming years. As advertisers use increasingly clever tactics for engagement, they are able to pique user interest without interrupting the consumption of content.

With smarter analytics tracking and newer technology, users can be targeted more accurately. As wearables and mobile devices pick up more information about users, native advertising will be integrated into the daily lives of your potential customers. They'll start seeing the value of this data collection as they'll no longer be inundated with ads that mean nothing to them.

One of the benefits of native advertising is that they can be combined with other data strategies to give users more than they could have imagined. It could also increase the return on investment for companies, sharing that value across the board.

4. They Aim To Be Unintrusive

The efficiency of native advertising is unmatched by almost any other advertising format. Because ads blend in with the background, they will only be aimed at those who are possibly interested while still being available to all users. They will no longer take up precious screen space that has caused ad blindness.

As more companies combat ad blindness, we will see new ways for e-commerce companies to promote their products.

Poor advertising etiquette will cause users to delete apps from their phones and never trust your company again. You'll struggle to win them back because once a user decides to work with your company, it's twice as hard to get them back if they get burned.

And with the increased usage of ad-blocking technology that's available for mobile and desktop browsers, ads will have to find new ways into user space. By creating useful content that feels comfortably fit into the space of the apps they're already using will keep them out of customer's faces will still remaining available.

5. Better Customer Targeting

For larger e-commerce sites, it's important to be able to run multiple campaigns at once. You might have a regular campaign that's open to all users while you have an overstock of a certain product that's targeted at a unique market.

One of the benefits of native advertising is the ability to run both campaigns at once. For a general use social media app, you might want to be able to run ads for every user to see. But if you get that particular user who you want to target with a special promotion, you want to be able to show them the content relevant to them.

Thankfully, with the richer amount of data available from users, you'll be able to target exactly the customers you want. If you're buying ad space on a fitness app, you can sell fitness gear to anyone. If someone is clicking around for smoothie recipes, you could aim your ads for blenders right at them.

The Benefits of Native Advertising Are Endless

Native advertising will grow and change as devices and their requisite user interactions change. You'll be able to keep yourself out of the way of users while giving users who are actually looking for your products the value of being in touch. The future of native advertising has much to reveal and as our understanding of data manipulation changes, there's sure to be more to come.

If you're ready to start using native advertising for your business, contact us to get started today.

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How to Find the Best Tampa Advertising Agency

Deciding to hire an advertising agency is a big step for your company. The results that can come from a campaign crafted by industry experts can mean big growth for your business.

It's an exciting proposition, but also a daunting one.

There are many advertising agencies in Tampa. The Tampa Bay Business Journal's list of largest Tampa ad agencies included 31 names, and there's plenty of others who didn't make the list.

With so many options, it can be tough to narrow down your search. But maybe we can help. Here are some tips on how to find the best Tampa ad agency. The one that’s right for your company.

Know What Your Business Needs

Deciding to find an advertising and marketing agency isn't as simple as waking up and realizing you need to work with one.

If you're interested in working with an ad agency, it's likely that there are specific reasons your company needs outside help.

Some small businesses don't have their own marketing department, so they outsource the work. Larger businesses might have in-house staff but want to add help for a massive campaign. Sometimes a company needs a unique specialization, such as animation or search engine optimization.

In order to find the best Tampa ad agency for your business, you must evaluate your company, its goals, and the work you want to be done.

Evaluate Your Business

Smart business owners will frequently evaluate the state of the company.

What do you do well? Where are their deficiencies?

A common method of evaluation is to perform a SWOT analysis. This analysis looks at the strengths and weaknesses of the company, as well as the external opportunities and threats.

An analysis like this can reveal the source of hindrances to your success. With that knowledge, you can properly allocate resources to make effective, efficient changes.

Company Goals

After evaluation, you need to decide what exactly you hope a partnership with a Tampa ad agency would accomplish.

Do you want more people to know about your brand? Do you want to sell a specific product? Do you want to effect societal change over a particular issue?

It's important to concentrate on your end goals before focusing on how to accomplish them. A common mistake businesses make is acting without considering what those actions will accomplish.

By having a focus on the end goals, it's easier to realize which actions will be the most effective. This will help when deciding what services to seek from an agency.


Getting work done by an ad agency does come at a price.

It's important to know how much your company can afford to spend to find a great fit. The top names in advertising will cost more than smaller, less experienced firms. And often, you get what you pay for.

That said, there are quality ad agencies of all sizes to fit any budget. The size of the agency isn't as important as the size of their ideas.

Understand Agency Specialties and Strengths

Your search for a Tampa ad agency will likely start where most searches do: Your favorite search engine.

This process will present you with many options. Make a list of names and websites to check out, and begin the process of narrowing things down.

It can seem at first that they all mush together. But the reality is that each agency is unique and presents something different.


This is where it's valuable to know exactly what type of work your business is looking for.

If you have many different needs, you'll want to find full-service agencies. These well-rounded agencies are typically larger and more expensive. But they can take care of everything from traditional advertising to marketing and public relations.

If you have a specific need, it might make more sense to go with a specialized firm. Some agencies are experts at video production, while others might be great at securing media coverage. Many focus on the digital aspects of marketing, such as social media, website management, and SEO.

Both full-service and niche agencies can get you great results, so find the one that best suits your needs and your budget.


Along with the services they offer, some agencies can be categorized by their industry.

These firms work exclusively on projects revolving around a certain field. The medical, real estate and automotive industries are among the areas that a Tampa ad agency might specialize in.

Industry-specific ad agencies are experts in those fields. They're knowledgeable of the nuances, best practices, and legal issues unique to that area.

If you find an agency that works in your niche, they would be a good option to consider. And if they don't fit your business, they're an easy name to cross off.

Research Work

You're not only looking for service options. You're also looking for quality of work.

Luckily, most agency websites include a collection of past work. Don't hesitate to browse through their work samples and see what they have to offer.

You should look at the general quality of the work, as well as the success of the projects. Also, pay attention to style and tone -- You want the personality of the agency to sync up with your company's.

Looking at past work also gives you an opportunity to see which businesses have contracted with the agency before. If large, successful companies are on the client list, it might be a good indication of quality and reliability.

Look for a Partner

Your relationship with the Tampa ad agency you choose should be an in-depth affair.

It isn't as simple as running to Wal-Mart, grabbing a bag of chips, and checking out at the counter. You aren't just buying a one-size-fits-all item.

The best agencies don't look at the companies they work for as merely clients. They see them as partners.

Crafting a strong marketing message requires a deep understanding of your company. To do that, the agency and the company need to build a relationship.

A healthy marriage between the two parties will result in better work. It will also pave the way for additional projects and opportunities in the future.

When searching for a Tampa ad agency, look for one that is enthusiastic to build a meaningful, long-term relationship with your business. 

Find a Tampa Ad Agency

If you're looking for a Tampa ad agency, we invite you to check out EraserFarm.

At EraserFarm, we're feverishly dedicated to research and strategy that leads us to the most innovative, emotionally charged, creative ideas. Want to start a project or just touch base with us? Contact us today.

two men at conference room table

The Secret to a Great Agency + Client Relationship

How many times have you heard that? That there’s no “I” in team. The reality is you rarely accomplish something solo. The people around you–whether working directly or indirectly–give you the strength to forge forward and create, develop, and build.

Agency teams and client marketing departments are no different. The relationships that are formed with these two entities are paramount to successful outputs.  Working together, relying on each other and having the ability to remain honest and direct is a solid recipe for positive, brand building results. 

I remember several years ago when I was client side, I just hired an ad agency to manage one of the brands I was handling. Sales for this particular brand had been declining for quite some time, and we needed a different approach for a saturated category. Something that would break through and create the level of awareness the brand hadn’t seen in awhile. The first round of creative ideas tanked. Way off strategy, and not at all differentiating enough to make the impact we needed. Not an easy conversation to have with people you truly enjoy working with. The agency was great, and our relationship with them was even greater. Imagine telling your best friend that the new outfit she was so happy to be wearing, looked ridiculous on her. That’s the position I was in.

Because I knew the agency could do better–because I knew I could rely on them to work with me and my team to create the breakthrough messaging the brand needed–I had the conversation with them. And, it went great. Together we were able to re-concept a phenomenal branding and traffic driving campaign that helped elevate brand awareness and put the company back on track. Last I checked in, the brand was doing double digits in comparable store sales. Pretty amazing.

So it goes without saying that relying on your team, your partner, your boss, your co-worker, or anyone for that matter to accomplish your goals, is a necessary part of being successful. You’re never alone in anything that you do if you just look around.  There is always someone right there ready to lend a hand.

– Cindy Haynes